Wednesday, 28 August 2013
SaLuSa 27.08.2013
SaLuSa 27 08 2013
Montague Keen - August 25, 2013
The storm clouds are gathering. The different factions are preparing for the big takeover. This is not a time to sit back and wait to see what happens. You have to be responsible. Equip yourselves with all the facts. They are available; it just takes a little effort to establish what is TRUTH and what is FICTION.
Montague Keen August 25 2013
Sheldan Nidle - August 27, 2013
3 Muluc, 12 Uo, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We come today with much to tell you! Your world continues to be a covert battlefield, with the dark cabal's minions hanging on grimly despite the ground being gained every day by the forces of the Light. This protracted operation is somewhat discouraging to those who have committed themselves to the Light and its ultimately inevitable victory. The dark retains control of most of the international monetary system that in any way deals with the US Federal Reserve and its numerous banking allies, although this grip is no longer what it once was. However, the Federal Reserve and its criminal, destructive practices is facing its nemesis: a key moment is approaching when this ill-intentioned and bankrupt banking fraternity will be required to make a payment in actual gold bullion which it does not possess. This default is to give the forces of Light the opportunity to defrock the Federal Reserve of its powers and force a public bankruptcy and legal takeover of this highly illegal entity. This event is shortly to manifest. The fall of the Federal Reserve signals the demise of the current de facto US regime.
Sheldan Nidle August 27 2013
Friday, 23 August 2013
SaLuSa 23.08.2013
SaLuSa 23 08 2013
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
SaLuSa 20.08.2013
We are aware of your feelings and great expectations of the future that lies ahead. The time has come for you to step into self power and make it all happen. Focus on knowing that you became much more powerful with the immense Love and Light you have accepted into your beings and feel if you are ready for another great leap forward. Do ask yourself this question, as it might give you more information than you expect. Do it when you have enough quiet time and when not tired and you will know what you need to work on if the answer would be no.
SaLuSa 20 08 2013
Sheldan Nidle - August 20, 2013
9 Ik, 5 Uo, 10 Caban
Selamat Balik! We return! Your world is engrossed in the final stage of a conflict which began when the Anunnaki left their dark on-planet minions to fend for themselves and joined the ranks of the Light. This abrupt switch caused mass chaos among the different groups of power elites on your world for nearly half a decade. The advent of the second Bush administration temporarily gave an edge to the pro-western cliques of the dark minions over their Asian counterparts, but now the tide has turned and those who possessed power long before the hegemony of the West are reclaiming their former places of authority. However, this time their focus has shifted from internecine considerations to a wider arena: the establishing of a new financial and monetary system for the entire planet, including new global governance. Various enactments such as NESARA are prototypes of what is planned. The intention behind such massive change is to transform your realm in preparation for our arrival, so that once we are here we can hasten your path to full consciousness. The first item on this agenda is to liberate you from any type of slavery, and there are many forms that presently burden you.
Sheldan Nidle August 20 2013
Monday, 19 August 2013
SaLuSa 16.08.2013
SaLuSa 16 08 2013
Montague Keen - August 18, 2013
What was shown to you this week proves conclusively that the Light of Truth will triumph. Preparations are well under way. Be prepared for the unexpected. The element of surprise is important. You have seen the evidence of this. There are people in key positions around your world who are aware of what is expected of them. They will not be found wanting.
Montague Keen August 18 2013
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Matthew Ward - August 15, 2013
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Always we are happy to address issues that are of concern to readers and are in the minds of many others in your world too, no doubt because mainstream media are giving these topics the most coverage: Al Qaida jailbreaks, threats and splinter terrorist groups; contaminated water flowing from Fukushima nuclear facility into the ocean; mounting casualties in Syria’s civil war and the escalating conflict in Egypt.
Matthew Ward August 15 2013
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
New Windows of Opportunity
There was a lot of progress lately. A huge victory of the Light has been achieved on the day of the opening of the 8-8 portal. ALL negative entities from the lower mental and lower astral planes have been removed. The only remaining negative non-physical entities are now hiding within the implant hemispheres on the etheric plane. If they wander outside implant hemispheres, they are removed instantly. There is not even enough of them to maintain implant hemispheres for all 7.2 billion incarnated humans so some of implant hemispheres are already disintegrating and some lucky humans completely free of any negative non-physical interference.
The remaining etheric negative entities are concentrating their attacks on lightwarriors and lightworkers, but their final removal in inevitable and will come soon. Outside of implant hemispheres, angelic beings are healing war-torn etheric and astral landscape, clearing the remaining anomaly and restoring the non-physical planes to their original paradise state. This is how etheric plane looks right now:

The remaining etheric negative entities are concentrating their attacks on lightwarriors and lightworkers, but their final removal in inevitable and will come soon. Outside of implant hemispheres, angelic beings are healing war-torn etheric and astral landscape, clearing the remaining anomaly and restoring the non-physical planes to their original paradise state. This is how etheric plane looks right now:

SaLuSa 13.08.2013
SaLuSa 13.08.2013
Feel the energies that are surrounding each and every one of you and if they have loving and joyous feeling, than take them inside as much as you can and if for some reason you have a feeling of lower energy being within them, there is something you need to work on or release. These energies are pure Light and Love and they are guiding you on your chosen path. Listen to them and feel them as they are exactly showing you what the issue is. Focus your intention on clearing of the old, as only little remained from the heavy baggage you carried for many, many years.
SaLuSa 13.08.2013
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Montague Keen - August 11, 2013
The time is fast approaching when all that was hidden will be out in the open. You are being prepared for this eventuality. Many of the Dark Ones have already accepted defeat and they are looking for ways to escape having to face the judgement of humanity. They knew that this day would come, no matter what they did to try to postpone it. All it needed was a good percentage of humanity to wake up, thus casting a light on all that was evil and corrupt. Mankind has had to wake up to its own power and the realisation that you are not on Earth to serve the few.
Montague Keen August 11 2013
Friday, 9 August 2013
MAKE THIS VIRAL! Portal Conference in Paris and Goddess Spiral Workshop in Zurich
After the successful activation of the ALMA portal on May 25th, we are beginning with a new cycle of conferences. You can help making them viral by posting this information on your websites, blogs and facebook.
First, there will be Cobra's Portal conference in Paris from September 13th to 15th. Paris vortex is one of the main anchor points for Saint Germain, whose main purpose is the final liberation of humanity.

On the conference, people will receive more in-depth intel and will be able to ask questions. One of the main focuses of this conferences will be an energetic transformation of the financial system with the assistance of Saint Germain. The purpose of the conference is manifold: to strengthen the planetary Light body with vortex activations and to bring some Light and clarity in the minds of dedicated lightworkers. This conference will be a unique energetic event. We will be also anchoring the Goddess presence in the Paris vortex.
You can get more information about the Paris conference and you can also register here:
Then we will have a Goddess Spiral workshop in Zurich from September 21st to 22nd, led by Isis and Cobra. This will be a very special event, taking place exactly on the autumn equinox, assisting us to achieve balance between female and male polarity. This workship will give us practical tools how to integrate Goddess energy for our own transformation and also for us to become pure transmitters of the Goddess energy for planetary liberation process.

You can get more info about the Goddess Spiral workshop in Zurich and you can register here:
Depending on the planetary situation, there will most likely be further conferences taking place and they will be announced when the time is right.
Join us and together we can create Victory of the Light!
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
MAKE THIS VIRAL! Peace Portal Activation August 25th, 2013
On August 25th, a very important portal will open that will bring a strong infusion of Light into the conflicted situation on the surface of this planet.
On that day, the next grand sextile astrological configuration of this summer after the grand sextile of July 29th will take place:

On that day, the next grand sextile astrological configuration of this summer after the grand sextile of July 29th will take place:

SaLuSa, August 6, 2013
Your vibration level is rising exponentially each day and those of you who are preparing themselves for even higher vibrations are feeling the change within already. Your ability to absorb the incoming Light inside has increased immensely and it is to be seen shortly also on the outside. Another wave of clearing has passed by for you and for Mother Earth and you can literally sense it in the air. The Light from your Sun is brighter because you are now able to receive higher frequencies than ever before. Look around you and see it for yourself and feel the fresh energy that is everywhere. The old energy of suffering and sorrow is being replaced with the new one full of Love and compassion for everyone without any difference.
SaLuSa August 6 2013
Monday, 5 August 2013
Montague Keen - August 4, 2013
There is a battle raging on so many levels. There are unseen forces just out of your range of vision and these are creating much of the confusion which you are experiencing on Earth. The plans that are being pushed forward must be resisted and exposed. Those who understand what is being done have a duty to share their information so that the majority can be awakened and thus prepared for all eventualities. We in spirit will alert you. We are watching what is happening and we find ways and means of drawing attention to what is planned.
Montague Keen August 4 2013
Friday, 2 August 2013
SaLuSa, August 2, 2013
We begin a new phase of relationship with you and some already feel it. We are preparing you for our coming and we want to be sure you understand what that means to you personally and to all of you together as a society. We are doing it step by step with no intention of overwhelming you or scare you. It depends upon your life plan when and how it will happen. Those of you who are ready to move on and reached certain level of consciousness might be surprised how quickly things will change towards their beautiful experiences they have been dreaming of for very long time. We ask you again to focus on your clearing, as it is most important for your ability to rise even higher.
SaLuSa August 2 2013
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