
Friday, 28 June 2013

The Galactic Federation of Light - 23 June 2013

Good Day!,

My name is Daniel 'Trinity' Jackson. I am a Channel for the Galactic Federation of Light, a Professional Astrologer, Author and Workshop Presenter. I am also known in the Angelic Realm as Derestanne.

The following message was recently sent to me over a period of several days in "installments" by several members of the Galactic Federation of Light. Sanat Kumara was the principal source of this information.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Sheldan Nidle - June 25, 2013

5 Cimi, 14 Kayab, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We arrive today to discuss your prosperity! Throughout your world a massive switchover is underway. Eons ago your reality was usurped by the dark and these ones created a ruling caste of minions who have run your planet for millennia pretty much as they pleased. We come now to tell you that this unruly free hand is over. The Light has not only decreed but also explained fully to all concerned that this world is to make a wholesale shift to the Light and each of you is to be transformed into fully conscious Beings of Light. This will be preceded by a series of special broadcasts which will announce our benevolent presence and explain the reasons for the spread of universal prosperity and freedom which you so richly deserve. 

Monday, 24 June 2013

Montague Keen - June 23, 2013

The plans to attack your internet could not be carried out, as good people shared their information worldwide, thus making it impossible for the Cabal to carry out its plans. It is important that you learn from this experience. Realise that you are not powerless. So many countries were aware of the plans to attack the internet. So the Cabal is finding it increasingly difficult to keep its plans secret.
By cooperating, coming together, and acting as a whole, mankind will survive. You do not need the Cabal for your survival. Their plans for humanity are horrific, but they are being exposed. Together, we can prevent them from carrying them out. Do not be taken in by their fine words, false displays of friendship, and the pretence of working for the good of humanity.

Short Situation Update

Significant progress has been made after the opening the Portal on May 25th.
On the non-physical planes, the final offensive of the Light forces to clear all remaining negative entities has commenced. This offensive will continue until the final and complete liberation of the non-physical planes and the Light forces will not retreat under any circumstances. This offensive is one of the key elements for the planetary liberation and we can compare it with Operation Overlord offensive in 1944 which decided the victory of the Allied forces in World War 2. Although it will still take some time for the liberation to be completed, our victory is assured.

In the subterranean network below the surface of the planet, a process of integration of the Resistance Movement into the Galactic Confederation is taking place. Many different positive cosmic races are building their bases in the deeper portions of the underground network as part of spiritual, cultural and sociological integration process. You need to understand that only about 70 percent of Galactic races are humanoid and there are many exotic forms of life out there. Nevertheless, cosmic Love is the deeper bond which connects all these races, no matter how strange or exotic their physical body or psychological makeup might be. 

This integration process will strengthen cosmic Love and brotherhood between different cosmic races and the Resistance as part of preparations for the First Contact for the surface population which will happen after the Event. The other part of this process will include the appearance of certain members of some of those races on the surface of the planet within this year of 2013. Those appearances may or may not be public. Details about this project must remain classified for now.

Needless to say, there are many projects and operations taking place behind the scenes and hopefully soon there will be results and I will have interesting news.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

SaLuSa 10 June 2013

Things are moving on rapidly for the human consciousness. The cabal is still doing all they can in order to prevent human beings of having their own free will and are still trying to influence the way humanity, on the larger scale, is thinking.

There is still much to be uncovered, but you can now begin to witness the power of truth and of unity at its best. Last week alone, the events that have unravelled would have been unimaginable for you, yet you see that in the space of one week much has already come to light.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Sheldan Nidle - June 18, 2013

7 Kayab, 11 Cauac, 9 Eb
Selamat Jarin! We return with much to discuss. As you can see, your world is still subject to the last fading antics of the old reality. Each passing moment brings the dark cabal closer to its inevitable demise. We watch with compassion as it comes to recognize and grapple with the outcome of its choices: the total collapse of all it has known. Those of our associates involved with this aspect are wrapping up the operation which will render these dark ones powerless and a mere shell of what they once were. The new governance which will succeed the old order is to explain the master plan for change and the approximate schedule, and some of it is likely to astound even those of you who are most informed. 

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Fix The World Documentary Released

"How To Fix The World" documentary has been released. Watch it and share it far and wide! You might want to repost the link to it anywhere possible or even upload it to some other medium except only on Youtube and Vimeo as it was deleted a few times there. Obviously this film has hit a nerve.

The link to the film is here:

Or you can watch directly on Youtube:

You can watch our Weekly Liberation Meditations from 48 to 53 minute mark in part 1. 

Montague Keen - June 16, 2013

Every day, it becomes more obvious to you, why many find it so difficult to wake up. Everything they believed is now shown to be false. Every institution they supported, trusted, and believed in, is now exposed as the opposite of what they were taught it was. They feel that the very fabric of their lives is being torn to shreds, and they are frightened. They want to close their eyes to all of this. This is why they call it "conspiracy"; because it scares them.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Hilarion~June 16-23, 2013

Beloved Ones,
The days that are before you bring deeper connections to the light that is within you. Most of you are now connecting your innate being to Mother Earth on a daily basis and this is helping you to stay grounded in your perceptions of the world around you. There is much that is happening that is helping to create the changes that are necessary to move humanity forward into greater awareness and consciousness. The awakening on a mass level is now occurring and this is something that every soul upon the planet has chosen at their soul level. At soul level, there is oneness of purpose and that is to bring the Earth and all her inhabitants into greater alignment with their glorious destiny.

Short Update about the Spiral Goddess Retreat in Hawaii

Goddess energy is the key to bringing lasting peace to this planet. Our purpose was to anchor the Goddess energy through the Hawaii vortex after the successful opening of the portal on May 25th.

We have been very successful! Against much opposition from the etheric and astral planes, we have managed to anchor the Goddess presence in our bodies. As a result of all energy work that we did, a new balance will be much more easily created between female and male polarities among the surface population of planet Earth and real soulmate relationships will begin to be created. These soulmate relationships will be crucial for the transformation of the non-physical planes which needs to happen before the Event.

Peace is Vital at This Moment – SaLuSa 1 June 2013

Global Peace

Dear ones, we salute your brave courage during this period of intense awakening across your planet.

The cabal is doing all it can to tighten its grip around you and break your spirit. However, the people have the courage of taking to the streets, of supporting each other and of taking their power back from corrupt politicians and corporate cruel interest.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Matthew Ward - June 11, 2013

Turkey; Syria, other mid-eastern countries; China, USA; National Security Agency; Monsanto Protection Act; President Obama; negativity release; nuclear power facilities; nuclear weapons; Bilderberg conference; Canadian Defense Minister, ETs; Hatonn’s comments
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As we address the issues in which readers have expressed greatest interest, please keep in mind that the “negative” end of the duality spectrum is at its zenith; and that energy, once set in motion, must run its course. You are seeing the combination of individuals with violent tendencies following their intensified urge to commit violence—whether in random acts or leaders oppressing their peoples—and the playing out of energy in many diverse situations around your world. 

Sunday, 9 June 2013


by Celia Fenn

June 8th : The Indigo Revolution.....Coming to a Place Near You This Summer....

Yes indeed, it looks very much like the "Indigo Revolution" that is taking place now in Turkey, will be spreading around the world this summer. need to worry.....the essentials of the Indigo Revolution are Non-Violent Protest, Love and Sharing, Creativity and a New Way of Life. This is what we have been waiting expression of the New Human, the Fifth Dimensional Human Angel or Crystalline Being, who thinks Collectively and is "connected" globally. And yes, there will be turmoil as the "Old" way of thinking....dualism and conflict....tries to come to terms with the Rainbow Warriors who think Collectively and who operate from Love and Harmony. There are no "Leaders" to become matyrs and scapegoats, there is simply an idea whose time has come at last!

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Sheldan Nidle - June 4, 2013

10 Chicchan, 13 Pax, 9 Eb
Selamat Jarin! We return with important things to discuss. The most important is about first contact. In the past, we decided to rely heavily on a formal disclosure announcement from your new governments. Now, what we intend to do is increase the present level of daytime sightings to supplement the general disclosure policy of the new governance. It is of course simple to sit back and let the current scenario play out. However, we intend to create a more conducive environment for these announcements by more actively preparing the ground for them. 

Montague Keen - June 2, 2013

The changes that are happening in your world both energetically and physically cannot be stopped. They will bring about the change in the control system that has kept you in darkness. Many will come forward to speak out and ask forgiveness for having worked against the good of humanity. They will reveal what you are up against and when the Cabal intends to make its move to try and destroy humanity as you know it.