Right now, new monetary systems are coming into being, and with them come edicts announced by new governance, including revelations about a cover-up of truly staggering proportions. As you can imagine, these announcements will change your reality exceedingly, and we are here to be your loving guides during this most amazing transition....
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Sheldan Nidle - July 30, 2013
Right now, new monetary systems are coming into being, and with them come edicts announced by new governance, including revelations about a cover-up of truly staggering proportions. As you can imagine, these announcements will change your reality exceedingly, and we are here to be your loving guides during this most amazing transition....
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
SaLuSa, July 30, 2013
Things are speeding up in your reality, which is undoubtedly one of the
signs that your transformation into Beings with full consciousness is
proceeding according the Plan. We are here to remind you of this and other
changes that are happening until you are able to fully connect to your
Higher Self and to the All There Is. Then we will help you remember how to
use all the knowing that is available to you.
Now, this knowing is flowing
to you so to say in pieces, but once you reach the needed level of
consciousness, you will be fully connected to the source of all the
knowledge available for your state of consciousness.
SaLuSa July 30 2013
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Montague’s Message for Sunday, 28th July 2013
Martin Luther King
The awakened must come together to realise that they have both the strength and the ability to speak out. Your silence has allowed laws to be brought in that will endeavour to silence everyone who disagrees with the Cabal. Right now, every day is important. You cannot sit back and say, "They would never do that". They are doing it !
Friday, 26 July 2013
SaLuSa 26.7.2013 Message
We are ready to begin, are you ready to communicate with us with your new found, or rather to say recovered ability? We feel that the excitement is rising amongst you and believe us, we feel the same way. For some it was very long process of awakening, for some it seems to be very quick, but nevertheless all is happening in the right time because that is how the whole Creation works. Feel how the energy is flowing and glowing around you and let it enter your physical body by simply breathing it in, or you can imagine that it enters your body through the skin and remember that your thoughts are creations, so allow your imagination to fully get into this process. Keep the usual worries and doubts aside and know that one day they will disappear and shall never return, unless you would wish for that. Please remember that your intentions are creating such powerful energetic field around you that with certainty the Universe is responding.
SaLuSa 26 7 2013
MAKE THIS VIRAL! Liberation of Egypt-Important Update
The situation in Egypt is reaching another tipping point on Friday, July 26th, the moment of the heliacal rising of Sirius and the beginnig of the New Year for ancient Eygptians.
In the past few weeks, the Cabal tried to interrupt the liberation process by infiltrating their mercenaries into Egypt, trying to trigger conflicts that would lead to civil war:
Mysterious snipers mentioned in the above article belong to a private mercenary firm Academi, formerly named Xe and Blackwater before that:
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Montague Keen - July 21, 2013
There is so much confusion everywhere. It is causing mistrust where none should be. I did warn you that programmes are being run that interfere with mankind's thinking and minds are being manipulated. They are being bombarded by sound technology that your conscious minds are not capable of picking up on. You are in the middle of the biggest battle since time began. Sadly, many of you do not recognise this fact. You believe you are in truth, when in fact, you have gone completely off track. Ego's are massaged and people become as clay in the hands of the manipulators. They become easy prey. Subsequently, it becomes difficult for these people to believe that they could possibly be mistaken and so the Cabal wins yet another soul.
Montague Keen July 21 2013,
Monty Keen,
Pearl Harbor
Sheldan Nidle - July 23, 2013
7 Ix, 2 Vayeb, 9 Eb
Selamat Balik! We return with more to say. Your global society is beginning the transition which is designed to rebuild and renew all aspects of it. New governance will bolster a new financial system, and on the North American continent it is to follow the edicts stipulated by NESARA. This new government will cancel all debt and end the debt slavery of its residents. A whole new level of freedom will come into being as the Canadian and U.S.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
SaLuSa 23.7.2013
We came from all over the Universe to see and help the magnificent change that is happening on your beloved Mother Earth right now. We are learning together with you and although we are currently living much more comfortable than you, soon you will find out how it is to be free from so many illusions that make your living so hard. Please always keep in mind that you are creators of your own destiny and it is your will that decides how your life proceeds.
SaLuSa 23 7 2013
Monday, 22 July 2013
Matthew Ward - July 21, 2013
Effects of disclosure of US government documents, George Zimmerman trial
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We are happy to address the questions of many readers about two situations that also are of interest to a multitude of others. Both involve United States citizens, and while it may appear that they have no connection whatsoever, these two highly publicized issues are the same at the core and both are examples of long strides in your society’s progress.
Matthew Ward July 21 2013
MAKE THIS VIRAL! Event Support Groups
It has been requested from the Light forces that Event support groups begin to be formed on the surface of the planet.
Those groups will be the main nodes of the network of Light at the time of the Event and will stabilize the transition. Before the Event, these groups will hold the Light for the planet and train their members in preparedness. After the Event, these groups will assist the human masses in dealing with the transition by providing intel and counseling.

Those groups will be the main nodes of the network of Light at the time of the Event and will stabilize the transition. Before the Event, these groups will hold the Light for the planet and train their members in preparedness. After the Event, these groups will assist the human masses in dealing with the transition by providing intel and counseling.

2012 portal blogspot,
Event Support Groups
Sunday, 21 July 2013
SaLuSa 19.07.2013
The changes are manifesting on your world one by one and although you might not be fully aware of them, they cannot be stopped and once your media are able to transmit clearly without false alteration of the news, you will be able to see what everything have changed. We know you want to see all the changes to be already done, but for very long time the dark ones prepared you for opposite, so now you have to allow for reversing and turning your society the other way around. Each one of you are creators of this society and now when you have found out the power you have within, should use it accordingly. Do not wait for anything because you have already been changed immensely and now it is time to help others to do the same if that is their wish. Spread your Love and Light wherever you go and do not let doubts slow your progress. All the messages you are receiving are here to inspire you to freely share your wisdom and love with those who are just awakening and seeking to know more. We are looking forward for the moment when we also can freely join you and openly help with your endeavors as newly emerged Galactic Beings.
SaLuSa 19 07 2013
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Sheldan Nidle - July 16, 2013
13 Manik, 15 Kumku, 9 Eb
Sheldan Nidle July 16 2013
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
SaLuSa 16.7.2013
We are here to help you and if that is your wish you will certainly be aware of our energy of love and joy that we are so gladly sharing with you. There are no boundaries for Love and Light and once you have decided which way to go and follow your life plan, nothing stands in the way for them to be expressed in full power. Most of you came on Earth for these lessons to learn the best way for you and now is the time to truly understand and accept all what is left to learn.
SaLuSa 16.7.2013
Monday, 15 July 2013
Montague Keen - July 14, 2013
My dear Veronica, you have had to cope with so much since we last wrote. It was both enlightening and reassuring for you. I warned that the Cabal would lash out at everyone, clutching every straw to try to hold on to power. At times, it may look as if they have succeeded, but they will not. What you experienced last Sunday evening is proof that they can be prevented from carrying out their dastardly plans.
Montague Keen July 14 2013
Sunday, 14 July 2013
MAKE THIS VIRAL! Prepare For Change
It is time now to make the next step in creating the infrastructure for the Event on the surface of this planet.
The main reference site with preparedness instructions for the general population has reached a certain degree of completion and needs to go viral:
Although the civil authority and the Resistance Movement will provide their own infrastructure at the time of the Event, it is very important to have grassroots infrastructure as well. Our alternative infrastructure will fill in the gaps and will ensure that the transition will be smoother and more harmonious.

Six task groups were created: planetary leadership group, healers group, media group, new renaissance group, new technologies group and financial group. All these groups will develop practical tools which can help easing the transition at the time of the Event in their specific area.
If you want to actively participate in any of those six groups, click here:
Our website will be translated into many world languages so the message can spread worldwide. We are actively seeking translators and if you wish to join our translation teams, use the same participation form, stating that you wish to volunteer as a translator:
There will be many projects pertaining to the preparedness of the surface population for the Event announced on my blog very soon and our new website will be the main communication hub for those projects.
The main reference site with preparedness instructions for the general population has reached a certain degree of completion and needs to go viral:
Although the civil authority and the Resistance Movement will provide their own infrastructure at the time of the Event, it is very important to have grassroots infrastructure as well. Our alternative infrastructure will fill in the gaps and will ensure that the transition will be smoother and more harmonious.

Six task groups were created: planetary leadership group, healers group, media group, new renaissance group, new technologies group and financial group. All these groups will develop practical tools which can help easing the transition at the time of the Event in their specific area.
If you want to actively participate in any of those six groups, click here:
Our website will be translated into many world languages so the message can spread worldwide. We are actively seeking translators and if you wish to join our translation teams, use the same participation form, stating that you wish to volunteer as a translator:
There will be many projects pertaining to the preparedness of the surface population for the Event announced on my blog very soon and our new website will be the main communication hub for those projects.
2012 portal blogspot com
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn: The New Earth Energies July/August 2013 – The Incoming Wave of Light and the Lion’s Gate 2013

Beloved Family of Light, we come to you at this inspiring and tumultuous time on Planet Earth.
After the shift of the 2012 Portal, the Earth continues to shift into New Patterns and Ways of Being. The Indigo Generation is moving forward to accomplish its Mission of breaking down the old systems and making space for the New!
There is a deep desire for Peace, Community and Freedom, that is manifesting now on the Earth.The work that was done in the past on the Higher Levels to create Peace and Harmony is now beginning to manifest into Physical Form as change on the Earth.
Sheldan Nidle - July 9, 2013
6 Ahau, 8 Kumku, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return with more information for you. Your reality is shifting! The dark cabalists panic and search for ever-more-desperate ways to resolve their mounting dilemmas. As we have pointed out many times, there is no way for them to extricate themselves from their worsening situation by using their old devious methods. The Light is in the process of irresistibly taking back this realm and returning it safely to Her kindly direction. This direction has so far led to a number of decisions which are permitting the Light's diverse forces to prepare a new financial system and new governance for the peoples of surface Earth. Gaia is very pleased with what has been accomplished. Your Ascended Masters are backed by a group of individuals dedicated to pushing the dark from power and instituting a new epoch for all. The next stage involves a series of proclamations which permit the new gold-backed currencies to formally terminate the age of fiat money and end the tranching mechanism designed to help the few to accumulate vast riches over the backs of the many. This, however, is merely one of numerous reforms which are incorporated within the new financial system.
Sheldan Nidle July 9 2013
Monday, 8 July 2013
The Pleiadian High Council Addresses the Listeners of ET-First Contact Radio

Photo: Breaking: Thursday July 4th: Wes Annac on ET-First Contact Radio. Show starts at 1 PM PST / 2 PM MNT / 3 PM Central / 4 PM EST / 22:00 CET! To listen go to: http://www.bbsradio.com/bbs_talk_radio_station1.php Be there my friends!-Channeled through Wes Annac-
The following is a message given by the Pleiadian High Council, which I read aloud during Maarten Horst’s ET-First Contact radio show. The PHC address the listeners, as well as the host of the show himself. Here is the video version of that show.
With greetings and warmth of the purest order, we are the Pleiadian High Council, happily speaking through this scribe and seeking to help activate awakenings in the minds and hearts of each of you absorbing our words and energies now.
Montague Keen - July 7, 2013
You must rely on your own determination, help yourselves by standing together,
organise yourselves and you must win Charles Stuart Parnell (Ireland)
Those words should echo all around the world. They apply to every country and every people. This is what you must do. Stand together as one.
Everything will change in your world through the will of the people, not corrupt institutions. They are losing ground every day. This is indeed a battle where one side seems to have all the power and control. But this is not so. For when the people find their voice and are prepared to stand up and speak out, then the corrupt can and will be defeated.
Montague Keen July 7 2013
Friday, 5 July 2013
Matthew Ward - July 4, 2013
US “independence”; God: politics, three levels of participation, assessing candidates; multiple effects of prevailing vibrations; memory loss; dietary benefits; balance
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. From our vantage point, Earth looks like a sea of strobe lights as people are responding to the prevailing vibrations. You are feeling what is going on much more than seeing developments.
Matthew Ward July 4 2013
Victory of the Light in Egypt
As you probably know, a big victory of the Light has been achieved. In the first large scale coordinated action of the Positive Military in the human history, the Archon-infested Muslim Brotherhood has been removed from power in Egypt.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Sheldan Nidle - July 2, 2013
12 Ben, 1 Kumku, 9 Eb
Selamat Balik! We come with much to tell you. At this time, an exchange of legal documents is underway which paves the way for the final exchanges sanctioning the various prosperity programs to be fully funded by the Dragon families. It also authorizes Quan Yin and St. Germain to sign disbursement papers for each of their world trusts. The individuals who make up these international boards of trustees are similarly immersed in these complex-signing procedures. Concurrently, the many organizations set up to distribute these funds are alerting their regional trustees that the time long awaited by all is fast approaching. This final flurry of activity owes its legitimacy to a very special set of legal protocols, and its implementation at this time is made possible in part by the First Contact Board's sagacious use of what we call the galactic option. This is simply the power behind the Light to get things done. It has allowed favorable legal decisions to be secretly handed down and these are now ready to bring our long journey to a most marvelous moment of manifestation!
Sheldan Nidle July 2 2013
MAKE THIS VIRAL! Liberation Meditation for Egypt
It has been requested from the Light forces that as many people as possible support the people of Egypt with our Liberation Meditation. This is time-sensitive and needs to go viral! We need to reach masses of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can share it with your iphone. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube. Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually save human lives in Egypt and worldwide:
Monday, 1 July 2013
Montague Keen - July 1, 2013
You are witnessing the final desperate attempts to hold the matrix together. As many of you wake up to the power of your own minds, you refuse to remain silent. You want to share your discoveries with others. You are finding that everyone is eager to learn. They are not prepared to be locked into serving the Cabal anymore. Some armies are at last waking up and questioning what they are being ordered to do. They realise that they are expendable, and of no significance; that one day, they too, will be killed by those they serve.
We in Spirit can only assist you when you request our assistance. We are ready and willing, as are your friends on other planets, who will bring practical assistance such as technology, etc. We need you to call out to us, as we cannot interfere unless you request our assistance. Many of us will come in temporary manifestation. This I have promised you, my dear. Be prepared for some surprises.
Montague Keen July 1 2013
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