
Thursday, 31 October 2013

New Advanced Technologies

The Dragon Gate is a sister underground organization parallel to the White Dragon Society. Long time ago, both groups were actually one. But after the Rothschilds, assisted by the Triads,  overthrew the Qing dynasty of China in Xinhai revolution in 1912, both groups had to go underground and they began opposing the Cabal from behind the scenes and then their paths began to diverge. The White Dragon Society (as some people in the West call it now)  focused more on political, military and financial opposition to the Cabal:
At the same time, the Dragon Gate began to focus more on the development of the advanced technologies and spiritual liberation process from the grip of the etheric Archons. Both groups are cooperating behind the scenes to assist in the liberation of the planet and their methods are complementary.

Sheldan Nidle - October 29, 2013

1 Eb, 15 Tzec, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We return with some wonderful news! Movement toward your new reality is accelerating. A number of secret conferences around this globe have produced positive results that will become evident in the major meetings that are to take place in the coming week. The moment is arriving for collective actions that can easily catapult efforts forward. We expect the final go-ahead for events that are to manifest new governments and create a new currency. Numerous programs have reached a point where it is now necessary to terminate any thought of further delays. The economies of too many nations lie in ruin and the debt is making the present financial system untenable. Besides, we believe that you are ready for shocking events that include a formal end to the infamous "UFO cover up." It is indeed time for you to hear from your Ascended Masters and us. The present system is full of holes and rips that can no longer be sustained, and it is logical to initiate something else that permits you to continue your glorious march toward full consciousness.

Montague Keen - October 28, 2013

You each must become the change you want to see in your world. You know in your hearts what is required. When the majority of you decide to speak out and refuse to accept the old paradigm anymore, then change will happen. The Cabal is not in a position to enforce its corrupt regime anymore. Those American Generals who bravely decided they could not live with what they were asked to do, showed great courage. Their brave stance should act as an example to all who are asked to go against their conscience, to destroy life or the planet in any way. 

Friday, 25 October 2013


(Shift of the Ages)

It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of the heliocentric Uranus Pluto square on November 23rd. Many of us will gather and visualize the Event happening in the NOW and will be thus creating a clear and harmonious channel of manifestation for the final liberation of the planet.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Sheldan Nidle - October 22, 2013

7 Chicchan, 8 Tzec, 10 Caban
Dratzo!! Much has happened since we last talked. A number of agreements are in place and a schedule for the next set of covert events is finished. We are happy that these things are moving forward, and it is important that a number of other events occur now as well. At present, the schedule agreed to is underway. Although these things cannot be described to you in any detail, the various dark governments are on their way out. Until the current situation is resolved, we are not able to give you any information on what is to happen next, but the actual deliveries of numerous prosperity funds are very close. The current situation is very fluid and requires a degree of stability before things can move forward. We are monitoring this closely and intend to help when appropriate. Meanwhile, we are aiding in a series of arrests, and recoveries of funds. The dark cabal cannot be allowed to stay in power without them intimately knowing that they are being watched and checked on. These arrogant ones know that their time is ending and a new epoch is ready to begin!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Montague Keen - October 20, 2013


Ponder on these wise words. It is important that you fully understand them. You are creating your future. Do not be alarmed at the bodily changes you are experiencing. They are preparing you to become the Beings of Light that you are. Like the butterfly, you are emerging from the chrysalis, awakening to who and what you are. Do not be alarmed when you experience EXTREME HEAT or COLD, DIZZINESS, alterations in your way of dealing with life, sleep, eating habits, etc. See each change as a stepping stone to fulfillment. There is no need to feel alarmed or seek medical help. It is a natural process. Welcome it.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Planetary Situation Update: Etheric Plane

There is a massive clearing of the etheric plane in progress in the last few months and it was accelerated even further after the successful activation of the Peace Portal on August 25th. As a direct result of that, all implant hemispheres have been removed on September 8th.

I will describe in detail what remains to be cleared.

There is still a very small group of main etheric Archons which continues to exert control on the reincarnation process and still continues to trigger weak spots of incarnated humans through their remote control operated etheric scalar implant technology.

Montague Keen - October 13, 2013

"Nothing is as it seems".

Every day, this statement is being proved beyond doubt. Everything that humanity had accepted without question, is now being exposed as total fiction. What was used to control mankind's every thought, word, and action, was planned and executed to keep him on his knees. In fear, in a prision without physical bars.

Sheldan Nidle - October 15, 2013

13 Etznab, 1 Tzec, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We return with good news! The dark's last faithful minions are now in a special summit with the followers of the Light. The arrogant and once all-powerful ones are negotiating the final terms of their global surrender. The dark cabal is already stripped of most of its wealth and the Light will transform their old regimes. The agreements reached in the summit will produce a final timetable for the making of a new realm - one that is free, prosperous and permits each person to be truly sovereign. The agreements will also detail how the leaders of the current "de facto" governments will resign. The new governance will put on a series of special trials to explain why various past events happened and how other events forged a new reality for humanity. This will help you to better understand the reasons behind the events of the day.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Cosmic Awareness - October 13, 2013

The audio file of this live channeling can be found here.

F-A-I-T-H in These Troubled Times

Please proceed.

Thank you. Welcome Awareness. Thank you for being with us this evening for the Rainbow-Phoenix membership session. Today is October 13, 2013. Will Berlinghof is the Interpreter for your messages, Joan Mills is the questioner and energizer. The Law of Love and the Law of Light have been invoked. Is there an opening message or event you wish to discuss prior to going to the questions please?

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Window of Opportunity 2013

A new Window of Opportunity will open on the surface of this planet. This Window of Opportunity will mean an increased probability for the Event, although it will not yet be the most probable time. Within this Window of Opportunity, a solar magnetic field reversal will happen. Scientific studies of professor Tchijevsky have determined that 80% of important societal changes happen within 2.5 years before or after the solar cycle maxima:


Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Sheldan Nidle - October 8, 2013

6 Batz, 14 Tzotz, 10 Caban

Selamat Balik! We come with much to discuss with you. Those who have for millennia controlled your realm are sick and troubled about the fact that the time for their surrender quickly approaches. We receive this news with joy and yet we comprehend how unreal this feels to those who, like their former masters the Anunnaki, contemplated only victories and quickly became strangers to defeat. Now they are to capitulate and truly face the fact that their power is slipping from their grasp. The caretakers of your new governance intend that their departure be planned to coincide with acknowledgment of the damage brought about in so many areas by their heavy-handed reign, like rigging the domains of finance, government, and the economies of the globe. Your legal system will provide the epitaph to this period in your history. The dark cabal is to witness a new period, in which each of you regain the freedom and personal sovereignty that is your natural right. At that time you will also meet your spiritual and space families and an era of joy and prosperity for humanity will be born!

SIRIUS A ~ moving into the higher dimensional frequencies

Greetings beloved ones we are the BEings from Sirius A and we come to guide and to support as you now move into the anchoring of the higher dimensional frequencies in TRUTH. For many of the human race this will appear as an increase in chaos, an increase in the need to “have” control as the triggering of the lower dimensional frequencies begin to reach new heights. As we have guided previously this is but a residue of the old 3d earth paradigms, taught in order to firmly restrict the band width of your energy signature.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Pre-Event Developments

Irrationally, the Illuminazi faction of the Cabal has triggered a partial government shutdown in the United States, hoping to prepare ground for martial law later down the road. Needless to say, their plans will NOT be allowed to succeed and their actions have only resulted in an important wave of mass awakening instead.

It will be interesting to see what happens with that situation on October 17th when the US government runs out of money to pay its bills. The lunar eclipse on October 18th is the entry point into a new Window of Opportunity with an increased probability of the Event as we head into a solar magnetic field reversal later this year.

Montague Keen - October 6, 2013

Some of you are awake and can see that the Cabal is struggling. Although those within it continue to pretend that they are all powerful, it is obvious that the majority of people see through their lies and threats. Like the proverbial school bully, eventually they have to grow up and face the fact that they are outnumbered.
The truth will set you free. You were told this many times but now you are seeing proof of it. The truth is now available to everyone, making it easier to accept that you were deliberately lied to. Those in control (and it will not be for much longer) will be exposed, and will have to cease their exploitation of humanity.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Cosmic Awareness - September 25, 2013

The audio file of this live channeling can be found here.

To Dream the Impossible Dream

That which is Cosmic Awareness is available at this time please proceed with the questions.

Thank you Awareness for being with us for the Rainbow-Phoenix session of September 25, 2013. The Interpreter is Will Berlinghof, Joan Mills is energizer and questioner. The Law of Love and the Law of Light have been invoked. Is there an opening message or current event you would like to discuss please?

Sheldan Nidle - October 1, 2013

12 Kan, 7 Tzotz, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We return with more news. You world is now in a bit of a pickle. As your new reality begins to take root in amongst the old dysfunctional structures, a situation is created which throws up strange dichotomies. Many new elements are in place but not yet operational, and so neither the old nor the new reality is fully functioning. Naturally, the dark cabal is busily seeking to profit from this hiatus by pushing ahead with its plans to foment delays wherever possible, although it knows from experience that these are all doomed to failure. What it refuses to take into account is Heaven's timetable for the changes on planet Earth, which was set up to ensure adherence to the divine plan. And indeed, our liaisons have spent the last week informing the cabal leadership groups of this fact. We have been instructed by the local spiritual hierarchy to intervene heavily when the divine signal is finally given. Until then we are to help as much as possible and prepare for what we believe will be a massive intervention by our personnel. At present there remain a few bottlenecks here and there but these are very close to resolution. Once done, all that we have been discussing can be completed.

Matthew Ward - September 30, 2013

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is true that the prevailing vibrations were favorable for reasoned discussions to calm the situation in Syria, but it was equally the power of countless prayers that led to the easing of tenseness. Prayer isn’t what is commonly thought, thanking or asking God—by whatever name you call the Supreme Being of this universe—for something or other. Like everything else in the cosmos, prayer is energy, the energy of your every single thought and feeling lifelong. Many millions were directing a profusion of energy toward negotiations, and the universe responded in kind.