Message from Mikos in the Hollow Earth
As channeled through Dianne Robbins
November, 2012
A New Golden Age Begins!
My dearest residents on Earth, I am Mikos, speaking to you from the Inner Chambers of the Library of Porthologos located beneath the Aegean Sea deep inside the opening in the Center of the Earth.
The Light on the surface is expanding at hyper-speed and exponentially increasing faster than we can believe. You are all in for the “ride” of your lives, racing to catch up in consciousness with your unseen brothers and sisters living inside the Earth. We can hardly wait for your masses to reach our level of consciousness, for this is when our whole Earth explodes into a Star of Great Light, and with one leap you finally reach the 5th dimension where you can see into the Hollow Earth and see us with your new eyesight. You will be so surprised at all that you see around you and up in the heavens that you never saw before.
We are so grateful to all surface dwellers for their receptivity to the Light, and for allowing the Spiritual Hierarchy to keep increasing the increments of Light to the planet. It is only with your receptivity that the Light can so intensely fill your Earth and reach your bodies. Your eons of living lives of limited consciousness are over, and your bodies are gearing for return to full consciousness. You are at the threshold of a new Golden Age, one that is filled with only light and perfection and abundance and one that is destined to last forever.
You are the New Guardians of the Earth as the Cetaceans have passed the torch on to you – and you can finally take it and run with it in complete abandonment and joy. We are your neighbors down in the Earth, but our hearts are as close to you as if we were living next door. Soon our doors will be open to you, and you can come “down” for a visit. We, in turn, will be ringing your doorbell and coming for tea. What a glorious merging of civilizations this will be. There is only hope for a future of Love and Peace ¬- for nothing else can exist. The prophets have prophesized this time for Earth, and now it is here.
The darkness is receding and the power moguls and cabals are retreating. They have been given the order to retreat from their posts of power and control or face the consequences. They will be removed. There will be many changes in store for all the governments on Earth, as the time for the implementation of the Divine Plan for Peace is at hand.

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