That is why we tell you so many times that you need to listen to your heart because you know and feel there are no lower vibration thoughts or fear. If you are not sure of your reaction to a situation that is occurring in your life, simply check it with your heart and you will get the best solution. This can be applied to anything that you have” trouble” with because your heart has grown so big and it has such power that it is the right time to remember how to use it for your own good and for the good of All.
We are with you and sharing your joy when you are able to connect to higher state of consciousness and feel how it is to be without worries and other old feelings that accompany you for most of the time. Please know that this will be happening more and more often until you will be able to permanently stay within. We are working on getting the correct information to you so you would know what to expect, when the next change comes. We are aware of the fact that not all of you can connect to us directly or do not want it for their own reason, so we are very close to open a new channel with information you request for moving on with your ascension process, because everyone needs to get equal chance to hear what we have to share with you. Those who do not wish to hear will simply ignore, but those of you who wish for such information will be “automatically” guided to this source. So stay tuned to our energy and very shortly these information will start to flow to you directly.
Mother Earth is firmly attached to her “new” higher reality and she is welcoming you to join her. Stay connected to her and she will also help you to release the old. Keep sending her love, as she is gladly sharing it with all, think with love of those places you know they need it and very shortly all the violence will stop and the long anticipated peace will come and will stay, as it is what you so dearly wish and it is also the wish of our Creator. All will be settled with such perfection, that no one will get any chance to start another conflict on any place on your beloved Earth. Feel that the long expected changes are here and do not focus your minds on the old news that are still reporting the same, rather see and feel all the new and fresh energy around you and realize that you are the more powerful, the less doubts and worries are inside of you. We are repeating this so many times, as we want you all understand this point of evolution of your mind.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I feel blessed to be one of your guides and so dearly awaiting our meeting. It will be such a beautiful part in our lifetime that we all will remember it for very long. Keep sharing your Light to all and look forward to what you have planned for yourselves, as you can already see it happening.
Channeller: MADAD
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