It is a great blessing to be able to share our love, knowledge and aspects of enlightenment with your
energy at this most sacred time on the Earth. A time of celebration when all that we have been
striving to achieve as a united consciousness is beginning to manifest more fully on the Earth.
soul and your heart knows with great certainty all that you are trying to achieve and the reason that
you are so dedicated to your spiritual growth at this time and in your current lifetimes. Do you allow
your soul and heart to speak of its certainty to you? We believe this would greatly support you at this
time creating a more intense sense of security, if you simply allow your heart and soul the space and
time to speak with you of why you are traveling the journey you experience at this time. We imagine
that the goal of your soul is to connect more fully with the Creator and to experience the energy of the
Creator more fully but as you have certain preference so does your soul. Your soul may also have
other reasons for wanting to experience ascension at this time with personal goals to achieve for
personal soul and soul group fulfilment.
Let yourself first hold the intention of understanding the reason for your soul experiencing ascension
at this time.
Then allow yourself to enter into a peaceful or meditative state. Focus on breathing in and out
through your heart chakra in order to connect with your heart chakra and soul more fully.
Then simply ask your soul and heart to speak with you in anyway it wishes sharing with you its
certainty, all it is trying to achieve in this moment of ascension and the reason for your dedication
and devotion to your spiritual path.
Breathe with complete faith that the answers you require will come with divine timing.
You may be surprised with the insights that come forward to you, whether small or large they will
assist you in gaining greater clarity and understanding in your current reality and perspectives.
We wish for you to understand that your energy vibration is quickening with each day of your
existence on the Earth. Simultaneously at this time the Earth’s vibration is quickening in speed also,
this is causing many to feel a pressure or expectation building within, such as a panic that there is no
longer sufficient time to complete all that is needed. The elemental kingdom and nature kingdoms
are experiencing this quickening as they are united in experiencing ascension with you at this time.
Many beings, stars and planets are sending their vibration and light to the Earth with an intention of
quickening the energy vibration of all. The purpose of quickening the energy vibration is to allow for a
deep and tremendous healing process to take place in a short period of time while connecting and
attuning all to the energy of the Creator with greater intensity. It is as if the quickening of your energy
vibration is akin to a wave carrying you closer to the Creator therefore awakening your being more
fully. An opening of your energy and heart can be achieved at an accelerated speed which would not
occur at a slower energy vibration, it is as if you are being held and carried in light that you wouldn’t
normally absorb but this is awakening you further. At this time it is essential that you remain at peace
and in balance because it may feel as if a whirlwind is occurring around you and within you but it is a
whirlwind of healing, releasing and moments of ecstasy so it could be over whelming for those who
do not allow themselves to remain balanced. We believe that this quickening of energy vibration will
continue for a few months beyond December 2012 but then the energy vibrations will begin to settle
and slow slightly in order to give you a period of recovery, processing and adjustment.
One way of describing what is occurring at this sacred time is to imagine that you are travelling on a
train. Beside the train tracks you are traveling on is another set of train tracks. In the distance you
can see a train traveling in the same direction as your train; you instantly feel that this is your
preferred journey. Everyone on the train feels the same way so you all imagine the train going faster
and so it begins to pick up speed and the train is now travelling so fast that it is drawing up
alongside the other train and there is one window of opportunity where you must take a leap of faith
as two trains move ever so quickly along the tracks. You leap and you make it, feeling tremendous
relief. You are given all you wanted from boarding the train, it was worth the effort and now you have
time to adjust to your surroundings as you continue to travel.
The Earth’s and everyone’s vibration is being quickened so that you can make that leap of faith and
jump with greater certainty and devotion into the arms of the Creator, receiving energies and
insights that you desire with a period after the climax of energies for you to process, recover and
enjoy the new energies that you have accessed.
It is important at this time to not allow the quickening of your energy vibrations to manifest into manic
or unfocused actions and thoughts within your reality. There is a need to realise that the quickening
of energy must be supported by the energy of peace and balance rather than a fast moving pace on
the Earth or in your spiritual practices. So practices of relaxation, meditation, breathing are essential
at this time in order to allow for balance within your physical being and energetic systems to take
place, otherwise you may find that you and your body become more stressed, anxious or
There is a reason and a divine purpose for our energies of Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin to unite
together today bringing forward our message to you. I, Lord Merlin am an overseer of the elemental
kingdom and have deep connections with the Earth. I, Lady Quan Yin, hold the energy of the
goddess and represent the energies of the higher vibrations of the Creator’s universe to you at this
time. As we unite our energies together we represent to you the energy of balance which is so
needed upon the Earth and within your being. Your physical body needs the balance of experiences
of peace as its energy vibration quickens in speed, there is a need for balance between your mind
and your emotions, between your personality and your spiritual soul. There is a need for balance
between your focus upon your connections with the Creator and your connections with the Earth as
well as a balance between material thoughts and actions and spiritual practices. We are asking you
to accept harmony and peace within your reality and being and between all things. If you focus too
intensely on your spiritual practices you will become ungrounded which will not serve you, like wise if
you neglect to make space and time for yourself your stress levels could build causing you to neglect
your spiritual practices and focus. At this time balance is so important, allow yourself to remain
balanced and at one with the Earth and the inner planes, remember that both the Earth and the inner
planes are transforming as are you and so there is a need to remain deeply connected with both
over this sacred time. There may also be a need to observe your thoughts and emotions to realise
whether you are accepting, acknowledging or enacting extremes rather than allowing yourself to be
neutral, at peace and centred within your being. You may even find that your devotion to the Creator
and your spiritual path becomes too intense at this time. It is important to discover where this
intensity is coming from. Through your achievement of balance you will begin to acknowledge and
understand yourself more fully as even this is a process of release, allowing yourself to move with
and in the flow of the Creator, trusting and loving yourself unconditionally while sharing openly with
the Creator.
We have been guided to speak with you today because we both believe that there is a need for you
to become more grounded in your energies. There is a need for you to enter into nature or simply
stand upon the soil of the Earth and imagine your feet being planted deep into the Earth as if you are
a tree. Imagine all the light and love that you are, being shared from your feet chakras into the Earth
and with the soul of Mother Earth. Allow yourself to breathe as if with greater relief and relaxation,
knowing you are safe and loved by Mother Earth. Our beloved Mother Earth wishes you to know that
she is supporting you, your shifts and ascension at this time, she will not fail you in her support and
love for you and asks you at this time to simply relax deeper into the Earth, especially the nature and
elemental energies as well as Mother Earth expansive heart. Not only will this allow you to become
more balanced but it will act almost as a reminder to your soul and entire being of your purpose and
mission at this time on the Earth. By grounding yourself in this way you are not only allowing yourself
to embody all the light that you are and are receiving but you are also bringing yourself back to your
centre and the focus that you need at this time to fuel your spiritual evolvement. This process will
allow for a deeper awakening within your being that encourages you to accept and receive more
light than you ever thought was possible.
In order to enhance the energy and presence of balance within your being Lady Quan Yin offers her
services and energies to be of assistance to you. She asks that you call upon her in meditation to
come forward and to shower you in the energy of balance from the Goddess Realm. As you breathe
in the goddess light you can ask Lady Quan Yin to make necessary shifts within your entire being
and on all levels of your being to bring about a greater existence and reality for you of balance. It may
be that Lady Quan Yin brings your emotions, mind, focus, energy or any other aspect of your being;
expression or actions into complete and absolute balance. It is then important to ask Lady Quan Yin
to bring your entire being into balance with your soul, soul group, the Earth, the inner planes and the
‘Beloved Lady Quan Yin. I call upon your energies and love to shower me in the most
appropriate vibration of Goddess Balance so that I may breathe balance deep into my
being while simultaneously activating it from within me being. Please make the necessary
shifts within my entire being that allow me to exist as and experience the energy of balance
from the Goddess Realm and the Creator.
Please bring my entire being into balance with my soul,
Please bring my entire being into balance with my soul group,
Please bring my entire being into balance with the Earth and Mother Earth,
Please bring my entire being into balance with the inner planes,
Please bring my entire being into balance with the Creator
Let me experience the relief of balance, harmony and peace vibrating throughout my entire
being and reality, allowing for divine and sacred attunements that support me at this
sacred time of growth.
Thank you Lady Quan Yin.’
You may also wish to call upon Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin to bring balance and peace to your
physical body also,
‘I call upon the sacred presence of Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin, I ask that you anchor
the presence, quality and energy of balance deep into my physical body to support my
experience of my energy vibration quickening. Assist me in experiencing the blissful
effects of an accelerating energy vibration in the most balanced, peaceful and harmonious
way. Thank you for your love, support and divine influence.’
Please know within your being and heart how loved you are at this very moment,
We love you unconditionally,
Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin
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