The time lines are beginning to merge into the ones that carry the most energy, and are naturally strongest where people have the intent to ascend and those who do not. What you will be looking at is the result of your mass consciousness that is creating according to your wishes. Ascension itself is going to bring changes that have been divinely decreed, and are of Universal proportions and controlled by the higher forces. You do therefore create your own experiences, and Ascension will be your final one as you leave the cycle of duality, to take your place in the New Age. Events can be changed according to your speed and level of advancement, and that allows for any delay caused by the dark Ones. So we say to you still keep focused on the actual Ascension, and prepare for an input of powerful energy that you will be aware of.
Friday, 28 September 2012
SaLuSa, September 28, 2012
The time lines are beginning to merge into the ones that carry the most energy, and are naturally strongest where people have the intent to ascend and those who do not. What you will be looking at is the result of your mass consciousness that is creating according to your wishes. Ascension itself is going to bring changes that have been divinely decreed, and are of Universal proportions and controlled by the higher forces. You do therefore create your own experiences, and Ascension will be your final one as you leave the cycle of duality, to take your place in the New Age. Events can be changed according to your speed and level of advancement, and that allows for any delay caused by the dark Ones. So we say to you still keep focused on the actual Ascension, and prepare for an input of powerful energy that you will be aware of.
SaLuSa September 28 2012
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Sheldan Nidle - September 25, 2012
5 Ben, 1 Tzotz, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return with more to discuss with you. At present, your ongoing body ascension programs are being temporarily suspended by divine decree, while a series of time collapse points goes into effect in the run-up to the end of your Gregorian year. These time-collapse points represent the juncture at which alternative timelines are integrated into your present ascending reality, because this is the sole reality which is to go forward into 2013. This
collapse process can cause fluctuations in the Earth field, causing imbalances to your physical bodies. Furthermore, this process reduces the alternative scenarios that the dark cabal has available to it to try to circumvent the divine plan. These collapses are being implemented by the galactic Time Lords in order to prepare your realm to gracefully enter this single new reality. These collapses can create various physical side effects in many of you, which will include headaches, pains in your neck and spine, and assorted aches in the muscles of your legs and arms. These discomforts are only temporary, but Heaven wishes us to slow down our work on your bodies to compensate for the extra physical stress upon you during this time-collapse period.
Sheldan Nidle September 11 2012
Blossom Goodchild - September 25, 2012
Good morning to you. I FEEL it would be lovely if you could offer
some advice about how to deal with all the ‘discrepancies’ regarding
what is to take place over the next few months. One FEELS very much in
limbo, and quite confused about what may or may not take place. Some
FEEL ‘Up we shall float’ on the 21st Dec, if not before … Some FEEL
there shall be floods and earthquakes and all systems of communication
will be gone and we shall be back to community spirit … Some FEEL ships
will arrive and all will be panic for a while ... some FEEL we shall
have a Christed Light descend ... Some have no idea whatsoever about
any of this. So for those of us who ‘Have the choice’ as to what to
‘Think and FEEL’ … what would you to say to us … as in how to get
through all this whilst we wait for any of the above to take place ?
SaLuSa, September 26, 2012
As you are finding time is speeding by, and the prophesies of massive earthquakes and other physical happenings have in no way occurred quite as was envisioned. You can certainly take some credit for the outcome, as by bringing the Light to Earth, you have also brought calmness. It does not however mean that there will not be physical changes, as some are inevitable. By keeping the vibrations high through the coming weeks, you can ensure that you have a fairly smooth finish to the cycle. We are of course part of the reason for the way it is working out, and are maintaining what can be called a peaceful time. Yes, there are battles taking place in some countries, but these will not be allowed to escalate into a greater global war.
It may sound strange to say that you are achieving peace on Earth, but it is so as more and more people demand it along with their freedom. You are already seeing the last stand in many countries, and the military personnel are showing their belief that it is time to call an end to all war. They realize that apart from self defense war is a senseless act that rarely achieves any lasting effect. Instead it creates hatred, and those whose people and lands are destroyed will carry thoughts of revenge until they are fulfilled. Is it not true Dear Ones, that you have created the terrorists that plague the world with their insane acts of self destruction and murder.
SaLuSa September 26 2012 message
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Matthew Ward - September 24, 2012
Original Golden Age master plan; most essential
reforms to come simultaneously; subsequent changes; disclosure; free
will; off-planet light beings’ limitations; Gaia’s vision for Earth;
violence in North Africa and Middle East; record of Jesus’ wife; health
in fourth density; redistribution of wealth; Earth’s ascension into
fifth density
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is
Matthew. The view from our vantage point could be likened to a global
hurricane with millions of eyes, the tranquil areas within the massive
storm: violence erupting in North Africa and the Middle East, random
acts of violence elsewhere, national economies tenuous or bankrupt,
unstable governments, tyrannical regimes still in power, growing numbers
of refugees. 2. However sad it is that these conditions still are plaguing our beloved Earth family, none is unexpected at this late stage of Earth’s ascension out of third density. Her pathway for the past 70-some years has been into successively higher vibratory levels and she has reached the level of duality’s positive and negative extremes. At this juncture in the original Golden Age master plan, only wisps of negativity, if any, would still be on the planet.
Monday, 24 September 2012
Montague Keen - September 23, 2012
The 23rd of September, the anniversary of the day you became my
bride. Our happiness was such that we thought we would go on forever. We
are going on forever, but not quite in the way we imagined. Now, I assist in what is your
work on Earth and must be seen as such. There will be times when you
will not be able to write with me; people will understand this. I did
warn you that it would not be easy, that there would be blockages along
the way. Your determination to succeed is commendable.
This is your divine path. I can only assist. There are many others on this side of life, shining a light on what must be done. Please ensure that you are grounded at all times. Your attack, last Sunday, in daylight, and with others around you, should act as a warning to always be on guard. The Dark Ones are fighting for their existence. They will fight anyone who shines a light on them. You need rest. You cannot carry this on your shoulders alone. I am happy to see that everything is becoming clearer. You never suspected your connection to certain places during your many lives on Planet Earth.
This is your divine path. I can only assist. There are many others on this side of life, shining a light on what must be done. Please ensure that you are grounded at all times. Your attack, last Sunday, in daylight, and with others around you, should act as a warning to always be on guard. The Dark Ones are fighting for their existence. They will fight anyone who shines a light on them. You need rest. You cannot carry this on your shoulders alone. I am happy to see that everything is becoming clearer. You never suspected your connection to certain places during your many lives on Planet Earth.
SaLuSa, September 24, 2012
The worldwide movement to bring about peace is gaining in support,
and is helping awake others of the need to no longer tolerate the lack
of compliance with your demands. Success will be yours but maybe not
quite in the way you would have expected. We will certainly have a hand
in it, and are allowed to assist where the Lightworkers are concerned.
The main focus for the time being are the governmental changes that are
needed to put the right people in charge of your future. Once one
country has removed those who are not working for the people, the demand
for changes elsewhere will escalate. There will be no stopping the
energy from bringing down the dark Ones, and in general terms they know
that their time is up.
On the one hand the world would seem to be in a hopeless mess, but beneath it all you are birthing the New Age and it waits to replace the old one. The old status quo cannot be maintained anymore as its very structure is falling down. No amount of effort or money can keep it intact, and many reputations will go down with it. Already legal actions are poised to bring more well known names out for their criminal activities. Some of the biggest culprits are still able to hide behind others who have done their dirty work for them. However, in the final reckoning no one will be able to avoid justice, or having to answer to the higher authorities. They are all known to us and their every deeds are held in the akashic records.
On the one hand the world would seem to be in a hopeless mess, but beneath it all you are birthing the New Age and it waits to replace the old one. The old status quo cannot be maintained anymore as its very structure is falling down. No amount of effort or money can keep it intact, and many reputations will go down with it. Already legal actions are poised to bring more well known names out for their criminal activities. Some of the biggest culprits are still able to hide behind others who have done their dirty work for them. However, in the final reckoning no one will be able to avoid justice, or having to answer to the higher authorities. They are all known to us and their every deeds are held in the akashic records.
I am SaLuSa,
New age,
SaLuSa September 24 2012
Friday, 21 September 2012
SaLuSa, September 21, 2012
Because everything is in the now we do not view things as you do, and we see the overall picture which shows that completion of this cycle will work out as intended. Once you have ascended then you will move into a new era and benefit from the upliftment in the energies, and your greater level of consciousness. All that is due to you by way of changes that will rapidly come into being, and at last you will be free from the attention of the dark Ones. There is no place in the new dimension for anything that is less, and you will be able to feel the heightened vibrations. It will be quite a new experience to know that every other person with you is of the same vibrations, and to be trusted and honest in all of their contact with you.
Golden Age,
Mike Quinsey,
SaLuSa September 21 2012,
World War
Spare Yourself Being Distracted At This Point By Any Playground Bullies
Spare yourself being distracted at this point by any playground bullies.
Michael channeled by Ron Head
September 20, 2012
in Michael, Ron's Channeled Messages
Today let us not forget to mention the impending equinox. “Oh no!”, thinks our channel. “We are going to get the light and energy stuff again.” OK. We will spare you that… after we point out that not only will you receive it stronger than ever, but there will be subtle changes as you move into this last quarter of your solar year and also into new abilities to sustain higher and higher volumes and frequencies.
We also need not point out that the crazies are seemingly becoming contagious all around you. Many of you are wondering at yourselves for not becoming at least a little alarmed at what is happening and what is rumored to be about to happen. Congratulations on your newfound ability to stay anchored in your centers and focused on your intended self-improvement. Perhaps that is not the best thing to call it, but then, that is what you are doing.
Channeled Messages,
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
SaLuSa, September 19, 2012
This year has sped by and so far there have been less incidents than
you might have expected. It has neither been catastrophic as many
prophesied, or fulfilled the promise of changes that are to lift you up.
Yet, your consciousness levels have increased quite substantially and
Ascension is still assured. Looking all around it is apparent that the
Institutions that have held prominent places in your world, are in
stages of collapse from which there is no escape. The truth is as
expected revealing much about them that shows how they have manipulated
events for their own advantage. You are even becoming aware that they
have had an agenda for a very long time to enslave you and gain world
control. You can see how near they were to achieving their aims, and
also the great movement amongst the people that have awoken to their
plan and defeated it.
Monday, 17 September 2012
SaLuSa, September 17, 2012
Within the cycle of duality you have had many lives, and when you
look back you will probably find that they been some of the most testing
and difficult you have had. The reason is that you have gone through
some of the lowest vibrations that you have ever experienced. It has
meant that you felt more separated from the Source than any previous
lives, and have lived largely through the instinct of survival. Those
bringing Light to the Earth had the challenge of grounding it, and
helping bring some balance between it and the dark energies. At times
the depths of darkness were reached, and Man looked to have lost any
hope of recovery.
However, those higher Beings in control of the plan for Man, had other ideas and gradually turned the tide so that the Light made progress. It was not until more recent times that it started to become more evident and gained influence. In spite of the continual warring between countries, the Light was beginning to empower those who came to Earth to bring about much needed changes. In the midst of chaos and disaster it started to re-create the grids of Light around the Earth. They have since become powerful points of Light that radiate out around it. The result is that Light groups have formed that have been able to enlighten the people to the truth, and today you stand at the doorway to full enlightenment.
However, those higher Beings in control of the plan for Man, had other ideas and gradually turned the tide so that the Light made progress. It was not until more recent times that it started to become more evident and gained influence. In spite of the continual warring between countries, the Light was beginning to empower those who came to Earth to bring about much needed changes. In the midst of chaos and disaster it started to re-create the grids of Light around the Earth. They have since become powerful points of Light that radiate out around it. The result is that Light groups have formed that have been able to enlighten the people to the truth, and today you stand at the doorway to full enlightenment.
Friday, 14 September 2012
SaLuSa, September 14, 2012
Those souls who are deeply immersed in their religious beliefs will
be amongst the last to accept the truth. That problem has been foreseen
and the respective teachers on whom their beliefs are based, will return
to explain what their true message was. Over time its interpretation
has been deliberately changed to place more power and control into the
controllers hands, so much so that the true meaning has become obscured.
Our presence and your understanding of our service to you, has helped
you realise that a point can be reached in your evolution when you can
go within to find the truth. It clearly does not mean that you should
not converse with others, as it is always useful to consider other
points of view.
We have already set out our beliefs as a creed that we uphold, and expresses our place of service to others within the Universe. At our level of vibration only the truth can exist, and it is one that you are also moving into very soon. So we ask you to be open to new ideas which in general terms are based upon the Oneness of All That Is. The problem you have had is that your civilization has become fragmented and separated into so many schisms, you find it difficult to know what to believe. Furthermore, it has brought about so much conflict that you have fought amongst yourselves, to prove who is right and who is wrong.
We have already set out our beliefs as a creed that we uphold, and expresses our place of service to others within the Universe. At our level of vibration only the truth can exist, and it is one that you are also moving into very soon. So we ask you to be open to new ideas which in general terms are based upon the Oneness of All That Is. The problem you have had is that your civilization has become fragmented and separated into so many schisms, you find it difficult to know what to believe. Furthermore, it has brought about so much conflict that you have fought amongst yourselves, to prove who is right and who is wrong.
SaLuSa September 14 2012
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Suzanne Lie: The Structure and Function of Time, by the Arcturians
The Arcturians Speak on the Structure and Function of Time – Part 1
By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – September 11, 2012
Part 1 – The Structure of Time
Our Dear Ascending Ones,
We the Arcturians, come to you in this NOW to inform you about the structure and function of time. As you are well aware, time is an illusion of the third and fourth dimension.
The structure of time is that photons align with and travel along separate matrix lines of third or fourth dimensional worlds. These Matrix lines are straight and interact with other straight matrix lines at 90, 120 or 180-degree angles.
The separate matrix represents the form and structure upon which the formless photons can contribute the light of consciousness. (Photon – A quantum of electromagnetic radiation, regarded as a particle with zero rest mass and charge, unit spin, and energy equal to the product of the frequency of the radiation.)
Hence, the matrix represents the form of a reality and the photons are the electromagnetic energy, life, that adheres to and travels along the matrix lines. Different frequencies of photons adhere to different forms of matrix. (Frequency – The number of complete cycles of a periodic process occurring per unit time.)
The combination of the form of the matrix and the frequency of the photons that adhere to that matrix, creates the resonance of that reality. For example, the 3D Matrix has many 90-degree intersections which are difficult to maneuver. This form attracts slower spinning photons that resonate to the frequency of the third dimension.
On the other hand, a 4D Matrix has more 120-degree intersections, which create less resistance and attracts the faster spinning fourth dimensional photons.
The transitional Matrix between the fourth and fifth dimensions, often known as “The Great Void,” has many 180-degree intersections. When there is a colliding of photons coming from opposite directions, the resulting energy field can transmute the fourth dimensional photons into fifth dimensional photons by closing the polarity of “separation vs unity.”
The fifth dimension and beyond are not limited by time. Fifth dimensional reality is based on Unity with the NOW of the ONE. Hence, every person, place, situation and thing is perceived as an expression of your SELF. Therefore, all interactions are experienced directly at a 180-degree direction.
If you are resonating to a fifth dimensional reality, you know that YOU are the creator of your reality. Hence, whatever confronts you is YOUR creation. Furthermore, being a fifth dimensional expression of life, you consciously experience your reality 360-degrees around you. Therefore, you do not need to turn your head to see oncoming energy fields, as your omnidirectional Third Eye is opened.
Creation of Time
Time is created by the separate, sequential lines meeting in angles. Because they are separate matrix lines, the photons are attuned to remain as separate as the energy lines on which they travel.
Separate lines encourage individuality and competition, as opposed to unity and co-operation of the higher worlds. Activity in this structure of reality is slowed down enough to create the countable “time” of the third/fourth dimensions. Furthermore, the juxtaposition of intersecting lines further slows the frequency rate of photons that travel these Matrixes.
Those who know Astrology are aware that the gradually intermingling 120-degree approach of intersection holds less delay than the 90-degree intersections. Due to the force of resistance, the 90-degree angle of connection is somewhat forceful because of the direct insertion of different flows of electro-magnetic energy fields.
120-Degree Intersection
When the joining of matrix lines is gradual, such as with the 120-degree angle, the photons of energy can prepare for new incoming energy patterns, which create less of a sensation of time passing as there is less friction. All friction, such as stress, resistance and competition, creates a slowing of activity, much like brakes slow down a car.
We wish to communicate with you now in our imagistic language, as “one picture is worth a thousand words.” You are driving on the freeway, and there is a great deal of traffic. However, a sign with blinking lights says, “Lane closed, merge to your left.” You can gradually merge to your left and little “time” will be lost.
90-Degree Intersection
When there is a 90-degree angle, the stream of the flow becomes temporarily confused. This is similar to interfering with ants’ long line of travel by moving a stick through their ranks. The ants become temporarily disoriented and move around in a random fashion. It then takes “time” for them to rejoin into a cohesive unit.
A sense of disorientation is common when an energy patterns enters your reality at a 90-degree direction, as many will feel “blind sighted.” Energy coming in at 90-degrees may be very close to you before your realize it is entering your flow. The perplexity that occurs causes a stoppage of forward movement.
In this case, you are traveling along a road and, with NO warning at all, a car quickly approaches you at a 90-degree angle. You slam on your brakes to avoid a collision, or you may try to outrun it, which would create a rush of adrenalin into your body. In either case, your consciousness will drop into fight/flight mode of the lower third dimension.
180-Degree Intersection
The 180-degree intersection of energy fields constitutes two lines bombarding each other from opposite directions. This head-on interfacing of opposing energy patterns creates a force of transmutation from the third/fourth dimension and into the fifth. At first this interaction can be quite disastrous as both patterns of flow become greatly disturbed and sometimes destroyed.
On the other hand, that which survives this interaction experiences the stoppage of time. It is the energy patterns traveling in two different directions and allowing the opposite directions of energy to intertwine that stops time. The Intertwining of forms represents co-operation and unity consciousness. Then the power of this co-operative effort boosts the frequency of movement of the electromagnetic energy fields into the fifth dimension of no-time.
An imagistic representation of this interaction is the co-operation that often occurs when there is a collision of many cars. Some people may get very wounded, but everyone that can gets out of their cars to assist those who need help. Some participants in this picture will learn to trust that others care for them, and those who are assisting are learning to interact with others in need, even if they do not know them.
Opposites and Polarities
If opposites, such as sunrise and sunset, were somehow able to merge, how would you determine the time? Opposites, the edges of polarities, are vital to maintain the illusion of third dimensional time. The Sun, masculine concept, rules the daytime and the Moon, feminine concept, rules the night.
Even though the Moon can often been seen in the day, little notice is taken for a third dimensional reality is ruled by opposites. In some countries, even 3D time is based on opposites, as the same number system of 1 through 12 applies for both day and night, but the am and pm times are used for opposite endeavors.
The Moon once determined the movement of time. However, when Patriarchal Society took over, time has been counted by the movement of the Sun. Hence, the cycle of a day is measured from 12:00 am moving forward into the “future” of 12:00 pm.
If time were to simultaneously move backward into the past, then 12:00 am and 12:00 pm would collide. What “time” would it be then? In this case, night and day would be the same time.
Your third dimensional thinking could not compute such a dilemma. Thus you would have to change your manner of thinking and of perceiving your reality. How can opposites meet? Time has worked so hard to keep them separate.
The only one way to release your life-long addiction to 3D separation, which creates 3D time, is to change your way of thinking. You have been trained through all your third/fourth dimensional realities to think in terms of opposite extremes with little attention paid to the in-between.
However, what if the two extremes were to converge? What would happen with what was in-between the two extremes of a polarity? If there is no polarity, there is no 12am and 12pm, and the in-between of 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11 would be condensed into the NOW.
At this point your third dimensional thinking, which is based on separate words lined up in separate lines of thought, would converge into each other as many thoughts interacting within the NOW. In other words, the time of the third and fourth dimension would be transmuted into the NOW of the fifth dimension.
Do you see how the existence of time is vital to create a polarized reality? Hence, one of the main functions of time is to create the lower frequency resonance of the physical reality.
The Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: A Special Message for the Delivering of the 9-9 Energies
We come to you dear, beautiful souls at this time to issue a message about the incoming energies being given to you with the activation of the 9-9 portal on your world. We are helping an increasing number of conscious Lightworkers and souls of the higher realms as well to increase the purity of the energies being given to your world in ways that will activate and expand the 9-9 portal as well as serve to upgrade the chakras and the energies being brought through the chakras of all of humanity.
You are indeed to find upheavals within yourselves and within the collective as newer paths are forged which the incoming energies being given to you are serving to set the foundation for. Are you dear souls not finding that the delivering of these energies which has been ongoing and which we have been preparing you dear souls for, for quite as while now, is beginning to have a wonderful and marvelous impact upon your Lives?
Sheldan Nidle - September 11, 2012
4 Cauac, 7 Zip, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We come today to give you a message. This message is about the coming transformation of your world. At present, a number of spectacular events are happening around your globe. They herald the great change that is preparing to manifest. Humanity is awakening from its long slumber and is no longer inclined to allow its earthly masters to dictate which path to follow. Humanity is now actively advocating that true democracy be established on your world, and the old guard who led the former global kleptocracy is no longer able to force you to blindly obey their commands. The multitudes are calling for a general discussion on every issue.
The protests in Mexico, the formal decrees in Iceland, and the active rebellion in Syria demonstrate the degree of determination that lies behind what humanity is demanding en masse from its 'rulers.' The time has come for a clean sweep, leading to a wholly new paradigm which can supply real solutions to age-old problems; but above all, it must be a time when universal sovereignty becomes a living, breathing reality that is honored and safeguarded by every nation on the planet.
Dratzo! We come today to give you a message. This message is about the coming transformation of your world. At present, a number of spectacular events are happening around your globe. They herald the great change that is preparing to manifest. Humanity is awakening from its long slumber and is no longer inclined to allow its earthly masters to dictate which path to follow. Humanity is now actively advocating that true democracy be established on your world, and the old guard who led the former global kleptocracy is no longer able to force you to blindly obey their commands. The multitudes are calling for a general discussion on every issue.
The protests in Mexico, the formal decrees in Iceland, and the active rebellion in Syria demonstrate the degree of determination that lies behind what humanity is demanding en masse from its 'rulers.' The time has come for a clean sweep, leading to a wholly new paradigm which can supply real solutions to age-old problems; but above all, it must be a time when universal sovereignty becomes a living, breathing reality that is honored and safeguarded by every nation on the planet.
SaLuSa, September 12, 2012
The fact that much is happening in your world has not gone unnoticed,
and for those who are just awakening to it, it seems that chaos reigns.
Your traditional trusted institutions such as your banks are being seen
for what they really are, but as yet the answers to their problems have
not surfaced. However, the plans to cover such an eventuality as their
collapse have been formulated. As with much of our allies work, it is
ready to be implemented and waiting the right opportunity to be
introduced. The old corrupt system will not be retained, and the new one
is receiving support for the far reaching changes that it will bring.
The need for governmental changes is being accepted, so that your new representatives put your needs first and foremost. Instead the serving of self has grown to endemic proportions, and financial control and accountability is practically non-existent. On a larger scale your money is siphoned off to fund black operations that have not been authorized by your government, and are often directed at you the people they should be serving. These situations have been going on unchecked for far too long, and with our allies who have our help we have made it clear we are going to put a stop to them. So you see Dear Ones that we are working towards bringing about the changes needed.
The need for governmental changes is being accepted, so that your new representatives put your needs first and foremost. Instead the serving of self has grown to endemic proportions, and financial control and accountability is practically non-existent. On a larger scale your money is siphoned off to fund black operations that have not been authorized by your government, and are often directed at you the people they should be serving. These situations have been going on unchecked for far too long, and with our allies who have our help we have made it clear we are going to put a stop to them. So you see Dear Ones that we are working towards bringing about the changes needed.
Monday, 10 September 2012
Magatha from Agartha ~~ The big climax has almost been reached
10/09/2012 by Méline Lafont

Greetings, brethren of Earth. I Am Magatha of Agartha and I greet you cordially. You are all most welcome! Today I wish to step forward with a message about yourselves and about your worth, your impact on the coming huge process called Ascension. Let me tell you that you all are, each and everyone of you, of the utmost importance in this process ; you are the ones who are playing a key role in this process of Ascension. This implies that there can be no Ascension without you nor without the key role that you represent, do you really understand the scope of that statement? It is so unspeakably important for you to persevere in those rather chaotic times, and to continue to be strong. The last mile is the longest; You are nearly there.
Magatha of Agartha,
Méline Lafont
SaLuSa, September 10, 2012
Bear in mind that the events that have been unwinding are directly
for your benefit. As much as you learn through the various sources of
information, the truth is difficult to convey in a way that you will
fully understand, without being backed with firm evidence. That will
come after those who block such information are removed, and we will do
it such a way that you are left without any doubts as to the truth.
However, whatever course events follow the main focus will remain upon
you who are preparing to ascend. We are pleased to see that people are
now speaking more freely amongst themselves about Ascension and what it
means for your civilization. After all it will affect every single soul
regardless of whether they have any foreknowledge of what is about to
take place. Simply put, you either stay in your present level of
vibration, or it is sufficiently raised to enable you to ascend with
Mother Earth.
There is no question of souls being chosen for Ascension, as it is a state of being that you achieve yourselves. If you are ready you cannot do anything else but rise up as the higher vibrations take hold. Obviously it means that you will find yourselves with those souls who are very much like you, and ready to participate in creating a new environment fit for a civilization that works with Light and Love. We will by then have been able to openly work with you and we will progress together, and build a society that is based upon harmony and balance in all things. Until you are lifted up out of the lower vibrations, you will always find it difficult to create and hold on to your vision of the New Age.
There is no question of souls being chosen for Ascension, as it is a state of being that you achieve yourselves. If you are ready you cannot do anything else but rise up as the higher vibrations take hold. Obviously it means that you will find yourselves with those souls who are very much like you, and ready to participate in creating a new environment fit for a civilization that works with Light and Love. We will by then have been able to openly work with you and we will progress together, and build a society that is based upon harmony and balance in all things. Until you are lifted up out of the lower vibrations, you will always find it difficult to create and hold on to your vision of the New Age.
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Montague Keen - September 9, 2012
What you have been observing lately is the dividing line between good
and evil, with governments making decisions that affect every one of
you. It is time to find your voice, or be led, like sheep to the
slaughter. The decisions that are being made are too important to be
left to corrupt politicians. You do not want a world war with the
mindless slaughter of millions of human beings on your conscience. This
plan for war is the last effort to gain complete control of your planet.
Is this what you want? It is time for you, the slaves, to find the
courage, to realise who you are, and to exercise your right as human
beings on Planet Earth.
The evil ones leave no stone unturned to achieve world domination. They do not belong in your world. This is why they make such efforts to change it to suit themselves. You have all stood idly by and watched them take control of everything. It was done by stealth. They took their time as they did not want the sheep to wake up and see what they were doing. They fooled you into believing you had enemies through clever brain-washing techniques. How they laughed at you as you bought into every lie - hook, line and sinker. The only thing they did not bargain for, was mankind waking up to the great deception.
The evil ones leave no stone unturned to achieve world domination. They do not belong in your world. This is why they make such efforts to change it to suit themselves. You have all stood idly by and watched them take control of everything. It was done by stealth. They took their time as they did not want the sheep to wake up and see what they were doing. They fooled you into believing you had enemies through clever brain-washing techniques. How they laughed at you as you bought into every lie - hook, line and sinker. The only thing they did not bargain for, was mankind waking up to the great deception.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Cobra Conferences Around the World
As you probably know, there is the second Window of Opportunity for divine intervention that is opening very soon:
For this time window I have received clearance to go public in a limited way in a number of conferences around the world where people will receive more in-depth intel and will be able to ask questions. The locations of those conferences are strategically positioned on planetary vortex points to enhance the planetary Light body grid. The purpose of the conferences is twofold: to strengthen the planetary Light body with vortex activations and to bring some Light and clarity in the minds of dedicated lightworkers. Each of the conferences will be a unique energetic event. You can help making this viral by posting this information on your websites, blogs and facebook.
he official website for the conferences is here:
The first conference will be taking place in Turin, Italy, from October 26th to 28th. This conference will be positioned within the same energy vortex that has triggered the first Renaissance more than 500 years ago. Now the same vortex will start triggering the second Renaissance. On that conference certain developments of Operation Dreamland will be happening that can not yet be disclosed. Link to that conference is here:
The second conference will be in Austin, Texas, from November 9th to 11th. Within this conference we will be having a special activation on November 11th. The link is here:
The third conference will be in Charlotte, North Carolina, from November 16th to 18th. As we were making the initial preparations for this conference, this UFO has appeared in North Carolina:
Announcing the First-Ever 2012 Scenario Conference Sedona. October 26, 27, 28, 2012. Limited Seats Available Now.
Click to see a full size poster.
Two of the world’s most-respected Lightworkers – Mike Quinsey, channeller of SaLuSa and Suzy Ward, receiver of Matthew Ward’s messages, as well as God, Hatonn and others – will join Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, and the InLight Radio on-air team for the first ever 2012 Scenario Conference, which will be held in the spiritual centre and famed City of Light, Sedona on October 26, 27 and 28, 2012.
Tickets for the conference are on sale as of today. Tickets are limited and are likely to see fast. They are available exclusively online here at the 2012 Scenario.
Ute Posegga-Rudel : Message from the Arcturians [22] – Step Back and Be
As channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel – September 3, 2012
Dear Ones, we are the Arcturians!
It is good that you rest more! Everybody should! The incoming energies are very high and your bodies are not used to it!
There has not been such a high frequency on earth, and your collective physical consciousness is not familiar with such strong currents of electromagnetic waves.
They enter deep into your physical vehicle and are changing the biology of your cells and the structure of your body.
Many of you are already familiar with this fact, but most of you do not really deal with this profound change or unknown process that is altering your body.
You all must make sure to give your physical body enough space and quiet to adapt. Stress and a life that continues to be very busy is what does not serve your well-being. And if you have stress you do not allow the evolutionary process to take place as it should.
This change on all levels requires basically a contemplative life at best.
But your life is mainly just busy, and the controllers are actually keeping you busy by non stop blasting useless information and the compulsive requirements of a controlled society at you.
If you are still in the midst of this world that is a creation of the controllers, we ask you to look for options and to see how you can step out of this machine of life, that keeps you busy for the sake of being busy. This is of course intended. Because busy people cannot really become conscious in a way that is natural to them by birthright.
New Earth
Sheldan Nidle - September 4, 2012
10 Eb, 0 Zip, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return with much to discuss. A great change in your banking system is getting ready to appear. As you know, a dark cabal runs your world by maintaining a tight grip on the global banking system, which in turn controls everything else. This grip has been loosened recently by the inflationary nature of its fiat currencies. Added to which, it is impossible to perpetuate a system based on debt and expect to simply add to the debt indefinitely, but this is precisely how your present financial system is expected to operate. In fact the true extent of the hidden debt accrued by this cabal is staggering. On another front, these ones sincerely believed that the block placed by Heaven on your reduced genetics long ago to prevent further tampering by the dark could actually be breached by using the alien genetic technology which had fallen into their hands around the end of WWII.
This mistaken belief now forms the basis of their defeat and is leading to the restoration of the Light on planet Earth. Heaven knew this was happening and in the early 1990s requested us in the Galactic Federation to set up a first contact mission for Gaia. This mission is to make known to you the truth about many things, including the major reasons for the coming of your new reality.
Dratzo! We return with much to discuss. A great change in your banking system is getting ready to appear. As you know, a dark cabal runs your world by maintaining a tight grip on the global banking system, which in turn controls everything else. This grip has been loosened recently by the inflationary nature of its fiat currencies. Added to which, it is impossible to perpetuate a system based on debt and expect to simply add to the debt indefinitely, but this is precisely how your present financial system is expected to operate. In fact the true extent of the hidden debt accrued by this cabal is staggering. On another front, these ones sincerely believed that the block placed by Heaven on your reduced genetics long ago to prevent further tampering by the dark could actually be breached by using the alien genetic technology which had fallen into their hands around the end of WWII.
This mistaken belief now forms the basis of their defeat and is leading to the restoration of the Light on planet Earth. Heaven knew this was happening and in the early 1990s requested us in the Galactic Federation to set up a first contact mission for Gaia. This mission is to make known to you the truth about many things, including the major reasons for the coming of your new reality.
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Star Councils of Light: Message for 21/12/2012 through Solara An~Ra
Those who we call ‘Light tribe of Gaia’ are not special, chosen ones in any way – they are YOU! You are the ones who choose to open your hearts, open your minds, open your consciousness … and be awake; alert; conscious at this time of transition.
We speak now of the purpose – of the nature of the transition that you find yourselves in, in these sacred days of 2012 – and in particular now, in the period starting from the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence – leading into the Winter Solstice energies of 2012. You have been in the transition now for these 25 years. We say it is the transition into the ‘New age’; the ‘Age of Light’ or the ‘Age of Aquarius’ – and what is the meaning of this? What is the nature of the shift that you go through?
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Montague Keen - September 2, 2012
Your world is waking up and the Cabal's grip is loosening as the
Light of Truth spreads. Now people are prepared to do serious research
into the true history of your world before the Cabal changed it, 2000
years ago. It was through bloodshed that they forced their doctrine on
country after country. They created divisions through different belief
systems in order to create conflict. If you do not look at what was done
then, you will never understand how to change things.
Once the truth is understood, everything falls into place.
You cannot change anything until you understand what needs to be changed and who is responsible for the state your world is in. You have to ask yourselves, who can you trust? Look at the puppets you vote for. Time after time, you are taken in by fine words that have no substance. Surely, you know by now, that they are only words. They do not mean what they say. Their purpose is to keep you under control and to bring in all the laws that are necessary to keep you as slaves that exist only to serve them. It is time to stop being slaves.
Once the truth is understood, everything falls into place.
You cannot change anything until you understand what needs to be changed and who is responsible for the state your world is in. You have to ask yourselves, who can you trust? Look at the puppets you vote for. Time after time, you are taken in by fine words that have no substance. Surely, you know by now, that they are only words. They do not mean what they say. Their purpose is to keep you under control and to bring in all the laws that are necessary to keep you as slaves that exist only to serve them. It is time to stop being slaves.
Montague Keen September 2 2012,
Planet Earth
Matthew Ward - September 1, 2012
Ascension process on target; Earth’s destination fifth density; ongoing ET assistance; disclosure process; Hatonn: Obama reelection key to ET arrival, Golden Age master plan; fear deters soul evolvement
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Such excitement is in the air for all lighted souls—the countdown to the threshold of Earth’s Golden Age is months and weeks, not the decades, then years that followed the onset of her ascension!
2. Especially among newly awakened souls, but also some long-time dedicated lightworkers, there are differing perceptions about two aspects of this accomplishment that is unique in this universe: ascension itself and disclosure. Some view these as singular, unrelated events while others consider ascension to be a process and disclosure an event. We shall speak about our perspective of these ongoing processes as the two sides of a coin, so to say.
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Such excitement is in the air for all lighted souls—the countdown to the threshold of Earth’s Golden Age is months and weeks, not the decades, then years that followed the onset of her ascension!
2. Especially among newly awakened souls, but also some long-time dedicated lightworkers, there are differing perceptions about two aspects of this accomplishment that is unique in this universe: ascension itself and disclosure. Some view these as singular, unrelated events while others consider ascension to be a process and disclosure an event. We shall speak about our perspective of these ongoing processes as the two sides of a coin, so to say.
SaLuSa, August 31, 2012
The dark Ones really thought they had won the day, and the New World
order was in their reach. However, they reckoned without your resilience
and determination to stand up to them, and in the relatively short
period since your present century started, you have exponentially
increased the Light on Earth to defeat them. They still make noises and
believe that they can still interfere with the plans for Ascension, but
the fact is that they are now no more than a minor irritation. They no
longer have the power or support to achieve any real measure of success,
and are witnessing the demise of their empire.
What we are dealing with now is the system that they set up that still functions. It does for example stand in the way of Disclosure, but with each day that passes their obstruction is being removed. Once Disclosure becomes officially approved, it will open the floodgates to many other aspects of our ongoing relationship with you. Open contact has to be seen as a separate issue, but will take place before Ascension occurs. The way must be first prepared for such great revelations, because many people are still in denial of our existence let alone ready to receive us. However, the truth must come out as your future is very much bound up with ours, because we are All One.
What we are dealing with now is the system that they set up that still functions. It does for example stand in the way of Disclosure, but with each day that passes their obstruction is being removed. Once Disclosure becomes officially approved, it will open the floodgates to many other aspects of our ongoing relationship with you. Open contact has to be seen as a separate issue, but will take place before Ascension occurs. The way must be first prepared for such great revelations, because many people are still in denial of our existence let alone ready to receive us. However, the truth must come out as your future is very much bound up with ours, because we are All One.
SaLuSa August 31 2012
Sheldan Nidle - August 28, 2012
3 Chicchan, 13 Uo, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! At present, we are waiting for the date to begin the preliminaries that are to take place prior to bringing the new banking system on-line. This period will be swiftly followed by the formal announcement of this new global financial system, which by its very nature will create a situation that makes it impossible for the dark cabal to subsist. It is the subsequent new governments which will allow the prosperity funds to be delivered. Long ago, your world was prevailed upon to accept not only that the irrational Anunnaki worldview was 'real' but that no other reality was possible. This belief will be shattered by the new financial system which will open doors that have been kept firmly shut by the dark cabal. The upcoming, vast transference of funds will remove the lockdown on progress that the dark has imposed on you for decades, and once this clamp is gone, the new procedures and accompanying official expositions can go forward. However, these are merely the initial steps that will lead quickly to a massive operation that is to manifest the full agenda decreed by the Light and morph this present nightmare realm into a Light-infused dream.
Dratzo! We return! At present, we are waiting for the date to begin the preliminaries that are to take place prior to bringing the new banking system on-line. This period will be swiftly followed by the formal announcement of this new global financial system, which by its very nature will create a situation that makes it impossible for the dark cabal to subsist. It is the subsequent new governments which will allow the prosperity funds to be delivered. Long ago, your world was prevailed upon to accept not only that the irrational Anunnaki worldview was 'real' but that no other reality was possible. This belief will be shattered by the new financial system which will open doors that have been kept firmly shut by the dark cabal. The upcoming, vast transference of funds will remove the lockdown on progress that the dark has imposed on you for decades, and once this clamp is gone, the new procedures and accompanying official expositions can go forward. However, these are merely the initial steps that will lead quickly to a massive operation that is to manifest the full agenda decreed by the Light and morph this present nightmare realm into a Light-infused dream.
Sheldan Nidle August 28 2012
SaLuSa, August 27, 2012
Some people ask what shall they do when they have to make decisions
that will take them beyond the 21st. December. The answer will always be
to follow your intuition, as whatever you do it will not affect your
Ascension. What is however important is to settle any differences you
have with friends and relations. It can be done if you accept the need
to start the New Age with a clean slate, and realize that some old
relationships will end and new ones begin. There will be more
partnerships rather than marriages, as you will come into groups that
will work together for each others benefit. You will in fact have more
freedom than previously, having reached a higher level of consciousness.
You will be able to travel freely and reach out to the Galaxy to go
wherever your desires take you.
Part of your immediate growth is from lifting your thoughts up so that you can focus on the future. Your present cycle is ending and with it should go any attachments that could hold you back. Have no regrets as you have had hundreds of lives that have speeded up your evolution. You are in line for a much better life without the drawbacks that duality has confronted you with. Yet all of your experiences have been part of your upliftment, and you will always benefit from them. Duality has been a time of fully experiencing the senses and emotions and learning to control them. You have the ability to keep negative emotions in check, and you cannot excuse yourselves if you fail by claiming that is how you are. You must make the effort to change, and this will benefit you in many ways, as you will feel much better within yourselves. Anger in particular has a debilitating affect on you, and when it repeatedly occurs it is damaging your body and can bring the onset of illness.
Part of your immediate growth is from lifting your thoughts up so that you can focus on the future. Your present cycle is ending and with it should go any attachments that could hold you back. Have no regrets as you have had hundreds of lives that have speeded up your evolution. You are in line for a much better life without the drawbacks that duality has confronted you with. Yet all of your experiences have been part of your upliftment, and you will always benefit from them. Duality has been a time of fully experiencing the senses and emotions and learning to control them. You have the ability to keep negative emotions in check, and you cannot excuse yourselves if you fail by claiming that is how you are. You must make the effort to change, and this will benefit you in many ways, as you will feel much better within yourselves. Anger in particular has a debilitating affect on you, and when it repeatedly occurs it is damaging your body and can bring the onset of illness.
SaLuSa August 27 2012
Montague Keen - August 26, 2012
Veronica, my dear, the results of our efforts to prevent World War
III are becoming more obvious every day. The Cabal has become quite
desperate. People are speaking out and revealing what the Cabal has done
to destroy and control humanity. Some can no longer cope with the guilt
of what they were forced to do, when under the control of the Cabal.
Many were put into situations where satanic abuse was made acceptable.
They foolishly indulged, not knowing that it was all being recorded, and
would be used against them to force these so-called 'respectable'
people to obey the Cabal or be ruined by exposure. This formula has
worked for generations and it continues to this day. They are made to
believe that they belong to an "exclusive club". They make the sign of
Lucifer to show that they are happy to belong to it. They see themselves
as superior to the lesser, expendable, mortals.
Montague Keen August 26 2012
Sheldan Nidle - August 21, 2012
9 Etznab, 6 Uo, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We come to give you another report on what is transpiring around your world. In Asia and Europe a general rebellion continues against the dollar and its debt-based fiat system. In fact, the new gold-backed currencies are beginning to show their hand. Further, the pressing need for debt forgiveness is demonstrated by what is going on in Iceland, where the peoples' revolution is illustrating just how easy it is to counteract the chaos that is the dark's agenda. The gigantic global debt and its resultant social problems need to be resolved quickly; indeed, the mess now spreading in Greece and most of southern Europe exemplifies this core issue. It is for this reason that the new system is predicated on two central factors: universal debt forgiveness and the return to a precious-metals-backed monetary system. Preventing its swift introduction is the waning, albeit still powerful, presence of dark control. To avert a global economic meltdown, Earth's sacred secret societies are preparing a way to sequester the last dark cabal. We form part of this complex operation and intend to use our technology to assist in its removal.
Dratzo! We come to give you another report on what is transpiring around your world. In Asia and Europe a general rebellion continues against the dollar and its debt-based fiat system. In fact, the new gold-backed currencies are beginning to show their hand. Further, the pressing need for debt forgiveness is demonstrated by what is going on in Iceland, where the peoples' revolution is illustrating just how easy it is to counteract the chaos that is the dark's agenda. The gigantic global debt and its resultant social problems need to be resolved quickly; indeed, the mess now spreading in Greece and most of southern Europe exemplifies this core issue. It is for this reason that the new system is predicated on two central factors: universal debt forgiveness and the return to a precious-metals-backed monetary system. Preventing its swift introduction is the waning, albeit still powerful, presence of dark control. To avert a global economic meltdown, Earth's sacred secret societies are preparing a way to sequester the last dark cabal. We form part of this complex operation and intend to use our technology to assist in its removal.
Sheldan Nidle August 21 2012
Kris Won, July 11, 2012
Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!
The fact that I am not writing you often like I used to, absolutely does not mean that I have forgotten you, dear brothers and sisters.
Nevertheless, there are other matters requiring my full attention, for if we want to help the human beings of this beautiful blue planet to transcend towards a higher sphere, such action deserves that we throw ourselves fully into such task, which leaves us with little extra time for other things.
In order to achieve this goal, all of us have come, and we do it with much joy and dedication because we know that, finally, our effort, which is not small, will be seen crowned with the success of our mission.
Kris Won July 11 2012
Montague Keen - August 19, 2012
Your oppressors are failing to find a solution to the problems facing
them. Slowly they are coming to the conclusion that they do not have a
choice. What we envisage is that one day you will wake up to find that
they have fled off-planet. That is when all the dark technology can be
dismantled. It will be replaced with technology that will excite and
amaze you. Be understanding; it is not easy for them to just walk away
from all that they almost had in the palm of their hands.
We will deal with them as swiftly as we can. We will also have to deal with those who refuse to leave the third dimensional state. It has a stranglehold on them and they are frightened to leave it. They fear changes of any sort. They have not learned to trust the evidence that has been placed before them. They cling to material possessions, refusing to see that when you reunite with your friends from other planets you will have everything you could possibly wish for. Though they are limited in their thinking, they will be looked after.
We will deal with them as swiftly as we can. We will also have to deal with those who refuse to leave the third dimensional state. It has a stranglehold on them and they are frightened to leave it. They fear changes of any sort. They have not learned to trust the evidence that has been placed before them. They cling to material possessions, refusing to see that when you reunite with your friends from other planets you will have everything you could possibly wish for. Though they are limited in their thinking, they will be looked after.
Montague Keen August 19 2012
SaLuSa, August 24, 2012
The period you are in now is a bit like the calm before the storm, as
in reality you know only a little about what is really happening. Yet
our activities are putting the pressure on those who need to step aside,
to allow the New Age to commence. Either they move or we will do it for
our Allies, and that will result in a great deal of happenings that
will finally hit the media. It will be what you have been expecting and
will gather pace very quickly. Even so it will take some weeks before
the remnants of the old paradigm can be removed, and thus allow the
introduction of that which is to replace it.
As we have often informed you, everything is ready to go ahead, and we will be every bit as delighted as you will be when it does so. In the first instance much of the work will be carried out by our allies, who are well prepared for their role in the proceedings. We have been guiding them for a long time and are extremely grateful for their cooperation, as we are with Lightworkers in general. Many of you incarnated especially at this time knowing what challenges lay ahead for you, and were chosen because of your loyalty and service to the Light.
As we have often informed you, everything is ready to go ahead, and we will be every bit as delighted as you will be when it does so. In the first instance much of the work will be carried out by our allies, who are well prepared for their role in the proceedings. We have been guiding them for a long time and are extremely grateful for their cooperation, as we are with Lightworkers in general. Many of you incarnated especially at this time knowing what challenges lay ahead for you, and were chosen because of your loyalty and service to the Light.
SaLuSa August 24 2012
Matthew Ward - August 2, 2012
No terrorism at Olympics; reasons ETs may arrive sooner than planned; effects of vibrations on Earth clashing with higher frequencies; fear and duality; power outage in India; shooting in Colorado, USA; ETs honor lightworkers; prepare for Golden Age
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The combination of vibratory emissions from Earth and the energy planes through which the planet is ascending are producing a variety of strong effects.
2. We shall speak about those, and first we mention the most splendid effect— myriad sparkles are shooting upward from Earth, and each signifies that a soul is awakening, searching for an understanding of what is transpiring in your world. Although the populace doesn’t know that weapons of war are failing to function and many thousands of our assisting family members are circling in your skies, for instance, there is a strong feeling that something significant is afoot, and some feel that it bodes well for the world.
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The combination of vibratory emissions from Earth and the energy planes through which the planet is ascending are producing a variety of strong effects.
2. We shall speak about those, and first we mention the most splendid effect— myriad sparkles are shooting upward from Earth, and each signifies that a soul is awakening, searching for an understanding of what is transpiring in your world. Although the populace doesn’t know that weapons of war are failing to function and many thousands of our assisting family members are circling in your skies, for instance, there is a strong feeling that something significant is afoot, and some feel that it bodes well for the world.
Matthew Ward August 2 2012
Sheldan Nidle - August 14, 2012
2 Batz, 19 Pop, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We come again with some interesting news. At present our Inner Earth allies are finishing up the multifarious activities that are preparing your world for its new reality. The dark cabal is busy with a broad-based and complex delaying tactic, but as we keep telling them, this plan is headed for failure. These cabalists need to accept the fact that the realm the Anunnaki created for them nearly 13 millennia ago is rapidly collapsing as the Light suffuses every corner of it. This suffusing has primed your world for an entirely new reality which is now manifesting with great aplomb! This is the time for new governance, new prosperity, and for the series of formal announcements informing you about it all. A full disclosure of who we are and why we have come to your world will be included in the broadcasts. Your move into full consciousness is a vital part of the unfolding of the divine plan, which means that we have a clear responsibility to use our divine offices to ensure your complete liberation from the clutches of the dark cabal. This we are actively engaged upon. In this regard it is important that the present accords agreed to by the dark be honored by them.
Dratzo! We come again with some interesting news. At present our Inner Earth allies are finishing up the multifarious activities that are preparing your world for its new reality. The dark cabal is busy with a broad-based and complex delaying tactic, but as we keep telling them, this plan is headed for failure. These cabalists need to accept the fact that the realm the Anunnaki created for them nearly 13 millennia ago is rapidly collapsing as the Light suffuses every corner of it. This suffusing has primed your world for an entirely new reality which is now manifesting with great aplomb! This is the time for new governance, new prosperity, and for the series of formal announcements informing you about it all. A full disclosure of who we are and why we have come to your world will be included in the broadcasts. Your move into full consciousness is a vital part of the unfolding of the divine plan, which means that we have a clear responsibility to use our divine offices to ensure your complete liberation from the clutches of the dark cabal. This we are actively engaged upon. In this regard it is important that the present accords agreed to by the dark be honored by them.
Sheldan Nidle August 14 2012
Kris Won, June 14, 2012
Dearest Brethren:
I am addressing all of you with the sole intention of making you a request: please, don't spend so many hours sitting in front of the TV!
Believe me, there are many ways to fill up your time in this life in a more productive manner than sitting like 'couch potatoes', allowing all that enormous amount of images and subliminal messages to fill up your subconsciouss as well as your consciouss mind.
Kris Won June 14 2012
Montague Keen - August 12, 2012
From this side of life, everything is going according to plan. Truth
is being exposed and people are more accepting of the situation your
world faces. We accept that it is hard for many of you to believe that
there are people around you who loathe and despise you because they see
you as inferior, and that it is their intention to remove you from the
planet to which you belong. Sadly, it is all part of the plan. The false
history they invented is now being exposed. Good people are prepared to
examine all that they had believed to be fact. Science can, and will,
establish the truth. The technology is available in every country. It is
time for all good men of all nationalities to come together to rescue
your world from the criminal elite which wants to take it over. Your
beautiful planet will be restored, and all it will take is the removal
of the Control Grid.
Montague Keen August 12 2012
Matthew Ward - July 4, 2012
Arrests imminent; world leaders and ETs negotiating, attendees include Illuminati; areas of progress; Obama; everything based in darkness to cease by year end; interim reform initiation; changes after planet enters fourth density; reason for delay of ET landings; responsibilities to self
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is our joy to tell you that a great deal of major importance is underway. Although some information that could be published very likely won’t be—namely, that a sizeable number of high ranking Illuminati are in line for arrest—most high level accomplishments are known primarily to the participating parties.
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is our joy to tell you that a great deal of major importance is underway. Although some information that could be published very likely won’t be—namely, that a sizeable number of high ranking Illuminati are in line for arrest—most high level accomplishments are known primarily to the participating parties.
Matthew Ward July 4 2012
SaLuSa, August 22, 2012
You can be sure that there is nothing to worry about where the dark
Ones are concerned, because we have aborted many of their attempts to
cause trouble. We have contained their activities for some time now and
intend to keep doing so. They are staring into the abyss of oblivion and
there is no escape for them. Their empire is slowly crumbling and there
is no way back for them. We do however closely monitor some individuals
who of their own accord still exercise authority over their minions. On
all fronts our allies are making good progress, and many issues could
well be finalized by the end of this month. Meanwhile you are awakening
at much quicker pace, and your awareness is another reason that the
Light is ever increasing in its power.
SaLuSa August 22 2012
Sheldan Nidle - August 7, 2012
8 Kan, 12 Pop, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! Much is involved in the final aspects of the great sundering that is to bring down the dark power structure. At present, you are witnessing the final days of the power struggle which is reaching its definitive denouement. The cabalists are using their ability to foment chaos in an attempt to escape the noose we have thrown around them, but their convoluted schemes will not be successful this time. We have made allowances for their finagling ways and are anticipating anything they can come up with. Over the eons, war has been the cabal's instrument of choice for manipulating you and wriggling out of inconvenient situations, and it is using this tried-and-true device today in the Middle East and in South Asia. While deadly efficient, this 'tool' will not result in their escape as our control over Earth events is too strong to be thwarted by such low-level shenanigans. Do not be concerned by what the cabalists are planning. Their anything-goes attempts to go out with a bang will backfire on them, providing the means to liberate this vital region of the world. The coming transformation is utterly under the aegis of divine fate!
Dratzo! We return! Much is involved in the final aspects of the great sundering that is to bring down the dark power structure. At present, you are witnessing the final days of the power struggle which is reaching its definitive denouement. The cabalists are using their ability to foment chaos in an attempt to escape the noose we have thrown around them, but their convoluted schemes will not be successful this time. We have made allowances for their finagling ways and are anticipating anything they can come up with. Over the eons, war has been the cabal's instrument of choice for manipulating you and wriggling out of inconvenient situations, and it is using this tried-and-true device today in the Middle East and in South Asia. While deadly efficient, this 'tool' will not result in their escape as our control over Earth events is too strong to be thwarted by such low-level shenanigans. Do not be concerned by what the cabalists are planning. Their anything-goes attempts to go out with a bang will backfire on them, providing the means to liberate this vital region of the world. The coming transformation is utterly under the aegis of divine fate!
Sheldan Nidle August 7 2012
Kris Won, May 6, 2012
Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!
During the last weeks, the number of men and women - especially women - who have begun to channel messages has increased, many of which are being published in the Internet, to our joy and blessing.
We have chosen the channelings to convey to you the news of everything that is occurring during the process of Ascension, for we consider it ideal that only those who are open to a First Contact and to everything that the Great Revelation of our presence among you implies, have an easy access to such information, while those who scoff at this information or simply don't believe in it because they are mentally vibrating in the old archetype, will not find themselves at ease reading them.
Kris Won May 6 2012
Sheldan Nidle - July 31, 2012
12 Manik, 5 Pop, 9 Ik
Dratzo! We return! Your transitioning world is moving from the old dark reality that is familiar to you, to a new one filled with Light, Love, and prosperity. In recent years the dark cabal has been doing all it can to stem the tide of this shift and maintain the control it has enjoyed for so long without opposition. However, this is no longer possible. The Ascended Masters have acted globally according to divine decrees to move your realm into Light, and these actions are exerting pressure upon the cabal, which is compelling it to reveal some of its fraudulent methods of doing business, thus demonstrating its habitual, arrogant modus operandi. These revelations are providing the grist for their eventual prosecution. Some nations, like Iceland, have already begun the legal process of disassembling the power structure built up decades ago by this cabal. Many other nations will soon follow suit. We are monitoring this, and our liaison officers are supplying reams of incriminating data to those who are in charge of investigating this large, unruly cabal.
Dratzo! We return! Your transitioning world is moving from the old dark reality that is familiar to you, to a new one filled with Light, Love, and prosperity. In recent years the dark cabal has been doing all it can to stem the tide of this shift and maintain the control it has enjoyed for so long without opposition. However, this is no longer possible. The Ascended Masters have acted globally according to divine decrees to move your realm into Light, and these actions are exerting pressure upon the cabal, which is compelling it to reveal some of its fraudulent methods of doing business, thus demonstrating its habitual, arrogant modus operandi. These revelations are providing the grist for their eventual prosecution. Some nations, like Iceland, have already begun the legal process of disassembling the power structure built up decades ago by this cabal. Many other nations will soon follow suit. We are monitoring this, and our liaison officers are supplying reams of incriminating data to those who are in charge of investigating this large, unruly cabal.
Sheldan Nidle July 31 2012
SaLuSa, August 20, 2012
For you the greatest discovery is that your consciousness levels have
risen quite considerably in the last few years. Knowledge is useful but
not in itself your passport to Ascension. Through living the highest
concept you have of yourself, you are setting your goals to become that
which is your destiny. You are also helping raise the levels of the Mass
Consciousness, and that attracts even more souls so that in the end a
large number of you ascend. You will also find that you can rise above
the pull or attraction of the lower energies. They are no longer part of
you when you seek a higher expression of yourself. What did satisfy you
in this lifetime is no longer necessarily fulfilling, as you have
become more sensitive to that which is creating discord or discontent.
SaLuSa August 20 2012
Sheldan Nidle - July 24, 2012
8 Batz, 4 Vayeb, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return! Much continues to take place behind the facade of your world. The dark cabal's global banking system is crumbling at an ever-increasing rate, and a raft of banking CEOs is being forced to resign. Interpol and associated agencies are stepping up their investigations into the LIBOR scandal which now appears to have no clear boundaries, and indeed this operation is starting to threaten numerous governments in Europe and Asia with collapse. As the crisis grows, the BRIC nations and their allies are informing the cabal that its attempts to reinstate its electronic fiat currencies are banned forthwith. This is further exacerbated by a lack of available capital. The political situation in Europe and, shortly, in North America, is reaching a boiling point. Something has to be done swiftly, or the present economic construct is sure to collapse. The new economic system favored by the coalition of BRIC nations is now fully ready to be rolled out at a moment's notice, and pursuant to this, several nations in Asia have placed liens on a number of major western banks.
Dratzo! We return! Much continues to take place behind the facade of your world. The dark cabal's global banking system is crumbling at an ever-increasing rate, and a raft of banking CEOs is being forced to resign. Interpol and associated agencies are stepping up their investigations into the LIBOR scandal which now appears to have no clear boundaries, and indeed this operation is starting to threaten numerous governments in Europe and Asia with collapse. As the crisis grows, the BRIC nations and their allies are informing the cabal that its attempts to reinstate its electronic fiat currencies are banned forthwith. This is further exacerbated by a lack of available capital. The political situation in Europe and, shortly, in North America, is reaching a boiling point. Something has to be done swiftly, or the present economic construct is sure to collapse. The new economic system favored by the coalition of BRIC nations is now fully ready to be rolled out at a moment's notice, and pursuant to this, several nations in Asia have placed liens on a number of major western banks.
Sheldan Nidle July 24 2012
SaLuSa, August 17, 2012
You will know that for a long time we have been working on various
issues that have held up progress. Perhaps even we have underestimated
how difficult some have been, but we now see that our allies are on the
verge of making a sudden breakthrough. We will refrain from being too
precise but this time events will be too big to hide away, and the media
will be unable to continue ignoring them.
The developments in the financial sector will show that whatever they do now, they cannot return to the old ways and will have to accept vast changes. We are at a point when the only answers are for the big Banks to accept the new set up that is ready to be installed. There is nowhere to go that will allow them to resurrect the old system, and it will soon become defunct. That will effectively give our allies the green light to go ahead and introduce the new one.
The developments in the financial sector will show that whatever they do now, they cannot return to the old ways and will have to accept vast changes. We are at a point when the only answers are for the big Banks to accept the new set up that is ready to be installed. There is nowhere to go that will allow them to resurrect the old system, and it will soon become defunct. That will effectively give our allies the green light to go ahead and introduce the new one.
SaLuSa August 17 2012
Kris Won, April 6, 2012
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters,
Here speaking with you is Esmeralda, also a member of the crew of a small spaceship whose Commander is Espallán, who has previously spoken with you, as well as my other sister, Salomé, who has also contacted you before. There are still two more crew members of our spaceship that have not spoken with you yet, but who will when the time is right. Kris Won, the channel that we use to communicate with you, knows the name of the two other spaceship crew members who have not as yet communicated with you.
My particular mission in the spaceship is, mainly, to pick up, classify, and in some cases, genetically modify the plant samples that we gather from the surface of Gaia, your planet, as well as from the bottom of the ocean.
Kris Won April 6 2012
Montague Keen - August 5, 2012
Michael Ellner
These words really resonated with you, my dear. I have always said that nothing is as it seems. You have been deliberately taught the opposite of what is true. This applies to everything from birth to death. You have been lied to. You must now take responsibility for your own lives. Always go with what is natural and pure. It will not harm you. We have plans to introduce you to natural methods of producing food, pure water and clean air to breathe. Our work to rescue mankind is a big undertaking. We are confident that we can do it, once everything is out in the open and people have awakened from their hypnotic state. As soon as you have full consciousness you cannot be lied to or kept in false belief systems.
Michael Ellner
These words really resonated with you, my dear. I have always said that nothing is as it seems. You have been deliberately taught the opposite of what is true. This applies to everything from birth to death. You have been lied to. You must now take responsibility for your own lives. Always go with what is natural and pure. It will not harm you. We have plans to introduce you to natural methods of producing food, pure water and clean air to breathe. Our work to rescue mankind is a big undertaking. We are confident that we can do it, once everything is out in the open and people have awakened from their hypnotic state. As soon as you have full consciousness you cannot be lied to or kept in false belief systems.
Montague Keen August 5 2012
SaLuSa, August 15, 2012
We are entering the closing stages of the preparations for Ascension,
and that requires a great deal of co-operation from our Allies. To
dismantle the web of corruption, and the corporations that have been
empowered by the Illuminati, has been a mammoth task and is still
proceeding. Bear in mind that the plan of the dark Ones was established
over 200 years ago, and its tentacles have penetrated almost every facet
of your existence. Like a cancer it has quickly spread until it has
become difficult to completely eliminate, but we have been able to bring
it to a halt. Our allies have been using the very circumstances that
the dark Ones have created, to turn it in upon themselves and have
seriously weakened their power structure.
The removal of many top members of the Illuminati proceeds, and in general there is a build up to remove others who are their pawns in the political and Government circles. It is going well and will soon open up opportunities to move nearer to Disclosure, and get organized for the advancement of other projects. Believe us Dear Ones, we are well behind those who are carrying the responsibility for getting things really off the ground. We will all breath a sigh of relief when at last we can be seen to openly work with you. One aspect of your upliftment proceeds regardless of any activities to hold up your progress, and that is the amount of Light being received by you. It is pouring upon the Earth from many sources, many of which are outside of your solar system. You are in a Galactic shift of immense power and by now you are beginning to feel the changes.
The removal of many top members of the Illuminati proceeds, and in general there is a build up to remove others who are their pawns in the political and Government circles. It is going well and will soon open up opportunities to move nearer to Disclosure, and get organized for the advancement of other projects. Believe us Dear Ones, we are well behind those who are carrying the responsibility for getting things really off the ground. We will all breath a sigh of relief when at last we can be seen to openly work with you. One aspect of your upliftment proceeds regardless of any activities to hold up your progress, and that is the amount of Light being received by you. It is pouring upon the Earth from many sources, many of which are outside of your solar system. You are in a Galactic shift of immense power and by now you are beginning to feel the changes.
SaLuSa August 15 2012
Sheldan Nidle - July 17, 2012
13 Akbal, 16 Kumku, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We are here! We come with good news for all! The process of returning you to your sovereignty is starting to reach the point of fruition. We are employing a technology that is resulting in the collapse of the dark ones and their empire, and we fully expect to be able to remove them from their positions of dwindling power. The growing Libor crisis is a sign that the present economic systems can no longer function as they are now generally acknowledged to be rotten to the core. A new system that can be trusted needs to be implemented, and quickly. This conclusion is now favored by most of your economists. Even the staid organs of the press are calling for an across-the-board arrest of the scoundrels who knowingly brought on this financial debacle. The present system has openly shown its hand, and as the crisis grows into a global mess, it can swiftly lead to the dark's undoing. This unraveling will allow us to move forward, clear the cabalists out of the way with recently obtained special court orders, and so complete the move to an entirely new economic system.
Dratzo! We are here! We come with good news for all! The process of returning you to your sovereignty is starting to reach the point of fruition. We are employing a technology that is resulting in the collapse of the dark ones and their empire, and we fully expect to be able to remove them from their positions of dwindling power. The growing Libor crisis is a sign that the present economic systems can no longer function as they are now generally acknowledged to be rotten to the core. A new system that can be trusted needs to be implemented, and quickly. This conclusion is now favored by most of your economists. Even the staid organs of the press are calling for an across-the-board arrest of the scoundrels who knowingly brought on this financial debacle. The present system has openly shown its hand, and as the crisis grows into a global mess, it can swiftly lead to the dark's undoing. This unraveling will allow us to move forward, clear the cabalists out of the way with recently obtained special court orders, and so complete the move to an entirely new economic system.
Sheldan Nidle July 17 2012
Kris Won, March 31, 2012
We would like to take advantage of this opportunity given to us to write a few lines to you, to publicly express our profound gratitude to our Stellar Brethren.
Hello, friends from the surface!
Once again, I am contacting you within the framework of a close communication between the underwater world and the surface world.
Those of my race are brimming with happiness and an indescribable joy for the way the new ocean and sea water situation has developed. And we owe all of this to our beloved brethren from outer space, who, with the help of their amphibious ships and impressive technology have worked very hard - almost without a rest, I would say - in order to help all the inhabitants of our dear blue planet, especially those of us who have the ocean as our natural habitat.
Kris Won March 31 2012
Montague Keen - July 29, 2012
It is exciting, my dear, that so many from all over your world are
connecting with you at this most auspicious time. This is as it was
planned before you returned to Earth; that together, you would restore
your planet to the light of truth and justice. You chose to enter
different countries and races, knowing without doubt, that one day you
would all come together, recognise each other, and work together to
awaken those who are lost in the control system, frightened to think for
2012 is the year that the Transformation must, and will, happen. You will overcome the obstacles which the Cabal will put in your way. Look at them as stepping stones. The Cabal will not go easily. They like their way of life, in control of planet Earth. Some of them may even try to embrace the Light, but most will be defiant to the end. They still see themselves as superior to the rest of you, but nothing could be further from the truth. Many of them are now gathered in London, believing that they will achieve their hearts' desire - a New World Order, with one government for all and the removal of all humans who are not required by them. This is most certainly not going to happen.
2012 is the year that the Transformation must, and will, happen. You will overcome the obstacles which the Cabal will put in your way. Look at them as stepping stones. The Cabal will not go easily. They like their way of life, in control of planet Earth. Some of them may even try to embrace the Light, but most will be defiant to the end. They still see themselves as superior to the rest of you, but nothing could be further from the truth. Many of them are now gathered in London, believing that they will achieve their hearts' desire - a New World Order, with one government for all and the removal of all humans who are not required by them. This is most certainly not going to happen.
Montague Keen July 29 2012
Matthew Ward - June 3, 2012
Light’s progress: evidence delayed in some areas,
obvious in others; Earth on target to enter fourth density; media
reporting; reforms and revelations will be rushed; telepathic
communication precautions; resolution of differing beliefs; psychiatric
patients; some changes early in the Golden Age; information references
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Not only is our love for you boundless, so is our respect and admiration. Your steadfastness in the light has remained strong even though nearly midway into this world-transformational year, nothing that you would consider conclusive evidence has occurred. It is logical to expect that by now the thousands of spacecraft in your skies would be visible to all; crews would have landed in great numbers and been officially welcomed; and turmoil, warring and other violence would have decreased significantly.
2. We have been awaiting these developments along with you, and we have what you could call “bittersweet” feelings about the delay. We know that millions still are winding up third density karma; divine grace is granting to millions more amended soul contracts to transition early with full karmic completion credit; and still more millions are evolving at an accelerated pace by sharing others’ karmic burdens. Yet it is sad for us, just as for you, that the topmost dark ones still have enough influence to cause widespread suffering.
Matthew Ward June 3 2012
Sheldan Nidle - July 10, 2012
7 Caban, 10 Kumku, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We come with much to tell you! Currently, our associates are preparing for the events we have been describing to you. The dark cabal is reeling from some major accusations that are reaching the mainstream media in a number of European nations. These accounts of wrongdoing include the daily fraud involved in setting the interest rates for most of your world. And yet these revelations are only the beginning of what is to follow. Your world is engulfed in a tide of ever-mounting debt that is the result of these self-serving activities, and it is for this and many other reasons that the dark ones have reached the end of their protracted rule upon your world. They have long withheld from you a wide range of advanced technologies and related appliances, and our Earth allies have insisted that one of the first acts of the new governance is to bring these discoveries into the limelight. These technologies can vault your societies forward to a point where first contact makes more sense. Added to our own technology, your now-suppressed devices can reveal to you how best to serve your planet and your fellow humanity.
Dratzo! We come with much to tell you! Currently, our associates are preparing for the events we have been describing to you. The dark cabal is reeling from some major accusations that are reaching the mainstream media in a number of European nations. These accounts of wrongdoing include the daily fraud involved in setting the interest rates for most of your world. And yet these revelations are only the beginning of what is to follow. Your world is engulfed in a tide of ever-mounting debt that is the result of these self-serving activities, and it is for this and many other reasons that the dark ones have reached the end of their protracted rule upon your world. They have long withheld from you a wide range of advanced technologies and related appliances, and our Earth allies have insisted that one of the first acts of the new governance is to bring these discoveries into the limelight. These technologies can vault your societies forward to a point where first contact makes more sense. Added to our own technology, your now-suppressed devices can reveal to you how best to serve your planet and your fellow humanity.
Sheldan Nidle July 10 2012
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