
Sunday, 2 September 2012

SaLuSa, August 8, 2012

We wish to make this special message in view of the amount of publicity that is associated with the Olympic Games, and the possibility of Disclosure. It is creating an enormous amount of goodwill by bringing the people together as never before. The benefits ripple out all across the world and help overcome the prejudice created and played upon by the dark Ones. People power is as relevant as ever if not more so, as you are awakening to your real potential as the powerful Beings you really are. What you focus upon is where you place your energy, and you are winning the battle for the Light in this way. Keep away from the negative messages and do not let them pull you down.

We feel this is the time to explain how there is gain from your focus upon the 4th. August and the period that the Olympic Games are held. When a possible date is given for the changes you have been promised and are anticipating, it is understandable that you are excited and place your whole attention upon it. You have been in this position several times only to be disappointed, but few of you realize that there is lasting value in what you have achieved. The thoughts, prayers and desire you send out for a specific purpose, create a pool of powerful energy that provides the conditions for its manifestation.

So even when the result is not what you have focused upon, you have helped bring it that much nearer to fruition. So perhaps you will understand that when we see the potential for strengthening the Light upon Earth, we will not cast doubt upon what you are doing but even encourage you to do so. For example the idea of the 4th. August being a special day, was born out of rumours circulating for quite some time that suggested that the dark Ones were themselves proposing to use the Olympics for a false flag attack.

We anticipated your thoughts that saw a way of countering such an idea, and rather than discourage you we stood aside to allow you free expression. By doing so in short time large numbers of Lightworkers shared the same desire for Disclosure to come out in some form or another, during the Olympic Games. That created a great aura of Light around them and offset the intentions of the dark Ones, and made it more difficult for them to succeed. So do you understand why we would not interfere, or try to distract you from what you were doing.

What we knew about it did not matter, because your actions were serving a grand purpose even if you were unaware of it. In reality if sufficient numbers of you were all focusing on the same outcome, you could achieve a positive result. We would not pre-judge it or tell you it could not be done, as that would sway you in a way that could prevent it from happening. So what we are saying now about the Olympic Games, is keep your positive focus upon it knowing that it will put a Light barrier in place for its protection. Anything more that is achieved will be wonderful, but whatever you do it will take you a step nearer to Disclosure.

There was of course a Space Craft present when the opening ceremony was taking place, and it was intended to be seen as a way of showing that we were there. It received little coverage but millions of people observed it, and it will be another positive step forward to bringing pressure to bear upon the Governments to acknowledge our presence. We are pushing for such action, and our allies are putting pressure upon the authorities to respond. Dear Ones you know it will come, so please go with the flow and do not make the job of Lightworkers any harder than it is already.

We are aware that quite a number of sources are creating fear by spreading the idea that a false flag attack is imminent, but by doing so they give the dark Ones the precise energy they feed off. We do have Divine authority to intervene and whilst there may be an attempt to frighten people with a fake alien attack, nuclear devices will not be allowed to be used. We shall be ready to assess any attempt of the Illuminati to cause trouble, and that is all we are prepared to comment on for now. These closing months of the cycle of duality are not for the benefit of the dark Ones, but for you who have applied yourselves to the disciplines required to ascend. It is your time to take charge of your future and we will see that it finishes that way.

We also know that another attempt is being made that will possibly lead to Disclosure, and it is a preferable alternative to what we have in mind. We have always informed you that we wanted you to be seen to be at the front of such actions, but we cannot give you details at present as we do not want to prejudice what is in course of taking place. There are other developments that may also bring Disclosure about, and it is already general knowledge that Steven Greer has made a film that will also bring about a move to bring about full Disclosure.

So Dear Ones the pressure is on those who can authorize Disclosure to make it happen, and it cannot be held back much longer. So please do not think that if it does not happen as you expect, that it represents some kind of failure. Much is going on that requires good faith in us, knowing that all of the time we are working for your release from the dark Ones. Also remember that we have a far greater view of what is taking place on Earth, and move according to the opportunities that present themselves. We ask that you allow us to decide what is in your best interests, and wholeheartedly support us. Anything less is not helpful to the cause or goal to get you firmly on the path to Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we do commend you for your dedicated work by helping the changes through. You have achieved so much in a comparatively short time, and have only to look back to the beginning of this century to see how true that is. Do not waver now and be on your guard for the last attempts by those who oppose the changes, and try to carry on imposing the old ways upon you. There are changes occurring faster than ever, but some are monumental in size and cannot happen overnight. Do your part and we will do ours, and together we are victorious. I close with Love for you our brothers and sisters from the stars.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light


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