You are about to enter the final stretch of your journey, and very soon to experience a great increase in your levels of consciousness. Most people would agree that this year has passed quicker than any time previously, and after Ascension it will be even faster. We would like to confirm again that progress is also speeding up where the many needed changes are concerned, and you will not miss out on anything that you expected. The timing has never been that critical, and for obvious reasons we look at the period immediately following Ascension. It is a time where our work and that of our allies will not be hampered by outside influences, and we can be more open about it.
Friday, 30 November 2012
SaLuSa, November 30, 2012
You are about to enter the final stretch of your journey, and very soon to experience a great increase in your levels of consciousness. Most people would agree that this year has passed quicker than any time previously, and after Ascension it will be even faster. We would like to confirm again that progress is also speeding up where the many needed changes are concerned, and you will not miss out on anything that you expected. The timing has never been that critical, and for obvious reasons we look at the period immediately following Ascension. It is a time where our work and that of our allies will not be hampered by outside influences, and we can be more open about it.
SaLuSa November 30 2012
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
SaLuSa, November 28, 2012
As you are realising, very few of the long standing predictions for this year have come true and it has been very much a normal year. There is always much happening of a physical nature which goes largely unreported. So it is nice to report that little has happened, that could fulfil the expectations of those preparing for major upheavals and catastrophes. You can take much credit for the outcome, as the vibrations of the Earth have been considerably lifted to what they were just a few years ago. The amount of Light attracted to the Earth has lessened the need for more energetic cleansing. We of the Galactic Federation have also helped by taking part in the cleansing, and generally preventing pollution from becoming worse. That also includes Chemtrails which had the potential to seriously affect all forms of life.
SaLuSa November 28 2012
Sheldan Nidle - November 27, 2012
3 Cib, 4 Yaxk'in, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! At present, we continue in blackout mode. We are busy establishing oversight committees to guide our Earth allies' organizations that are responsible for promulgating the new financial and monetary systems for your new realm. These committees will remain active only for the first six to nine months after the new systems come into force. The fiat financial systems still holding sway around your world are getting closer to collapse. The overwhelming debt accrued by your dark cabal is impinging more and more on the system's day-to-day operations.
Sheldan Nidle November 27 2012
Monday, 26 November 2012
SaLuSa, November 26, 2012
Each day now may provide the first real evidence of what has been happening behind the scenes, that will convey to you the ongoing changes. The media will not handle the "good" news regrettably because it is still controlled. However, your Internet is so vast that you will have no problem in finding references to Disclosure and other anticipated events, and often from those who have a genuine source of information. Yet you still have to beware of some authentic looking websites and reports that are put out to confuse you. When the true announcements are made there will be no doubt in your minds as to their truthfulness. Disclosure is for example of world wide importance, and accordingly it will be down to your leaders to handle it.
SaLuSa November 26 2012
Blossom Goodchild - November 26, 2012
So … another week has whizzed by … ever closer to the end of the year … and My! How this year has flown by. I’m just leaving it up to you … You know best I FEEL …
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Montague Keen - November 25, 2012
The propaganda machine is no longer able to fool the people. Every day it is being exposed for what it is. Their game is up ! Now, they will have to deal with the consequences of their actions. They have destroyed much of what was good in your world. You are gathering the right people around you now to enable you to complete your mission. It will be done. My last words to you, on the night that I passed to Spirit, were "When the timing is right". It is, of course, our timing, not yours.
Montague Keen November 25 2012
Friday, 23 November 2012
SaLuSa, November 23, 2012
To launch world peace all warring has to stop, and if necessary we have the means to ensure that it does. There is absolutely no place for such low vibrations in the New Age. It is in fact somewhat easier to achieve success now, as the rising levels of consciousness are resulting in more souls rejecting anything to do with war. Even some of those hardened veterans are ready to change track and see the virtues of working for peace. They are beginning to see that their calling to protect their homeland, has been insidiously used for ulterior motives. When such people start to awaken to the truth, you know that the Illuminati is rapidly losing its power and control over the armed forces. They are indeed a spent force to what they were, and will not be allowed back.
SaLuSa November 23 2012
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Sheldan Nidle - November 20, 2012
9 Muluc, 17 Xul, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return with news about what is happening on your world. As part of our more direct involvement in Earth affairs, we are asking our allies to begin a blackout period to prevent dissemination of information about the completion of the various projects that we are monitoring, and this blackout's duration cannot be discussed. What we wish to ascertain is why these leaks are occurring. The various cabal-controlled governments use their communication technologies to spy on these projects and we have been forced from time to time to give their satellites and other exotic listening-devices key misinformation.
SaLuSa, November 21, 2012
You have a saying that "time waits for no man" and it is so, as those who are still slumbering are leaving themselves much to understand. It starts with those who do not believe that there is a God, yet blame God for what takes place in the world. We wish that they could see that everyone has been given freewill, and with it you have created exactly what you are experiencing. It would be easy for us to intervene, but in so doing we would take away your chance to see what your actions have brought about. Many still talk of extracting justice as they call it by attacking and destroying another group. They are seemingly unaware or deliberately overlooking the anger and hatred it causes. How many wars does it take for Man to realise that they are non-productive in achieving peace or a lasting settlement. The lesson never seems to be learnt that peace comes with accepting that you are all One, and living in harmony and love for all life.
Matthew Ward - November 20, 2012
No Israel-Palestine war; effects of high vibrations on
bodies, relief measures; US presidential election; vibratory alignment;
Earth regaining balance; civilizations help others by request; ET
assistance on and off-planet; prayer; effects of false information;
giving thanks
Golden Age,
Matthew Ward November 20 2012,
The Illuminati
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Natalie Glasson: Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin ~ Balance as a Tool of Ascension
It is a great blessing to be able to share our love, knowledge and aspects of enlightenment with your
energy at this most sacred time on the Earth. A time of celebration when all that we have been
striving to achieve as a united consciousness is beginning to manifest more fully on the Earth.
Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin,
Natalie Glasso,
omna org
A short notice about the New York conference

The New York conference was a great success! A rainbow group of people from Mongolia, Jamaica, Poland, Canada and other countries has gathered and activated the huge Manhattan vortex for the Light! The Resistance was very active "below the subway". Also our Galactic brothers and sisters greeted us - one of participants had a quite close encounter with a brilliant white triangular craft of the Galactic Confederation the evening before the conference. Victory of the Light is near!
Montague Keen - November 18, 2012
My dear, it is heartening for us to see people waking up to the fact that those who control your world, control your media. This is how they have managed to keep you in the dark about their plans for your world. When you hear the truth spoken on your television, then you will know, without a doubt, that the light has triumphed.
Montague Keen November 18 2012
Blossom Goodchild - November 20, 2012
Well Good Morning! Something I was thinking about the other day … If you are The Overseers of The Overseers … are there Overseers of The Overseers of The Overseers and if so … who are they … what do THEY do and … any chance of a word?
SaLuSa, November 19, 2012
To think that after preparing yourselves over some years in readiness for Ascension, that time is virtually upon you. Suddenly what you have dreamt of has approached near enough for you to get a feel of what it is like to experience the higher energies. Once experienced it is never forgotten as it is an ecstatic feeling of utter joy and happiness, peace and contentment. Imagine being in that state of bliss as normal from one day to another, and free of the lower emotions. It is your true way of living and why those of you who are ready will move out of duality. Some of you have always felt that something was missing from your lives, and now you have found out what it is.
SaLuSa November 19 2012
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Visionkeeper – Lets us be kings
We have hit another slump I fear. People are growing weary succumbing to the battle fatigue and constant barrage of energy expansion from the solar flares. Nerves are raw and on edge, sleep is interrupted, the holidays are coming up and finances are getting stretched. It is time for a pep talk from one who knows all too well the strife that fighting to be victorious creates.
favim com,
king of the jungle,
spiritual world
Oracle Report - Saturday, November 17 - Sunday, November 18, 2012
Saturday, November 17 - Sunday, November 18, 2012
Crescent Moon Phase - Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius
Tzolkin, the Great Being we call the Sun, sent us a great gift Saturday, one that will provide tremendous guidance on our vision quest. From
"A truly gigantic explosion happened on the sun today. Magnetic fields snaking halfway across the sun's southern hemisphere erupted in tandem, producing a prominence so big, it doesn't fit inside this image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)."
Gaia Sophia,
Magnetic fields,
Friday, 16 November 2012
~Atlantis and Lemuria~ And Humanity's Inevitable Awakening~
~Galactic Love Reporter Ashvatha Tree~

Once, long ago, humans were fully conscious Beings, almost God-like in their abilities. They lived in an abundant realm on Earth known as Lemuria. Then, approximately 300,000 years ago, a daughter colony, Atlantis, arose. It was inhabited, primarily, by the Pleiadeans and Centaurians. They had encountered the vast dark multitudes of Anchara, who were most directly responsible for inflicting malicious cruelties upon the Light. These Atlanteans pondered the vile conditions that existed at that time over a wide area of this galaxy. Intrigued by the dark and its ways, they developed an insane desire to emulate its conditions and, eventually, to rule the entire Earth. An essential component of this was the Atlanteans' obsessive wish to enslave humanity in limited consciousness. Slowly, as the Atlantean rulers came to favor these ideas, they authorized a series of grotesque experiments.
Once, long ago, humans were fully conscious Beings, almost God-like in their abilities. They lived in an abundant realm on Earth known as Lemuria. Then, approximately 300,000 years ago, a daughter colony, Atlantis, arose. It was inhabited, primarily, by the Pleiadeans and Centaurians. They had encountered the vast dark multitudes of Anchara, who were most directly responsible for inflicting malicious cruelties upon the Light. These Atlanteans pondered the vile conditions that existed at that time over a wide area of this galaxy. Intrigued by the dark and its ways, they developed an insane desire to emulate its conditions and, eventually, to rule the entire Earth. An essential component of this was the Atlanteans' obsessive wish to enslave humanity in limited consciousness. Slowly, as the Atlantean rulers came to favor these ideas, they authorized a series of grotesque experiments.
Atlantean age,
Atlantis and Lemuria,
Lisa Gawlas ~ Divine Deep In The Sea Of Energy: Active Participation Required! ~ 16 November 2012
What an intense day in the field yesterday! Holy flipping cow batman. Altho, by first blush, you can saying nothing really exciting was shown in the field today, but I think today’s theme really is “Less is More!!”
I knew we underwent another massive shift while I took that little ole day off (the 14th) because staying centered in a reading was putting a serious strain on my “battery pack.” These moments only happen as I try to adjust my own vibrational field to the new field. Talk about a serious gym work out!!
The Pleiadian Alignment of November 16~20, 2012. ~ The Seven Sisters Speak.
The Pleiades Star Cluster in the constellation of Taurus. Called “The Seven Sisters,” there are nine stars included in the open star cluster, as they are joined by their parents, Atlas and Pleione. One of the nearest clusters to Earth, it is 440 light years away, give or take. Some millennia ago, an advanced civilization from the Pleiades star cluster introduced their genetics on planet Earth. They observed the evolution of the species, experimenting with ways to further spiritual development. Atlantis, the ancient Egyptian and Greek civilizations were all Pleiadean projects. Their programmed “energy signature” was encoded and imprinted on DNA, the way fingerprints are left behind when you touch something. This energy signature responds to its own origins, like a radio tuned for one station.
The Pleiades
SaLuSa, November 16, 2012
We notice a great upturn in the amount of Light upon the Earth, and that is to your credit and dedication to have brought so much to it. To some the energies are proving to be too powerful and disorientating. However, as they learn what is actually taking place, they may be able to flow with the energies and experience a higher degree of consciousness. They may otherwise experience feelings of impending change, without being able to determine what is happening. Whatever happens to them be assured that like everyone else, they will take something positive away with them. As we have often stated, every experience is of value to you where your evolution is concerned.
SaLuSa November 16 2012
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Message from Mikos in the Hollow Earth

Message from Mikos in the Hollow Earth
As channeled through Dianne Robbins
November, 2012
A New Golden Age Begins!
My dearest residents on Earth, I am Mikos, speaking to you from the Inner Chambers of the Library of Porthologos located beneath the Aegean Sea deep inside the opening in the Center of the Earth.
Creation ~ The Ecliptic Power of the Solar Seed Alters the Nature of Human Existence
Judith in Chimayo and Sean in Salmon Arm 6 am PST
I can feel energy coming in with the solar eclipse. I was sitting with Sean just now in silence and could feel the power of the solar radiance, as we open to the infinite wisdom of the solar source.
Human Existence,
Power of the Solar,
solar eclipse
Joyous Expectation ~ Message from Archangel Gabriel
Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased and honoured we are to be in your presence today. We applaud you for making the time to come and be here and participate in the massive energies of the group today and, of course, when we say group, we mean not only those who are in the room at this time, but also those who will be enjoying this transmission on your internet at a later time.
Archangel Gabriel,
DECEMBER 21 2012,
energies of 2013
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Sheldan Nidle - November 13, 2012
2 Ik, 10 Xul, 9 Eb

Selamat Jarin! We return with some interesting news. Recently, a flurry of legal activity and agreements concerning the new governance has set the stage for asking our heavenly advisers for a final go-ahead to start manifesting your new reality. Those who have run your world for so long continue to lead your realm toward a series of massive economic and diplomatic disasters. To us, this inevitability is a sure sign that the moment has come for more significant intercession on our part. To this end we have instructed our liaison teams to inform their earthly counterparts about the amount of time remaining before we are compelled to engage extensively with your global situation to prevent a meltdown. Your forms of government and the characteristics of your economic and financial systems lie at the heart of your overwhelming difficulties, and it is clear that these spheres of activity need to be upgraded in a hurry. Europe is near the point of a collapse that is to take down most of the First and Second World's economies. There is no answer to this prospect, as things now stand, except an unspeakable worldwide economic disaster. This alone validates our direct intervention.
Selamat Jarin! We return with some interesting news. Recently, a flurry of legal activity and agreements concerning the new governance has set the stage for asking our heavenly advisers for a final go-ahead to start manifesting your new reality. Those who have run your world for so long continue to lead your realm toward a series of massive economic and diplomatic disasters. To us, this inevitability is a sure sign that the moment has come for more significant intercession on our part. To this end we have instructed our liaison teams to inform their earthly counterparts about the amount of time remaining before we are compelled to engage extensively with your global situation to prevent a meltdown. Your forms of government and the characteristics of your economic and financial systems lie at the heart of your overwhelming difficulties, and it is clear that these spheres of activity need to be upgraded in a hurry. Europe is near the point of a collapse that is to take down most of the First and Second World's economies. There is no answer to this prospect, as things now stand, except an unspeakable worldwide economic disaster. This alone validates our direct intervention.
Sheldan Nidle November 13 2012
SaLuSa, November 14, 2012
The love and peace being established on Earth is growing exponentially, and as each day now passes it is encompassing the whole world. To a greater or lesser degree every soul is being affected by it, and some find it more easy to take into their being than others. So each soul is given the same opportunity for growth into the Light, and to take part in Ascension. However, knowledge of the Ascension process is not necessary to be assured of rising up with it. There are many, many souls that are kind, loving and compassionate who are also ready for such an upliftment. In fact they may have quite a different view of the future, but that does not matter as they will soon adapt to the coming changes.
SaLuSa November 14 2012
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Housecleaning 101 ~ A Message from Archangel Michael
A Message from Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran ~ as received by Ariel DeAngelis
YES! Every now and then every space can use a good reaming! And speaking of holes, tearing new ones… in the fabric of space/time… has been a rather daunting and dirty task recently, BUT (and I know I’m breaking… protocol… here [wink] because we ALL know what “buts” are for [smile]) someone’s got to do it! And so it is that we see fit that our task today is to reveal to you a new(old) way of “cleansing” and “purification” so as to establish a better groundwork for what is to come.
Archangel Michael,
Ashtar Sheran
Monday, 12 November 2012
Montague Keen - November 11, 2012
These words express the importance of what you choose to believe. You can no longer turn a blind eye to what is obviously happening all around you. The Cabal has plans that would shock you to the core. They have followed a carefully planned path to bring about the destruction of your world as you know it. They no longer want or need you.
Montague Keen November 11 2012
Blossom Goodchild - November 12, 2012
Well hello there. I’m back and may I say what a joy it was to have you speak through me at the latest Sedona conference. That was quite something. Thank you. So … where to from here?
Onwards to a place within yourselves that enlightens the spirit. Moving forward to a coexistence with all that is of the purest vibration of Love. You offer of yourselves now a freedom that can be complimented alongside with your determination to make sure that you ‘get this right’. You have for so long continued on in faith and yet we say to you that in days that lie ahead … 'faith’ will not be the order of the day … ‘proof' will.
Proof of what exactly?
SaLuSa, November 12, 2012
Dear Ones, matters have rally taken off with the coming of 11.11. which has opened a portal through which much Light has passed through you and into the Earth. Those of you who set the time aside to work with the Light have not only raised your own vibrations, but those of the planet. It is likely that as a result you felt uplifted and light headed, but it will settle down. Perhaps the most noticeable change within you, will be your recognition of a deeper sense of calmness and peace. As you partake in further upliftments, so you will become even more at One, and others will "feel" the powerful energies that you are sending out. You are now in the time you have been waiting for, and as you look around you will see changes taking place everywhere. It will bring joy and happiness into being, and that again will lift the vibrations.
SaLuSa November 12 2012
Hold On Here We Go! by Patricia Diane Cota~Robles
Hold On Here We Go!
a message from Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Fasten your seat belts. We have ALL been preparing for this Cosmic Moment for Lifetimes. Know that the end result of this amazing ride is going to be glorious. Remember, you already have within you everything you need to fulfill your part of this Divine Plan. Enter your heart and from within the sacred place of the Most High Living God, ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the magnitude of the opportunities unfolding on Earth at this time that will allow YOU to add to the Light of the world.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
It wasn’t even 1AM yet; and there I was wide awake and feeling a rush of highly positive energy. It felt as if the cells in my body were dancing; and I felt amazing joyfulness. Even though I tried to get back to sleep, the feeling of euphoria kept me awake until nearly 3AM at least. I even visualized dancing in the streets at one point, sensing a celebration of victory as people danced like my cells seemed to dance earlier. I finally fell back to sleep for a short while; and now I’m awake and up to do today’s video that I will call Visualizing Victory. It is 11:11 you know. (Lucas: Though Ron said 9/11, it is 11/11)
11 11 2012,
A force for peace has been created. Nurture its budding life carefully. ~ through Ron Head
On this day, eleven- eleven, the portal of eleven- eleven energies is open to its fullest potential. We observe that a great many people have been and will be connecting with each other in meditations and visualizations, connecting with the crystalline grid of the earth mother.
the portal
Friday, 9 November 2012
SaLuSa, November 9, 2012
The long wait is over and Obama is aware of what is expected of him, and is the man for the job. Like every other soul he has been working towards this time in his life, to achieve the main objective of his soul plan. He will soon be set up and able to go ahead with changes that he knows are necessary to take humankind forward. We have been in constant touch with him and he has been frequently briefed as to what his role is. Several legal actions are about to be taken that will see the real start of the removal of the top members of the Illuminati. That will effectively remove the last vestiges of power that they hold, and put paid to their last hopes of holding on. It will then allow a more general clear out of the dark Ones at the lower levels.
Mike Quinsey,
SaLuSa November 9 2012
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Moving toward December 21, 2012
Marcella Martyn
I am here. I am your friend and teacher Isahal. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me this day. I am always happy to teach. There is much to discuss today. Let us begin.
As we all draw near to the end of the old age of the earth, there are now manifest within the grids that surround the earth system influxes of energies from home that will increase as each new day passes.
I am here. I am your friend and teacher Isahal. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me this day. I am always happy to teach. There is much to discuss today. Let us begin.
As we all draw near to the end of the old age of the earth, there are now manifest within the grids that surround the earth system influxes of energies from home that will increase as each new day passes.
DECEMBER 21 2012
The Platinum Flame of Saint Germain through Sharon Taphorn
Working with Saint Germain:
Saint Germain was one of the first masters that I can remember consciously working with as I remember having a reading with Archangel Metatron (that was the first time I had heard of this angel) in the 80’s and he told me that I was from the Great White Brotherhood under the direction of Saint Germain. While I did not particularly like the name of this group, I did check them out and understand that it means a vibration of light. I do however still think there is too much separation of race upon the earth plan for us to assume that name and therefore just chose to explore Saint Germain on my own.
Ascended Master,
Platinum flame,
Saint Germain
11-11-2012 ~ The Eleventh Initiatory Gateway of Light
~ 11-11-2012 ~ The Eleventh Initiatory Gateway of Light
Mp3 download
Elders Transcribe
Invocation to the Eleventh Initiatory Gateway of Light
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,
It is time to take the vibrational frequency of this planet to the next level! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples for the Eleventh Gate activation of 11:11 at the turning point of the second Window of Opportunity:

Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Portal 2012 Conference in Austin
Hello everyone! The Austin Conference with Cobra is just around the corner with what promises to be a very important conference for all of us! It begins this Friday, 11/9 and culminates in a very powerful portal of 11/11!
We are now in the throws of birthing a new world. We have the unique opportunity to set that birth in motion... a new energy...profound entrance to the Golden Age. One of peace. My own guides have told me that we are here to transmute the energy. It may be as simple as that. It begins with a smile, a non-judgmental attitude, an act of kindness, an understanding. What begins in the micro effects the macro. We have the power to change the entire universe in a single second.

Texas carries a unique energy – a vortex of independent pioneering spirits. This is the perfect place at the perfect time to bring the strongest of the strongest of souls to push through the darkness and into the light. According to one seer, “The pyramids in Africa were the first galactic and physical vortexes. Physical vortexes are also in Hawaii, Japan and other places around the world. Those in Texas are the more powerful journeys. They're a little bit newer than those that are from 6,000 years ago, because they are above ground, with a summit that points toward the sky at your galactic brothers and sisters.” Hard to say what lies under those mounds in Texas, but I know that Enchanted Rock outside Austin in the Central Texas region was regarded by the planes of Indians in the Southwest with awe. It’s name, translated from the Tonkowa dialect means, “Glowing, Singing Rock”. In periods of direct sunlight it emanates visible energy waves and a blue green halo surrounds it just after sunset. That is our journey to equally emanate visible energy waves of beauty and peace.
There is still time to join Cobra and all of us this weekend in Austin:
Help us change the entire world in a single breath. Namaste...
We are now in the throws of birthing a new world. We have the unique opportunity to set that birth in motion... a new energy...profound entrance to the Golden Age. One of peace. My own guides have told me that we are here to transmute the energy. It may be as simple as that. It begins with a smile, a non-judgmental attitude, an act of kindness, an understanding. What begins in the micro effects the macro. We have the power to change the entire universe in a single second.

Texas carries a unique energy – a vortex of independent pioneering spirits. This is the perfect place at the perfect time to bring the strongest of the strongest of souls to push through the darkness and into the light. According to one seer, “The pyramids in Africa were the first galactic and physical vortexes. Physical vortexes are also in Hawaii, Japan and other places around the world. Those in Texas are the more powerful journeys. They're a little bit newer than those that are from 6,000 years ago, because they are above ground, with a summit that points toward the sky at your galactic brothers and sisters.” Hard to say what lies under those mounds in Texas, but I know that Enchanted Rock outside Austin in the Central Texas region was regarded by the planes of Indians in the Southwest with awe. It’s name, translated from the Tonkowa dialect means, “Glowing, Singing Rock”. In periods of direct sunlight it emanates visible energy waves and a blue green halo surrounds it just after sunset. That is our journey to equally emanate visible energy waves of beauty and peace.
There is still time to join Cobra and all of us this weekend in Austin:
Help us change the entire world in a single breath. Namaste...
Sheldan Nidle - November 6, 2012
8 Men, 3 Xul, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! Everywhere around your planet, teams drawn from a special coalition of our sacred allies, Agarthans, and our liaison personnel are preparing a grand surprise! The present reality is beginning to experience difficulties as the many timelines that determine how it operates collapse. This massive temporal deconstruction is forcing the dark cabal to realize that the present construct can no longer hold. We have watched these cabalists obstinately refuse any and all proposals to step down and allow your divinely decreed freedom to manifest. Apparently, they still believe that some sort of 'event' can somehow reverse their predicaments and keep them in control.
Sheldan Nidle - November 6
SaLuSa, November 7, 2012
The excitement grows in anticipation of the coming weeks, as the first real step towards Ascension looms near as Obama holds his position in the lead in the Presidential Election. Much is depending on the result, but the people have not been fooled by the antics of the opposition. They recognize in Obama his earnest desire to work for the people, and see his achievements in spite of the attempts to deny them. The tide has turned as people awaken to the truth and are now more intuitive when selecting their leader. There is also a strong feeling that it is time for far reaching changes, that lead you into the New Age.
SaLuSa November 7 2012
Monday, 5 November 2012
Montague Keen - November 4, 2012
My dear, what changes you are observing in this time of revelations. All will be exposed and removed so that only light remains. One thing I feel that I must point out is that those who refuse to accept the reality of the situation your world is in and close their eyes to everything around them, actually become accomplices of the dark. You must learn to embrace change, for nothing can go forward until you do. The Cabal is using every trick in its arsenal to fool you into accepting GM crops, vaccinations, the fluoride in your water supply, etc. NO is just a simple, two-letter word, but it is effective in refusing to be treated like sheep. When you come together and say an emphatic NO, they will not have a leg to stand on. Their game is up. You now see through it and your eyes are open. It is time to take back everything that is yours.
Montague Keen November 4 2012
SaLuSa, November 5, 2012
Dear Ones what a grand assembly of people took place in Sedona, with the coming of the 2012 Scenario Conference. With no hesitation hundreds took off to meet for 3 days, to listen to speakers well known for their dedication to spreading the Light. They were treated to a feast that brought out the love and Light of all concerned, and created a focus for it that spread out all around. It remains as a beacon that calls out to other souls, and signals the intent of raising the vibrations even higher than they were before. It also increases the chance of the first City of Light emerging very shortly. Those dear souls who were involved are true Lightworkers who answered the call to join arms, and bring Ascension to the notice of more people than before.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Many changes are occuring now ~ Hermes
Sirian Archangel Hermes
Greetings fellow beings of light. I thank you for allowing me to enter into your conscious perception and speak with you at this time, in this space. I come to inform that the process of ascension is now becoming manifest throughout most of your planetary sphere, wonderful indeed. Those reading this will know that this monumental process has become something that is entering into more and more of your peoples conscious awareness, in some form or another.
Jesus: You are Progressing Like a Wind-Driven Forest Fire
by John Smallman- November 4, 2012
The strength and intensity of the divine field of Love enveloping you continues to increase as more of you set your intent to accept its embrace, meld with it, and share its benefits as widely as you can.
One of the most effective ways for you to do this is to focus on remembering that another’s attacking or defensive behaviors and attitudes are in fact calls for love and acceptance, calls to which they themselves are most unlikely to be able to respond.
Therefore, respond lovingly and compassionately — albeit silently if necessary — to that call for help. And then offer love to yourselves in honor of the love that you have just shared.
Saturday, 3 November 2012
The Oracle Report ~ Saturday, November 3 ~ Sunday, November 4, 2012
The photo of Kileaua for this weekend’s report carries several different layers of meaning and the layer of life that this energy affects will be different for everyone.
This month we’ve been practicing being a rocky cliff. Well this weekend we are going to stretch ourselves a bit and morph that image into a bigger rocky cliff – a volcano. An eruption of potential is upon us. This is due to several confluences of energy, not the least of which is Venus in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Things have the potential to erupt in the world and in our interpersonal lives, but we are going to follow a different lava flow with this energy.
Updated: Cobra Portal 2012 in Egypt
We have decided to CHANGE our plans for the Egypt 2012 Portal conference at The Great Pyramid. This is a somewhat drastic move at the last minute but we are doing this in order to allow more people to be able to come to Egypt and to be part of this special portal activation on Dec 21st. We are altering our plans radically. Instead of going with a large extended tour package we are going to cut costs and see if we cant get more of our Cobra family to come along.
Friday, 2 November 2012
A New Cobra Interview by Golden Rule
You might want to listen to this new Cobra interview:
Or watch this video about the Masterplan:
2012 portal,
Cobra Interview,
Master plan
Matthew Ward - November 1, 2012
The storm named Sandy that flooded the northeast coast of the United States was not manmade. Mother Earth was cleansing herself by releasing negativity that was especially deeply entrenched in and around New York City and Washington, DC, and transmuting it into light. The Illuminati no longer have access to the technology that for many years they misused to initiate earthquakes and major storms.
Matthew Ward November 1 2012
The Great Dissolution of 2012 A Message from Sananda~ Through Beth Trutwin
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Upon Reviewing all this Information we only found one part which was that our ships crashed. This is simply impossible! We cannot crash as we are not in 3d! Enjoy the Good News Beth Delivers Here, which makes sense! We are always waiting for confirmations to be able to validate events which need to occur anyway! So, We will all See if what she shares here Manifests! We are All In this Together. Love The Earth Allies
he Great Dissolution of 2012 A Message from Sananda, November 2, 2012
Greetings! This is Lord Sananda. There are many areas of your lives in your money system, real estate, the courts, law enforcement, government, medicine, Wall Street, Homeland “Security,” and many others all tied into to these where a grand scheme of keeping Earth as a prison Planet has carried on too long.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Kris Won, October 29, 2012
In the Blessed Name of the Creator of the Universe, and with the approval of the Guardians and Protectors of the channel who is receiving and transmiting what I have to say, I begin this message I have come to deliver to all those who read this.
Kris Won,
Kris Won October 29 2012
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