A new archetypal human has been birthed. We did all the hard laborious and deep work to engage with our new selves. There’s still more.
Our Cosmic Soul is uniting with our human form. Our Cosmic Soul or Quantum Soul is the animating force over lighting what we call the soul. So there is a spiritual force that is derived from particles of color, light, sounds, atoms, and subatomic particles. This is what is happening to us, right here on our gorgeous planet earth. She is a Cosmic Being also traveling in an upward spiral to join her Cosmic Quantum Soul as well.
She has been shedding, purging, and burning away material that no longer serves her. We are as well. As she does, we do too. There is no end in sight until all has been raptured up. We thought we were done. However, there is always more. Just when we thought we were relatively complete with our transformation and integration new pieces appear. All is in perfect timing. This is complex. We are a member of a Cosmic Family contained within billions of galaxies and enmeshed with extraterrestrial lifeforms.
We are just now beginning to understand our past, our future and our now selves in this one moment along an ever changing timeline. It is a timeline ever changing as we are accelerating at light speed don’t forget. What we do, it does. We are leading this shift. With every ounce in our being and with every thought, movement and action we take. We do not need to look outward as the alchemy is present within us. We are Masters coming of age all at the same light speed time.
A new archetypal human is being birthed; this is who we are unrealized.
We are forming ourselves into our new cosmic constitution. One that is determined by our birthright, our original configuration, that has by design been in a deep slumber, much like a master in hibernation and preparation for the birth of a new cosmic cycle. That cycle is here. We are fully in gear and we are hurling through time, where there is only one way to take the journey and that is by yielding to what is in motion. We said we would do this and be here and there is no place for turning around–think Titanic. Way too big to turn around going at this speed.
Today I have merged with all aspects of my multidimensionality. I have known such a profound, pervasive and patient guiding force with me from my inception. We contain soul particulates of our cosmic origins that evolve with us as we awaken. We are assigned one or more Guardians to facilitate our transformation into our Future Selves. We awaken to a spiritual maturity if you will, a maturity that enables us to grasp what is true and what is not. My story is the story, it is our collective story, the story of our primordial history.
No human is excluded with regard to this, the differences and contrasts of one soul to the next is simply delineated within the individual template. I refer to this as the Living Light Template. It is the template that holds that point one percent of our DNA. Each human entity is in fact, birthed through the same matrix, or cosmic womb. The term Matrix is derived from the Latin meaning; maternal mother. We are a being of complexity; a piece of a supreme matrix or mold, consisting of finite material and ennobled particles mixed up as human/divine elements.
Today we are living in a period of marvelous gestation. It is the enlivening of our energetic template that unlocks the access to our human/divine instrument; to unrestricted territory within the realm of light present within us.
We consist of particulates of one ubiquitous matrix ever recreating itself. How stunning this is!
In joy and love, I am, Unity Soul
In the Sanctuary of Enlightenment, A Story of Birthing the Divine/Human
Christina Fisher Copyright 2012
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