
Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Ex-pols assembled for alien ‘hearing’
E.T. has come home — to the National Press Club, that is.
The Paradigm Research Group, the organization behind the White House petition that ultimately earned a dissenting response from the Obama administration, is this week hosting a “citizens hearing” on extraterrestrial life. Set to appear are former politicians such as Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska), Reps. Darlene Hooley (D-Ore.), Merrill Cook (R-Utah), Roscoe Bartlett (R-Md.), Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-Mich.) and Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.). The former politicians are being paid for their appearances.
Video and more:

Egyptian Goddess Maat via Natalie Glasson: The Theory of Balance

Channelled through Natalie Glasson – April 28, 2013
The sun of the gods shines down warmly upon your being, its brightness and vibrancy illuminates your entire being, activating within your being the same sun to emerge.

Your inner sun flows with great purpose and intention from you bathing all surrounding you in essence of the sun, empowerment is brought forward within you and those gathered close physically or energetically present. The sun that shines from within you is a beacon that recognises its counterparts, realising it isn’t the only sun capable of power and radiance in the universe of the Creator. Your sun seeks not to be independent in its radiance but to unite with other sun beacons, merging to become one.

The Recalibration Of Awareness – a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Dear ones, you are moving through a shift that was only a potential and that now begins to be real. With these things, we beg for circumspection and for patience.
There are some who would say it would be better if you didn’t tell the Humans they were succeeding, for they would try harder if they were afraid. Let me ask you something, dear ones: For those of you who have children who are learning the steps of life, would there ever come a time where you would make them afraid so they would do better? The answer is no. Neither does the love of God. This is not false congratulatory energy, but rather congratulations for what you have accomplished, and you can see it all around you. But be circumspect, for these things happen so slowly that you often take two steps backwards and then one forward. The result is that your awareness of growth is limited in perspective.

Ronna Herman – Message From Archangel Michael – The Essence Of Who You Are

Beloved masters, we have told you that “You are the Inbreath of the Creator.”   These are unprecedented times whereby you have the potential to resolve all past karmic issues, to move into harmony with your vaster Being and to be an integral part of our Father/Mother God’s plan for the expansion of this Sub-universe. Are you ready, once and for all, to let go of all the old restrictions, beliefs and limitations that are keeping you from moving out of the quagmire of pain, lack and suffering?  Will you allow your mind and heart to open to the higher wisdom of your Soul and Spirit?  The ethers, or higher vibrational fields of consciousness, are filled with vast  potential just waiting to be molded into your greatest dreams and desires.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Citizens Hearing on Disclosure Schedule

 hearing 22

Citizen Hearing On Disclosure

April 29 To May 3, 2013 – Washington, DC
“If the Congress won’t do it’s job, the people will.”
An event with historical implications will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC from April 29 to May 3, 2013. At that time as many as forty researchers and military/agency witnesses will testify for thirty hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress.
Note: the full Citizen Hearing will be Webcast live on the Internet. Subscribe here.
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race will attempt to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years – seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.
For this reason the motto for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is “If the Congress won’t do its job, the people will.”

Citizen Hearing On Disclosure: UFO Believers To Testify At Congressional-Style Hearings (LIVE UPDATES)

Is the federal government honest about what it knows about UFOs? Are officials suppressing the truth about extraterrestrial visitations?
The federal hearings UFO researchers have been demanding have not yet materialized. But some of the testimony that would be posed at those proceedings will be posed this week to former members of Congress.

To read the rest of this story visit Huffington Post

You are not alone – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn April 29, 2013

You are not alone, my child. You can’t but see us, but you are surrounded with countless helpers – Angels, Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters and my beloved Archangels who are my direct children with the Divine Father. They are all near by. Sometimes you can feel them, scent them, but they are still invisible for you. They are ready to give you every conceivable help that is permitted. They aren’t allowed to act against your life contract but they will guide, heal and protect you. However you know already that they have to respect your free will. They aren’t allowed to act without request. So, don’t be afraid to ask them. They can hear you, I can hear you too, and we are all waiting to hear your call. We are only one thought away from you. We don’t have visiting times, we are always there for you, my child.

~ Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

The Pleiadian Council of Nine: The Influence of the Light is Growing in Every Moment

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Your mainstream media will still not yet report the progress humanity as a collective is making with the purging of the dark souls from your collective society and influence, and this is because such media is still largely owned by those individuals.
You will find in the time ahead that free press is an absolute and just as will be so with your governments, souls in your mainstream media who display malevolent or service-to-self-based agendas will be kindly taken away from their positions and, depending on what their higher selves and their guides wish for them personally, will perhaps be rehabilitated of the negativity that would drive a malevolent perspective.

Higher Dimensional Rehabilitation

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Archangel Raguel Via Bella Capozzi: Breaking Old Vows And Opening To Abundance

As channeled by Bella Capozzi – April 27, 2013

Bella Capozzi:

imageOf all the old blocks and programs that we have to clear, it’s my opinion that the impediments to the manifestation of abundance have got to be the most stubborn! It often seems like a never-ending process, as we try to get free of what hinders us.

While it’s true that the Earth is now occupying a 5th dimensional space and we’re ever so slowly easing into a simpler corresponding lifestyle, the fact remains that we still are in a place where we have to deal with a lot of the old, unpleasant financial issues. This is the latest import from my old blog, and is a message that I received from Archangel Raguel after he appeared to a client and I during a session. I feel his words are every bit as relevant today as they were back in September, when I first heard them.

The Pleiadian Light: Disclosure Update, 2013

Disclosure Update, 2013
The Pleiadian Light through Hannah Beaconsfield

Hannah Beaconsfield (no photo of Heather Crane available)

Our current view regarding the release of information to the public as to the reality of extraterrestrial life is that it is seeping into the common consciousness on a daily basis. This is happening due to the increasing number of individuals on Earth carrying extraterrestrial energy.

The energy is present through the resonance of walk-ins, starseeds, soul braids, bright new expanded children, and the multitude of lightworkers with extraterrestrial past-life connections. They are holding extraterrestrial energies and spreading them by entrainment, conscious interactions, and blending with your world subconscious, which already knows that you have an extended family on other worlds.

Short Update about the Zurich Conference

Despite a strong opposition from the non-physical negative forces this conference was a great success and a major energy breakthrough was made.

St. Germain has led us to purify the etheric matrix structure of the major banks, such as UBS and Credit Suisse and all this has already contributed to some cascading events that assist in exposing the real structure of the financial system to the masses.

The Zurich vortex is now acitvated for the Light and the Goddess is definitely present!

Probably you are already feeling the acceleration that is preparing us for the activation of the portal on May 25th. A special article with more intel about that portal will be posted on my blog soon. We will be anchoring energies for that portal in Laguna Beach and you are all welcome to join us:
After the activation of the portal, a lot of Goddess presence will be needed on the planet to stabilize the situation amidst all the changes and you are all welcome to join us in Hawaii, a major Goddess vortex point for this planet:

Montague Keen - 28 April, 2013

The desire for peace and the return of love must be uppermost in the hearts and minds of all, as the Great Awakening is expanding and gaining strength. Each and every one of you is important. Your future and the future of your planet depend on whatever steps you take at this time. Your planet is being cleansed of the dark energies that ruled over you: their time is up.

There are those who now wish to distance themselves from the Dark Ones. They want to reveal all that was hidden. Many are under siege, prevented from speaking out. The Dark Ones cannot control everyone: only those whose lives are dominated by the television and the so-called newspapers. Foolish people who accept, without question, all that the television presents to them.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Jesus: A Sea Change in the Way Information is Released into the Public Domain is Underway

John’s reading of this post can be heard here:
We are watching with joy from here in the spiritual realms as the divine energies surrounding you all start to really take effect, so much so that even in your mainstream news media some “good news” is being reported, albeit with a certain lack of the overarching enthusiasm that they show when disasters strike! Nevertheless, it is a sign of things to come.

The Good News can no longer be ignored, dismissed, or go unreported. A sea change in the way information is released into the public domain is underway, although that reportage always lags behind when it comes to reporting on the alterations occurring in attitudes, behaviors, and awareness that have resulted in those changes.

Global Awakening to False-Flag Terrorism, Copernican Revolution

 Boston 23
Archangel Michael has said that the explosions were caused by a small group of rightwing extremists with the government knowledgable and complicit. (1)
Global awakening to false-flag terrorism, Copernican revolution
A man grieves for the victims of the April 15 Boston Marathon bombings.
Dr. Kevin Barrett, Press TV, Apr 21, 2013 9:27AM

The global awakening to the ubiquity of false-flag terrorism is a Copernican revolution that overturns the old paradigms about the way societies are governed.

Sandra Walter ~ The Triple Eclipse Gateway ~ Big Opportunities

Sandra Walter in Sedona
I AM off to Chaco Canyon, New Mexico this morning after a GI-Normous Full Moon rise in Sedona, which was quite dramatic over the Red Rocks. I honored the first of this triple-eclipse accelerator from Bell Rock; the eclipse was around 1pm here and the energy was powerful. There is a lot of intel coming in, and I AM doing my best to update when I can while on the road. Another spiral of clouds manifested during yesterday’s eclipse gateway work, along with sudden moments of complete stillness within – the zero point. It’s a remarkable sensation beyond any kind of quiet or everywhere -all-at-once state. Pure Source consciousness.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Tom Kenyon – The Healing Power Of The Human Heart – A Hathor Planetary Message – 25 April 2013

This Hathor Message is pure sound.
In other words, there are no words in this Hathor Planetary Message. It is pure Hathorian sound.
The Hathors’ primary mode of communication and method for imparting transformational information has always been through their catalytic sound work.  These pure sound-forms activate non-ordinary states of body and mind that we can use to access the multi-dimensional realities of our existence.
That, in a nutshell, is why their sounds are so potent.
Directly experiencing our multi-dimensional nature is not only freeing to the mind and heart, it can rapidly impart new insights, heighten creativity and inspire spiritual courage.

FULL MOON-ECLIPSE UPDATE 4.25.13 ~ Lena Stevens & Patricia Liles

~ Lena Stevens
The Full Moon is Thursday, April 25 at 1:58 PM Mountain Daylight Time. The Full Moon comes with a Lunar Eclipse (the first of three) making this indeed a potent time.
It is a time to connect more deeply with who you are and what you need and desire at this time for your life.
You will be tested. Is this what you really want? If so, the time for manifesting is now.
The opportunities for expansion and growth are truly amazing and you should spend some good time praying for what you want.
Appreciation for what you have is important as well as gratitude for your life.
This is a time to honor anything that has happened in a big way in your life even if it is challenging.

The Secret Space Program

Time has come to finally release some intel about the secret space program. The hidden purpose of the secret space program was to set a stage for the Draconian/Reptilian takeover of the planet. The takeover attempt has failed and soon the Light forces will clear the last vestiges of the Draconian control of this planet - the Cabal.

The secret space program has started in Germany immediately after the end of World War I:

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Sheldan Nidle - April 23, 2013

7 Akbal, 11 Kank'in, 9 Eb
Dratzo! This moment in your history is a truly precious one! You stand on the edge of a cascade of events which will quite suddenly change your world forever. Mother Earth is now at that watershed which we have mentioned to you before and she is about to merge her two now-separated realms into one. This great and sacred shift is to happen very shortly. The dark cabal that runs your dark surface world still cannot believe that its reign over your world is coming to an end. After all, there are only faint signs that this is happening. Arrests are being made and parts of their inner circles divested of power, yet their rule continues. 

Sirius Premiere: What Did You Think?

Just a reminder: You can now view Sirius via the site at any time you choose.  Click on the link below or the video image in the top right hand margin.
Dr Steven Greer’s much-talked about documentary featureSirius had its world premiere last night at the Regal Cinemas in The Premier House Theatre, Los Angeles, USA.
To those who attended the premiere or have now viewed the film online, we’d love to hear what you thought. Please send us your review via the Contact Us form with Sirius Review in the subject line. We’ll be publishing a selection of reviews on our film information page for others to read.
If you haven’t yet seen Sirius, you can still do so here on the site. Golden Age of Gaia, through the Nova Earth Foundation, is part of the official Sirius Affiliate Program which means you can watch the film at anytime you choose. Find out how you can watchSirius via Golden Age of Gaia here.
Meanwhile, if you purchased the film and had any difficulties viewing (which we sincerely hope wasn’t the case) or have any technical questions, please contact the film’s distributor, Yekra, at If you think you may not have received your connection details or password info, don’t forget to check your Spam box

Melchizedek ~ The coming days and more specifically, the energies of the eclipses

April 24, 2013
Greetings dear ones. An extremely uplifing and beautiful time is just around the corner for all of you due to the upcoming eclipses arriving in the course of 1 month (april 25th, partial lunar eclipse, May 10th annular solar eclipse and May 25th penumbral lunar eclipse). They will surely bring about much in your reality, even more than has been the case up until now, and everything builds slowly but surely up to your genuinely real reality which unfolds itself from your heart and from your inner Self.
What is currently unfolding on your world can be compared to a coin that shows both sides occasionally. As is commonly known, everything happens for a reason and can be viewed from both sides and they both are playing out in such a way that everything can be brought back to order. The enjoyable as well as the less enjoyable experiences must be allowed in order to get breakthroughs causing some hardship for many hearts in incarnation in these times of Ascension.

Dana Mrkich ~ The Ecilpses : God Time ~ 24 April 2013

The Eclipses: God Time

As I re-read a text message I’d just sent about the upcoming Lunar Eclipse (April 25/26) I had to have a little chuckle. Instead of saying ‘good time for inner healing’, the auto spell-check had changed it to ‘god time for inner healing.’ Indeed it is.

We’re now in the vortex of an Eclipse period as we gear up for this week’s Lunar Eclipse on 05° 46’ Scorpio,  the Solar Eclipse on 19° 31’ Taurus (May 9/10) and a Lunar Eclipse on 04° 08’ Sagittarius (24/25 May).
Super quick astro lesson for anyone interested: All of the above points are somewhere on the ‘clock’ of your astrological natal chart, which is a snapshot of where all the planets where at the exact moment of your birth, among other things.  You can get a free copy of your natal chart at to see where the above Eclipse points fall for you. Eclipses are particularly impactful on your life if they occur on or very close to one of your natal planets or a significant point in your natal chart eg Ascendant, North Node. However, we are all touched in some way by eclipses because all of us have the astrological degree they occur on somewhere in our charts.

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Sananda – 24 April 2013

I am Sananda here this day to speak with you through this one. It is a time of coming together and renewing resources that are very much always in our midst. It is a matter of bringing it all together in an intermeshing of love and understanding of what is taking place in our energies these days.

As I speak, so too do you, and in that speaking forth you attract the essences of which you speak. It is a matter of being in the now and addressing that, which is in your face in the now. When you are feeling as if you are overwhelmed by the circumstances that are in your face and all around you, it is a matter of sitting back, taking a deep breath and bringing to mind something that is lovely, that brings you joy at the thought of it, and stirs the wonderfully peaceful feelings that can then bring you into a state of bliss. This will then allow you to flow forth in your life into the power that you have and the ability that can work miracles in your life.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Jennifer Hoffman: Awake in a Sleepy World

As a child I had a recurring dream in which I was the only person alive in the world. I walked through quiet streets, looking for people, but no one was there. It was a scary dream because I was very alone and there was no one to talk to or take care of me.

Now, as an adult, I know that this dream related to what many Indigos and Crystals experience, being awake in a world that is partly or totally asleep. This knowing is experienced as feeling very alone, unsupported, misunderstood and without strong, deep connections to like-spirited people. By being born awake we’re very aware of others’ state of sleepiness and since we’re unable to connect to them, we feel very much alone.

Celia Fenn ~ Archangel Michael: The New Earth Energies

Beloved Family of Light, in this time of intense Shift and Change, and Emergence, you are feeling the Turbulence of the Birthing of the New Galactic Human within the New Golden Rose Galaxy. You are becoming accustomed to the New Energies and the Frequencies of the New Reality. We would like to say to you that coping with this New reality is very Simple if you remember just One Thing – that Everything is Energy and Frequency!
It’s All About Frequency!
Finding your bearings in this New Reality and finding Peace, Harmony and Abundance is a Simple Matter of Frequency. It is a matter of Aligning with and Resonating with the Frequency of Divine Love and Compassion, the Frequency of Divine Creative Intelligence that flows from the Divine Heart.

Awaken to the truth of who and what you are. Through Ron Head

dawn over the horn

Our focus today will be on focus.  For a very many reasons this is important for you at this time.  It is a critical tool in your toolbox, both for achieving your objectives of raising your energy and frequency, and for your protection, allowing that to happen in the best and easiest way.

 We ask you to focus, to a much higher degree, upon your path and upon your intent to always, in every moment, be feeling good.  We ask you to focus on finding more and more ways to feel good about yourselves.  We ask you to focus more and more on feeling unconditional love for all around you.

Monday, 22 April 2013


Montague Keen - 21 April, 2013

On this, the anniversary of your return to Earth, we in Spirit wish you a very special day with your family. You were blessed, my dear, with a caring and supportive family. I am happy to be part of it. It is my soul family.
We watch the chaos in your world. The cabal is becoming careless in its desperation to hold control. Because people are now awake and aware, they cannot be fooled so easily anymore.

Judith Kusel ~ Electromagnetic Cosmic Storms ~ Heart, Spinal Cord Energies

There are immense changes happening in the stratosphere above the Planet, and then electromagnetic storms are wreaking havoc within the solar system.
The reflective rays of the sun, which is now breaking up, into multiple new parts, as the Milky Way Galaxy is going through a massive rebirthing, this is affecting then all the electromagnetic fields in and around the whole solar systems, Universes and in fact the whole galaxy.

We have to understand that we are never apart of the greater whole. Whatever happens in the macrocosm will happen in the microcosm.
As above – so below.

Short Situation Update

Many people are wondering what is the situation regarding the Event and what is the reason for all delays.

As I have said many times, the Event can not happen until the non-physical negative forces are dealt with. Removing them requires a lot of hard work without immediate spectacular results that many are expecting. The Light forces had a plan to trigger the Event in 2012 inside one of the Windows of Opportunity. That would require conscious cooperation and a degree of unity inside the Liberation movement on the surface of the planet. As you all know, that unity did not manifest and in addition to that, certain key individuals made wrong decisions in crucial moments, as it often happens within the surface population.

The Light forces beyond the surface of the planet have thus chosen a more waterproof approach that does not rely so much on the surface population.  They are removing obstacles one after the other until the situation in ripe for the Event to occur. This approach takes longer, but it is much more certain to be successful.

Until the breakthrough, the non-physical Archons are still manipulating the Liberation movement on the surface of this planet. Current Keenan/OPPT soap opera is a very good example of that. None of these two groups has any real geopolitical power so you can disregard their conflict entirely and rather focus more on what you yourself can do to assist in the planetary liberation.

Many people are also expecting the RV to happen any day now. This is not how the transformation of the financial system will happen. The Reset will happen only at the Event and the exchange rate between currencies will not change drastically. To refresh your memory, you can read this article about the new financial system:

Sunday, 21 April 2013

HILARION'S WEEKLY MESSAGE 2013 April 21-28, 2013

Beloved Ones,
The times that you are living in are wrought with both the greatest of challenges and the greatest of blessings. As the third dimensional energies are no longer being supported by the very atmosphere surrounding the Earth, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hold the denser energies in your personal energy fields. There is a boomerang effect that is occurring whereby those who harbor and hold the denser energies are finding that it comes back to them intensely magnified and this energy sometimes erupts in ways that are difficult to comprehend by the greater community.