You were told that many have already fled Planet Earth. They have technology that is beyond your imagination. This was deliberately kept from the masses. Only the clones remain in most cases. Many more hoped to go but were rejected. This is the end game that you have been preparing for. Just because the media do not tell you, does not mean that it is not happening. They have been stockpiling gold for years in preparation for this mass exodus. They had to be prepared in case their scheme for the New World Order did not go according to plan. Because so many good people were prepared to share information with those wise enough to listen and take note, their plans to take-over your planet have been scuppered.
Monday, 10 December 2012
Montague Keen - December 9, 2012
You were told that many have already fled Planet Earth. They have technology that is beyond your imagination. This was deliberately kept from the masses. Only the clones remain in most cases. Many more hoped to go but were rejected. This is the end game that you have been preparing for. Just because the media do not tell you, does not mean that it is not happening. They have been stockpiling gold for years in preparation for this mass exodus. They had to be prepared in case their scheme for the New World Order did not go according to plan. Because so many good people were prepared to share information with those wise enough to listen and take note, their plans to take-over your planet have been scuppered.
Montague Keen December 9 2012
Matthew Ward - December 10, 2012
Seasonal emotions; benevolent resolutions to current unrest; Dec 12 and 21 effects; Earth's ascension process; souls "partnering" with descendents; accomplishments toward Golden Age
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Always this season of various religious observances and celebrations in your world comes with intensified and mixed emotions. Those who are thriving feel grateful for the blessings in their lives and they enjoy merriment with family and friends; those who are alone or grieving or are hungry and penniless more keenly feel their lot in life. It is joyous for us to see that in this season of “good tidings to all,” so many caring, warmhearted souls reach out to help those who are needful.
Matthew Ward December 10 2012
SaLuSa, December 10, 2012
We hope that every person that is aware of the significance of 12.12. is making preparations to bring the new energy in. It will affect everyone to some extent anyway, but it is far better if you take steps to partake of it knowingly. What you will be doing is not just to help your own upliftment, but ground the energies for others to benefit from including Mother Earth. With your awareness and focus upon the energies, you should feel the result of them passing into your body. Light headedness would be normal and a feeling of intense peace and calmness. Enjoy it and know that you have been lifted up to a new level of consciousness, that is one which should remain with you.
SaLuSa December 10 2012
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Sheldan Nidle - December 4, 2012
10 Akbal, 11 Yaxk'in, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! At present, your reality is approaching the immutable date in late December of your Gregorian calendar. This is the time when your reality is to be rid of any alternate timelines, which until now have been used by your dark cabal to manipulate your reality. This riddance creates the means for the Light to transform your world. This transformation will be preceded by the introduction of new governance and a new financial system for your planet. This flurry of activity leads to a formal disclosure announcement of our benevolent presence and the opportunity for us to broadcast vital information to you regarding the upcoming mass landings and your return to full consciousness. This stream of revelations will include broadcasts from the Agarthans concerning the nature of Gaia as a living Being and of your true history going back to the settling of Lemuria some 900,000 years ago. This knowledge will help put into context why you are being returned to your natural state of full consciousness and will prepare you for your coming reunion with the Agarthans of Inner Earth.
Sheldan Nidle December 4 2012
SaLuSa, December 5, 2012
With only days to go to the first part of your experience of a powerful upliftment, we urge you to try and arrange to be free on the 12th. and able to relax and enjoy it. As a key moment in your Ascension process, it is one to be totally aware of and remembered for the intensity of the energy. It is not that every person will have an identical experience, but if you are prepared for it you will be left with some memory of the changes within. Some of you will wake up from your sleep before 11.11 Universal time, and will be able to have full awareness of what is taking place. Others will sleep through it, yet may have vivid dreams when the energies are at work. However, all will receive the energies and benefit from them regardless of their conscious state at the time.
SaLuSa December 5 2012
Monday, 3 December 2012
Sheldan Nidle - November 27, 2012
3 Cib, 4 Yaxk'in, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! At present, we continue in blackout mode. We are busy establishing oversight committees to guide our Earth allies' organizations that are responsible for promulgating the new financial and monetary systems for your new realm. These committees will remain active only for the first six to nine months after the new systems come into force. The fiat financial systems still holding sway around your world are getting closer to collapse. The overwhelming debt accrued by your dark cabal is impinging more and more on the system's day-to-day operations. An enormous charade is being perpetrated for public consumption, by referencing only the amount of debt legally allowed to be carried on the books; in fact, this stated amount is about one quarter of the actual total debt. Your global economy is sliding quickly into the next series of crises that are to unravel it forever. Our earthly allies have wisely slid the new system into a position where it can take over when the 'death fall' happens. This death fall of your financial system will propel the cabal-controlled governments out of power.
Sheldan Nidle - November 27
Montague Keen - December 2, 2012
Veronica my dear, you can see it all around you now: people waking up. They are refusing to accept what they had blindly accepted in the past. The Stand for Justice in so many countries is gaining strength. There is a determination to support their fellow human beings who have been so badly treated while the world turned a blind eye. No more will this situation be allowed to carry on. The bully boys now find themselves isolated and alone. They are having great difficulty coming to terms with the new situation.
Montague Keen December 2 2012
SaLuSa, December 3, 2012
Did you think that the 21st. December would ever come around, and now here it is on your doorstep. There are still empowerments to come before the special day, and each and every one of you planning to ascend should be perfectly ready. Have you yet realised the importance of your part in Ascension, and what an amazing occasion it is going to be. Can you comprehend what is taking place throughout the Universe, and the great changes of magnificent proportions. What powers can wield such command over the elements and all that is. Dear Ones it is no less than God who decreed that Ascension would take place at this time. The experiment of duality has run its course and you have experienced it, and come out of it with flying colours. You have not yet realised what a wonderful achievement you have made, yet in the end it was always known you would succeed.
SaLuSa December 3 2012
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Sirian Message on 2012, Social, Economic and Physical Earth Changes.
Sirian Message on 2012, Social, Economic and Physical Earth Changes.
James Gilliland
These social economic and physical earth changes were given Nov. 30th 2012
They are what are on the books now and can be avoided by changes in the collective consciousness, divine intervention or individual choice. They are not given to promote fear and all parties are to be held harmless from any decisions or actions concerning this information. We are living in fluid times, events and timing can change yet if we don’t get busy changing our destiny what is presently on the books will manifest. Be well

The first topic will be the power grid. It is seen to take a series of hits in 4 weeks with a series of computer failures as the beginning followed by the entire grid collapsing. This is due to solar activity and the magnetic pole shift now occurring. Water and sewage pumps will not be working, ATMs will not be working. Most businesses that depend on power will not be working. Even gas pumps will not be pumping unless they have a back up system. Alternative means of generating electricity are already on the planet that can provide all your needs cleanly, efficiently and in some cases fueless. These need to be released and put in place immediately
James Gilliland,
Sirian Message
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