Dratzo! We come again with more to tell you. Your world continues to fluctuate between the attempts of the West to spark a conflict capable of stemming the global changes which threaten the powerbase of the dark cabal, and the intent of Russia to force a new reality upon the West. This dynamic has ebbed and flowed during the whole of the last decade. And yet even when this strange power game approaches a point reminiscent of the start of World War I, it then recedes from this dire eventuality. The Agarthan's liaison teams have also been very successful in defusing the situation in the Middle East. Nevertheless, this ongoing process of brinkmanship demonstrates the importance of bringing this volatile situation to a close. Heaven assures us that this constant political bickering is simply the last throes of a type of diplomacy long used by the Western states and that no conflict is to result from it. Indeed, the coming divine intervention is going to transform this whole sorry mess. Meanwhile, more legal ammunition continues to be gathered for use against the cabal in the World Courts. The momentum for 'accountability' accelerates by the day, increasing the numbers of those already, and about to be, arrested.
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Sheldan Nidle - May 21, 2013
Dratzo! We come again with more to tell you. Your world continues to fluctuate between the attempts of the West to spark a conflict capable of stemming the global changes which threaten the powerbase of the dark cabal, and the intent of Russia to force a new reality upon the West. This dynamic has ebbed and flowed during the whole of the last decade. And yet even when this strange power game approaches a point reminiscent of the start of World War I, it then recedes from this dire eventuality. The Agarthan's liaison teams have also been very successful in defusing the situation in the Middle East. Nevertheless, this ongoing process of brinkmanship demonstrates the importance of bringing this volatile situation to a close. Heaven assures us that this constant political bickering is simply the last throes of a type of diplomacy long used by the Western states and that no conflict is to result from it. Indeed, the coming divine intervention is going to transform this whole sorry mess. Meanwhile, more legal ammunition continues to be gathered for use against the cabal in the World Courts. The momentum for 'accountability' accelerates by the day, increasing the numbers of those already, and about to be, arrested.
Sheldan Nidle May 21 2013
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Montague Keen - 19 May, 2013
It has now become obvious to all, just how desperate the Cabal is, at this time. They are attacking from every angle, all those who seek to bring light to your world. Be aware and alert. They are fighting for their survival and so they seek to destroy anyone who might question their plans. Time is running out for those who still refuse to see the light, whether through fear or ignorance.
Montague Keen 19 May 2013
Friday, 17 May 2013
Sheldan Nidle - May 14, 2013
2 Kan, 12 Moan, 9 Eb
Sheldan Nidle May 14 2013
Matthew Ward - May 12, 2013
Higher perspective of Earth; violence, duality; CIA, Boston marathon bombing; Zionist movement; UFO hearings; climate changing
We know it is difficult for you to feel elated about Earth being in fourth density when violence still has a firm place in your world, and you wonder where the promised Golden Age is.
Earth crossed the threshold of her Golden Age when she entered the safe harbor of fourth density almost six months ago, but many of her residents who accompanied her have not reached that density in spiritual and conscious awareness. So it is understandable if you feel discouraged by what appears to be little progress toward a peaceful world.
Matthew Ward May 12 2013
Montague Keen - 12 May, 2013
Yes, my dear, it is wonderful news. The Irish people came together in a massive show of solidarity. The event, Darkness into Light, was a huge success: with 40,000 people coming together to welcome the Light. This is what we had been waiting for and hoped for. This is just the beginning. Expect the energy from this one event to enlighten and encourage others to welcome the light of truth and take back your power.
Montague Keen 12 May 2013
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Pleiadian Message via Bella Capozzi: Angels In Human Form
Pleiadian Message via Bella Capozzi: Angels In Human Form
As channeled by Bella Capozzi – May 1, 2013
Greetings, beloved brethren: You are each precious angels in human form. You are here with a purpose, each and every one – a purpose most unique and unlike that of any other. You are on earth as representatives of the many cultures and races who watch you with avid fascination. You are a diverse community at the the very least. With the dismantling of the veil, this diversity and it’s accompanying intricacies are being gradually revealed to you along with your memories, your contractual obligations, your origins and the true facts about your history.
Disclosure Hearing: Boots on the Ground?
Written by Kerry Cassidy
Today was the first day of the hearing on disclosure here in Washington DC just blocks away from Congress and the White House. This is a historical occasion and it could easily go unnoticed unless you, the people, pick this up and make it go viral!
The former members of Congress are stepping up in a big way to take on the witness testimony and branch out into subjects that will have the intel and greater secret government, at the very least, shifting 'uncomfortably in their seats'. Contrary to the game plan these members are pushing the envelope and most of the witnesses are willingly obliging with the goods, the real evidence of visitation, interaction and more. This has to have some people here on the hill a bit nervous. This is a good thing.
Disclosure Hearing,
Kerry Cassidy
Citizen Disclosure Hearing Covered in the Toronto Star
UFO Believers Invade Washington
True believers in aliens at this week’s Citizen Hearing on Disclosure have never brought their cause so near to the seat of ultimate power.
Researcher Robert Dolan told a panel Tuesday, believe that “black-budget” government intelligence agencies are operating with technologies “three decades ahead of the rest of the world” that may explain some, if not all, of the phenomena of extraterrestrials. Above, a clip from the 1956 film Earth vs. The Flying Saucers.
WASHINGTON—As close encounters go, this one has it all — an unprecedented week of seemingly official hearings in the very heart of Washington, jammed with spine-tingling top-secret accounts of the extraterrestrial kind.
From Roswell, Area 51 and Britain’s mysterious Rendlesham Forest Incident to the silent hovering craft that once disabled 10 Minuteman missiles in North Dakota, it’s all coming out.
Sheldan Nidle - April 30, 2013
1 Oc, 18 Kank'in, 9 Eb
Selamat Balik! We come again! Everywhere, your world is shifting quietly toward its divine transformation. Heaven continues to prepare for the sacred moment when a new reality is to be proclaimed, officially. Agartha is also preparing for this moment by reminding its numerous surface operatives to get ready to reveal publicly who they truly are. Our many liaison teams, as well, are preparing to disclose the work they are doing to bring your new reality into existence. We are also working with the many Ascended Masters to bring each of their secret sacred societies into public view. A unique moment is approaching when you will be able to learn how it was that your entire globe was able to switch so quickly into a new mode of local, regional, and national governance. This changeover will be followed swiftly by a series of special official announcements, and soon thereafter by the instigation of several unprecedented social services, helmed by these same sacred society spokespersons. These programs will be your first official glimpse of what is to come. A new reality is to be born which will include formal announcements about first contact and our benevolent presence.
Sheldan Nidle April 30 2013
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