In years to come, you will look back on 2013 as the year in which you began to see clearly how you were being controlled and manipulated by those whom you now see as Archons; though they are presented to you as people to trust and look up to. I told you, my dear, that the MASKS would fall away and that the light would expose those masks that were their protection. They have always been there; just hidden from your sight, and presented to you in such a way that you would never suspect their true origins. Do understand, my dear, that not everyone can see. You learned this recently, when you showed what (to you) was clearly present, but because they were of a different frequency, the others could not see them. You took photographs to prove what you were seeing. Only in the photographs could your friends see, what you had seen so clearly. You are all at different levels of awakening. It is a gradual process and it cannot be rushed.
Monday, 30 December 2013
Montague Keen - December 29, 2013
In years to come, you will look back on 2013 as the year in which you began to see clearly how you were being controlled and manipulated by those whom you now see as Archons; though they are presented to you as people to trust and look up to. I told you, my dear, that the MASKS would fall away and that the light would expose those masks that were their protection. They have always been there; just hidden from your sight, and presented to you in such a way that you would never suspect their true origins. Do understand, my dear, that not everyone can see. You learned this recently, when you showed what (to you) was clearly present, but because they were of a different frequency, the others could not see them. You took photographs to prove what you were seeing. Only in the photographs could your friends see, what you had seen so clearly. You are all at different levels of awakening. It is a gradual process and it cannot be rushed.
Montague Keen December 29 2013
Event Situation Update
Our internet poll has shown that 90% of the awakened population (14,112 of 15,660 people who voted) is in favor of the Event taking place now and is at least theoretically willing to take risks that triggering the Event might entail.
Our street survey of the general population has brought similar results. Around 20 volunteers did »sociology research« in various locations on all five continents. I gave them the following instructions:
Event Situation Update,
sociology research
Friday, 27 December 2013
SaLuSa, December 27, 2013
Here you are at the end of yet another year that has been momentous in many ways. Time has continued to speed up, and a clear division can be seen to be taking place between the old and new. The dark Ones are not progressing as they would have wished, after feeling that they were on the verge of taking control of the world. They reckoned without the increasing amount of Light that has been grounded upon Earth. So much so, that almost unnoticed it has become the most powerful force for good. No longer can its progress be delayed, and it is destined to be the means of removing the dark Ones.
SaLuSa December 27 2013
Thursday, 26 December 2013
Return To Innocence Activation Report
Our Return to Innocence activation was a partial success. Although the critical mass on the surface of the planet has not been reached, we have still managed to anchor a lot of energy of innocence into the planetary energy grid. This will help dissolving the Matrix in the near future.
Our core group in Glastonbury was extremely successful, fully anchoring the energy into the Glastonbury vortex and transmitting it into the etheric planetary energy grid through the leylines. Instead of heavy stormy weather which was forecast, we created this:

Just before the activation we have been guided to visit a subterranean energy vortex in Glastonbury and it was a very special experience. That spot is one of entrances into subterranean tunnels and while we gathered around the sacred pool, we were being discreetly watched and blessed by the Resistance.
Although the window of opportunity has closed today, we have collectively managed to raise the vibrational frequency of the planet significantly with all the portals we have opened in the past. This means that the Event can now also happen anytime between windows of opportunity and the next window of opportunity in spring next year means only an increased probability for the Event, which can happen before that, then, or after. The Light forces are doing everything to prepare the surface conditions for the Event so that it can happen as soon as possible.
More details about the planetary situation and the Event are coming in my next update.
Victory of the Light is near!
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Sheldan Nidle - 24 December, 2013
5 Lamat, 11 Mol, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We return again bringing more news as you settle in for the holiday season and the start of your Gregorian New Year. This time is noted on your world for many beginnings and endings, and those who have run your world for millennia are preparing to exit and accept their fate. This of course is being done very grudgingly. The dark is used to having its way, but their time is now passing. The secret sacred societies and their associates are preparing destinations for those who are close to being arrested. They are also setting up the procedures that will bring new governance to all of you. In addition, the new monetary and financial systems are readying to manifest and by so doing will deliver a grand prosperity to this realm. Our liaisons are finishing agreements that will become a number of announcements that transform national and personal debt into prosperity and put aside the debt that has troubled nations and individuals for far too long. This will be replaced by a forgiveness that is the harbinger of a new epoch for humanity.
Sheldan Nidle 24 December 2013
Monday, 23 December 2013
Montague Keen - December 22, 2013
As the light energy expands, it permeates all that was hidden and cloaked in mystery. This was all part of the plan. 2013 was the year of preparation. 2014 is the year of completion. You have set so much in place, and you now have a clear picture of what needs to be done. You have awakened to the fact that you are not helpless and you know what needs to be done.
All that was done to control you, needs to be looked at. Now, you can see clearly how their control system works. They NEED to keep you in FEAR in order for they, themselves, to survive: it's as simple as that. The Cabal sets out to make you all feel like victims: the so-called terror threats, the ill health that is the direct result of what they do to your food, water and air supply. The evidence for this is overwhelming. Thankfully, you are now waking up to this.
Montague Keen December 22 2013
Friday, 20 December 2013
Sheldan Nidle - 17 December, 2013
11 Imix, 4 Mol, 10 Caban
Selamat Jarin! We come now to talk about a few important things so you can prepare for what lies ahead of you. A movement has begun that will lead you to prosperity and to new governance. Be aware that the world you knew since you were born is fading away by leaps and bounds. The dark cabal that has run your world for millennia is losing its grip. The first part of a global currency reset is upon you. This will alter how the world's currencies are to be used. The next part of this monetary process will bring in the first broad stroke of the prosperity funds. These funds will be the harbinger for new governance, and this new governance will declare a grand "jubilee" to rescind all debt. Moreover, there will be a vast transformation in the banking and financial services industry that will forever change how these various financial institutions operate. These new rules will enforce policies to end the tyranny that these financial institutions spread across this globe. In its stead, freedom and personal sovereignty will blossom once again.
Sheldan Nidle 17 December 2013
Monday, 16 December 2013
Montague Keen - December 15, 2013
The awakened amongst you understood my last message. You responded positively. You now see clearly how your planet was taken over and kept under control. Now it is time for all who understand the importance of ENERGY to come together, to work to clear the Dark Control and to release the energy of the ley lines that are the life blood of your planet.
Many of you can work directly on the ley lines. Others, who work with energy, can combine their energies to assist. Those of you who are not versed in working with energy can use the power of thought and intention to remove the Dark Control forever. Everyone can take part. Now I ask of you, do not allow race or creed to stop you getting involved in this work. Never before has it been so important for humanity to act as one. You know in your souls that you, the 99%, will be successful. Every country will benefit and every soul will be able to say, "I WAS NOT FOUND WANTING. I DID MY BIT TO RESCUE HUMANITY FROM DESTRUCTION."
Montague Keen December 15 2013
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Matthew Ward - December 14, 2013
Seasonal greeting, Nelson Mandela, our advancement
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As you celebrate this season of traditional music, merriment and festivities with families and friends, you are remembering those who are grieving or whose circumstances are dire. You would rejoice with us if you could see the abundance of light radiating from you and the beneficiaries of your caring and sharing—it is a spectacle to behold!
How glorious it is that brilliance emanated as well from the uniquely jubilant and colorful memorial ceremony honoring one of your brightest souls. The international tribute to Nelson Mandela was equaled only by his welcome in Nirvana, where joyful throngs gathered to celebrate his life.
Matthew Ward December 14 2013
MAKE THIS VIRAL! Event Developments and Liberation Petition
Until now, more than 12,000 people have voted in our poll and over 88% of them are in favor of triggering the Event as soon as possible. We have conducted this poll for the Chinese people in a little bit different way since the Portal 2012 website is blocked in China and most of the Chinese population could not vote on the site directly. In China, additional 388 people have voted, of which 339 (87%) would like to experience the Event now.
There were some crazy people out there trying to hijack the voting process (the Resistance knows who they are) but the vast majority of votes are valid and real and represent the will of an important part of the awakened population on the surface of this planet.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Sheldan Nidle - 10 December, 2013
4 Ix, 17 Yaxk'in, 10 Caban
Selamat Jalwa! We return with much to explain! During the last few weeks much progress was made legally to force a number of important things to happen. The major monetary organizations that monitor the world's currencies were told to prepare for a monumental reset that was to conclude with new banking regulations and eventually a series of precious metal currencies. This vast change is to be the prelude to the delivery of the prosperity funds and the rise of new governance. This process continues. The several groups that form our Earth allies have forced a number of ground shattering agreements to be signed and several critical memos to be issued. These items are now causing the desired change to occur in a timely and divine manner. We fully expect these things to manifest shortly. The most important forward movement began on American Thanksgiving when Europe fundamentally committed itself to a worldwide currency reset. This sets up the dates for a release of newly revalued currencies. The next steps are underway!
Sheldan Nidle 10 December 2013
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Montague Keen - December 8, 2013
It is wonderful when someone grasps what you are trying to expose and explain: they run with it and they find the answers.
Hilda did just that. She found what was so well hidden that it had escaped the attention of scientists for years. This is so important. It must be shared and openly discussed. Questions must be asked and answers must be given. This is the information that I have been preparing you for, and leading you towards.
Montague Keen December 8 2013
Financial Reset and Event Update
There are drastic changes happening behind the scenes.
A battle continues for the control of the new financial system, which is being created now with full speed. The Eastern Alliance is building the new financial system to support the coming Event:
On the other hand, the Jesuits have infiltrated many agents inside the Eastern Alliance to hijack the process, hoping to create a global centralized financial system after the dollar collapses as a world reserve currency and the Illuminazi faction is removed:
Black Nobility,
Doom 33,
new financial system,
Omega Phoenix,
Resistance Movement,
Stardust 2
Sunday, 8 December 2013
After the very successful activation of the Aion portal, it is time to take action again! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of the solstice on December 21st, to experience the Return to Innocence. Many of us will gather and open ourselves to the deepest aspect of our Being, the innocent Soul, to anchor our consciousness beyond the world of games the Cabal tries to play with us.
AION portal,
Return to Innocence,
Sheldan Nidle - 3 December, 2013
10 Manik, 10 Yaxk'in, 10 Caban
Selamat Jalwa! We come before you now to discuss a number of subjects. At present, the dark has been watching as a series of events manifest that will change your world. These will transform your global banking system and begin a reset of your world's currency system. These alterations are to be merely the first major steps in the changes that we have previously discussed with you toward new governance and releasing you from millennia of bondage. Whether it was one that tied you to a fiefdom of some type, or the debt slavery of the last few centuries, these various structures kept you legally fettered to an upper class that regularly abused you and your children. These instruments of slavery are to be lifted so you can become truly free. In that moment, the power of wealth is finally to end, so that you are able to be an individual who is again sovereign and prosperous in body and in Spirit. These events will prepare you for a celebration that will be attended by your spiritual and space families!
Sheldan Nidle 3 December 2013
Montague Keen - December 1, 2013
Excitement is mounting as the consciousness increases. People are experiencing the changes, both in mind and body. You have a lot to be excited about because your awakening has brought about a change in the Dark Controllers due to the light that is now flowing through the minds and souls of humanity. Become aware of the light that eminates from the sun. Welcome it and take every opportunity to link with it. The Dark Ones try to block it from you with the use of chemtrails but it still manages to get through, so it is important to connect with it. Sunlight is important.
Montague Keen December 1 2013
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