When I heard the NESARA Petition had a reply and the reply essentially said - no such thing as NESARA existed - my initial reaction was Bliss. I thought that was very odd. I meditated a long time and then Ashtar came to me with the explanation. Many will judge this event with grief and doubt. All I can say is you are being invited to know truth today.
Please reference http://WH.gov/4d5 The following is Ashtarʻs reply to my questions.~et

Please reference http://WH.gov/4d5 The following is Ashtarʻs reply to my questions.~et
Ashtar~ Greetings! Welcome back to these communications. I am reporting from Ten Forward.This is Ashtar from the New Jerusalem. I would like to comment on the reply from the White House We The People Website regarding the NESARA Petition.
The Plan is more complex than it appears at times. There was always a potential this would happen. We had written the Play Book for every potential play by the cabal.
It seems that since Earth has passed the tipping point of Souls needed for Ascension and since the word has spread about October Surprise, the cabal felt threatened. They were plagued by insecurities that the World Citizens will find out that they have landed on the moon thousands of times, have built bases on the Moon and on Mars, have landed on and explored many minor Planets and have for decades had communications with Extraterrestrial visitors to Earth. In fact today Space X launched their cargo Spacecraft to the International Space Station. Oh what webs we weave! There is so much about the Secret Space Program that has not been revealed, like the 6th generation Space Shuttles the Army has launched into deep space and too many to describe here. The cabal has crossed the point of no return and frankly no longer know how to tell you the truth.
When the People of Earth have their Announcements and Disclosure what do you think will be the result? Indictments, Tribunals, Sentencing and an end to the high life for many little piggies, as in the Beatles song - many who have taken everything for themselves. Military, Government, Private Contractors, Bankers - Lots and lots of money to be had all around.
There is nothing to be upset about. Nothing. All is in Divine Order. This is yet another sequential flow of events unfolding St Germainʻs bank for all on Earth. The Assistant to the President who wrote the reply was under the orders of the cabal still working inside the White House. Remember this is an elaborate chess game President Obama is playing in order to ensnare the cabal with their own rope. Indeed there is no other who is prepared to play this role to completion. This will be complete before the end of the year. The election is just a distraction in the overall picture. By constantly headlining the news about an election that will take about 10 hours some day in the month to come - it hides all the other news which is happening behind the scenes. It makes it harder for the cabal to see the moves in the chess game if the front page is filled with nonsense. Loose lips sink Ships. Filling the papers with election news is a sort of News Blackout in reverse. It is for the benefit of the Lighted Beings, the White Knights - so they may carry out the Plan with deft and speed. We are speeding into October Surprise. The election holds no importance whatsoever - it is part of what is dissolving - that which no longer works.
The cabal are hoping as you absorb the impact of this news it will take the wind out of your sails. They are hoping that you will feel like giving up. They are hoping that it will cast doubts on the Galactic Federation and the Plan. They are so very mistaken. They are desperate with thoughts of their imminent demise. You have done the inner work and you see right through this scheme. Honor the role the have played in bringing duality to completion. Love them More.
The truth is this action taken by the cabal from within the White House was prophesied thousands of years ago in an Ancient Text called the Rig Veda. Exactly this scenario was predicted back then. It was fulfilled with the reply. It is part of the Plan. History is repeating itself. It happened just like this before. We are equipped for this. It worked before and it will work again. Understand, you are in a play of sorts. You are playing a role. You are witness to the dissolution of all that exists outside the realm of love. We must witness its complete demise in a sequential flow of events in order to birth the New.
When the reply was written it stated that nothing called NESARA exists. This is exactly like the reply to the first Disclosure Petition which stated there was no proof that humans on Earth had ever had contact with or interacted with Extraterrestrials. This is the best thing that could happen. These false statements - these defamatory statements can never be denied, There is nothing vague about them. They hard line say - it does not exist. Beautiful! When NESARA is Announced by President Obama and Disclosure with decloakings occurs at the same time then the Ones making the statements will not be able to deny anything.
Most important of all - when the cabal deny our existence, in writing, as a reply to a request made from Earth Citizens, in many countries all over the world, it empowers the Galactic Federation to give our assistance in ever larger contributions. When the Body Politic makes its demands known to the elected officials and the elected officials in turn reply complete denial - it opens the doors for unprecedented amounts of assistance to pour in from the Forces of Light to assist Earth in every way. We have waited a very long time for the process to play out. We went through decades of legal battles, the appeal process, writing and signing the law. We went through the Petition Process and waited another 11 months for a reply. The Lightworkers have followed Universal Law and been the change they want to see in the World. You have succeeded on every level of seeing the Plan through following Universal Law. You have created the Inevitable.
Lions Gate exactly 8 weeks ago on 8-8 opened the floodgates of love. You have come a long way since then. Look forward to what is revealed for 10-10 11-11 and 12-12. Keep Your Eyes To The Skies for October Surprise! 2012 is Your Year! Fill Your Hearts To The Top With Love and Gratitude. Congratulations on this enormous success! We stand beside you assisting Earth Ascension with greater and greater Love and Light empowering the Changeover. Salut! This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, October 8, 2012 © All Rights Reserved. http://CosmicAscension.org
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