
Thursday, 25 April 2013

FULL MOON-ECLIPSE UPDATE 4.25.13 ~ Lena Stevens & Patricia Liles

~ Lena Stevens
The Full Moon is Thursday, April 25 at 1:58 PM Mountain Daylight Time. The Full Moon comes with a Lunar Eclipse (the first of three) making this indeed a potent time.
It is a time to connect more deeply with who you are and what you need and desire at this time for your life.
You will be tested. Is this what you really want? If so, the time for manifesting is now.
The opportunities for expansion and growth are truly amazing and you should spend some good time praying for what you want.
Appreciation for what you have is important as well as gratitude for your life.
This is a time to honor anything that has happened in a big way in your life even if it is challenging.
Look at it instead as spirit presenting you with a big energy.
It is not the event itself but what you do with it and how you proceed that will determine whether or not you are on the right track.
Practice moving any fear you have towards excitement and enthusiasm.
Trust that spirit has handed you exactly what you need regardless of how you may define it as positive or negative.
And keep moving forward.
Remember that where you focus is what will gather momentum.
If you feel stuck, clean something out!
ASTROLOGICAL NOTES: Written by Patricia Liles
Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse Sun in Taurus 5º ~ Moon in Scorpio 5º
Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 1:58 PM MDT (7:58 PM Greenwich Mean Time)
It's eclipse time! We are gifted with three eclipses in a row spanning Full Moon to Full Moon. So much can be accomplished using these portal alignments with strong intention. Expect an initial lunar eclipse at this Full Moon, a solar eclipse at New Moon May 9, and another lunar eclipse at the next Full Moon on May 24. If we can stay grounded and on center, this will truly push us onward and upward on our evolutionary path. If conscious awakening is important to you, then this eclipse period is like a wise, old teacher appearing at your doorstep. We are given the opportunity to be challenged by a master who will engage us as deeply as we are willing to go and provide the lessons that will stretch us and facilitate our growth and evolution. Cosmic energies are heightened during eclipse because the Earth, Sun and Moon are coming into a perfect alignment. Here at the lunar eclipse, the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon blocking the Sun's light from the receptive Moon, and we see the Earth's shadow cross the face of the Moon. A recalibration takes place, we realign our emotional bodies, our shadow material is made visible, a sloughing off of the old can manifest.
Eclipses can occur near the North or the South node; this group occurs with the South node (an inferior conjunction) and that emphasizes what we have brought in from the past and where we need to release, surrender and forgive what has gone before. We are collectively breaking the container of two thousand years of consciousness dominated by the will and moving our focus to the heart where cooperation, support and connectivity are waiting to pour into us.
This Full Moon and eclipse occur on the Taurus/Scorpio polarity. Our issues of physical security and transformative power are brought to the fore. Venus rules Taurus, and in this stubborn, yet loving fixed, earth sign she endows Taurus with the desire to illuminate the senses and experience the pleasures of physical embodiment. The sensuous Goddess of Love says, 'show me beauty; let me savor the sights, the flavors, the sounds, the smells, the joys of incarnation. Let me gather around me those I value and love'. Self-esteem and resources of all kinds fall under the rulership of Venus. Our financial and material manifestations are under Venus' rulership. We've just recently passed through tax time, so most of us have had to consider our material and monetary positions in detail. Pallas Athena is within one degree of ruling Venus. Invoke Athena to bring you wisdom, strategy, clear-sighted planning and skill to your material situation. With these two goddesses so close to the Taurus south node we are able to eliminate our limited framing of personal prosperity, break the old, restrictive container of havingness and expand into the flowing river of creativity. But that takes courage, just what Mars sitting within 1º of the Sun in Taurus is willing to provide if called upon.
The Full Moon in Scorpio sits with stern Saturn. There may be a feeling of isolation, keeping one's feelings to oneself, or emotional discontent in the background. But in the bigger picture, the Moon is involved in a Grand Trine in receptive and emotional water signs along with Ceres, the Mother Goddess, well placed in Cancer to nurture and support us, and Neptune, the source of our compassion and link to the mystical (or addictive) aspects of life. Let your heart open wide to embrace all aspects of the feminine.
The general configuration of the chart is actually more than a Grand Trine (which can contain so much ease that there is no movement, just a sensitive, dream-like state or reverie) ~ the configuration actually is a Kite with the Sun/Mars at the apex, and a Kite gives a much more focused, practical and productive energy. If you are sincere in wanting to uproot and eliminate some aspect of your life that is holding your creative forces hostage, with strong intention you can realign yourself to express more of who you are. Turn up the volume, break the mold, and express more of the outrageous, courageous love that you are. Bring God joy!
The tension in the chart comes from asteroid Juno squaring the nodes. Juno is ruler of all committed relationships and partnerships. Her intent here is taking us forward with balancing the masculine/feminine polarity within us and between us. Tension continues as the Sun opposes Saturn on April 28 and when Mars exactly opposes Saturn on April 30. There can be a lot of physical tension in Mars/Saturn; don't get stuck in holding tension and building up irritation. Best use is put it to work on some big project and exert physical effort.
Full Moon in Scorpio brings to bear the nature of death, transformation and rebirth. We will be acutely aware of our fears and vulnerabilities now. Yet, if we are able to face our shadowy material and clearly assess where we are attached to false securities that so impact our true creativity and intuitive voices, we can claim more of our power and expression in the world. A wise doula (midwife) spoke in ceremony about that mysterious time during birth when the cervix begins to soften, transition takes place, and the actual movement of the new being through the birth canal begins. That softening cannot be rushed; it comes in its own time, and it precedes all movement. This eclipse period is your softening, you are transitioning into an even greater way of being, you are disengaging from what has been your secure, yet limited environment and with total faith, trust and the discomfort of surrender, you can lead the way to a more conscious way of life.
04/19 Sun enters Taurus
05/01 Beltane-midpoint between Spring/Summer also celebrated on May 5 (exact 45º midpoint)
05/09 Solar eclipse/New Moon Taurus 19º 6:29 PM MDT
05/20 Uranus square Pluto (third of five)
05/24 Lunar eclipse/Full Moon Sagittarius 4º 10:26 PM MDT
Written by Patricia Liles (


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